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Pelham Primary School


Year 5 Home-Learning Activities

It was lovely to see Doves in and around school over the past couple of weeks. We hope you enjoyed your day in school. This week we welcome Drakes. Group A are in on Monday and Group B on Tuesday. We cannot wait to see you all. Please remember to bring in: a water bottle; a bag to take things home in, any school resources, such as whiteboards, library books, rulers, etc, your home-learning book, with a couple of pieces of work chosen that you are particularly proud of, to share with us all. 

There are just two days left of this term. Try to complete any of the activities that you have not yet managed.

The Year 6 teacher have loved seeing your biographies. If you haven't yet done so, do send it to your new teacher teacher, via their year6homelearning e-mail address.

As your time in Year 5 ends, we would just like to say that we are incredibly proud of the resilience, positivity and maturity which many of you have exhibited during these challenging times. We are so proud of you and we think that you should all be exceptionally proud of yourselves!


Do leave an end of school year message for each other.


Week Beginning: 13th July 2020

Day 1

1) Maths  To identify, describe and classify shapes based on the properties.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English - click here to read about this week’s English activities and see what you need to complete today.


3) Art - To design an illuminated letter.

Finish the illuminated letter which you began to design last week, adding colour to make it look as close to an Anglo-Saxon letter as possible.
Day 2

1) Maths –  To identify regular and irregular polygons by reasoning about equal sides and angles.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English- Create a biography about yourself.


Read this week's accompanying instructions to understand more.

3) FrenchClick here to see what activity Madame Sharkey has planned for you this week. Use this powerpoint to help you.


Day 3

1) Maths – To describe the properties of quadrilaterals.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English – Write a letter to your new teacher.


Read this week's accompanying instructions to understand more.

3) Science – I know what different gestation periods are for different animals.


Our final lesson is about animal gestation so for a bit of fun, research as many weird and wonderful animals as you can and find out their gestation periods. Create a graph of the animals you’ve researched, presenting their gestation periods. Pick your most interesting animal or piece of research and put it on the Year 5 blog!


Day 4

1)  Maths - To identify, describe and classify 3D shapes based on the properties.


Click here to visit the website.

2) EnglishWrite a letter or design a poster for next year's Year Fives.  


Read this week's accompanying instructions to understand more.

 3) P4C- Kindness


There are several instances of kindness in The Railway Children- how many can you remember and name? Now think about how many acts of kindness you have done for people around you during lockdown. Discuss it with your family or friends. Write them down and count how many you’ve got.




Day 5

1)  Maths – To identify, describe and classify triangles.


Click here to visit the website.

 2) Computing – L.O: I can improve my typing skills.


Work through Level 3 and Level 4 on this website, which will teach you how to touch type.

3) Reading- Read a recipe of your favourite yummy treat and then ask an adult if they can help you make it!




Day 6

1) Maths- complete the activities you have been set on mathletics, which have been specifically set to review some of the units we have covered in Year 5. 2) PE – Work through this page of activities on Outdoor Adventures. The KS2 activities are on page 3 but pick any of the sheets which you feel confident with.


There will be no more PE trackers but keep up with your exercise! Good for the body and the mind!

3)Grammar- Use this BBC Bitesize website to review any remaining grammar techniques which you are unsure of. Watch the video and work through the quizzes for as many as you need to review.

Week Beginning: 6th July 2020


1) Maths  To convert miles and kilometres.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English - To understand what the features of a Newspaper Report are.


This week you will write a newspaper report about one of the main events in The Railway Children.
Work through this video to recap and understand the main features of a Newspaper Report.

3) Reading Comprehension – Work through this video and complete the Reading Comprehension based on Newspaper Reports.


4) PE – Work through this page of activities on Cricket. The KS2 activities are on page 3 but pick any of the sheets which you feel confident with.


Don’t forget to add it to your PE tracker! Remember, email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the year5 home-learning email address, marking it for attention of Mrs Cullen so we can have a look.


1) Maths –  to convert between grams and kilograms.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English- To understand how to use direct and indirect speech.


Watch this video and complete the included activity, to revisit, practise and develop your understanding of the difference between direct and indirect speech, to use in your report.

3) Science – I can identify the changes that occur in old age.


Click on this powerpoint and use these cards to complete the activity.

 4) Computing – L.O: I can improve my typing skills.


Work through Level 1 and Level 2 on this website, which will teach you how to touch type.


1) Maths – To convert units of mass.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English – To plan part of my own Newspaper Report.


Decide which event from the Railway Children you will report on. Then, work through this video, which will take you through the planning stages for your Railway Children Report, from the name of your newspaper and headline, to the structure you need to use.Only have a go at the spelling test part if you feel you need to recap your use of silent letters.

Plan to have at least two of your paragraphs planned by the end of this session.

3) PSHE – Use this link to take a quiz and watch a video (starting at 1:45) to understand what the Black Lives Matter movement is and why it is so important. Then, have a go at the activity at the end- creating a poem of hope about what you have learnt.

 4) Grammar-

Pick one of these pages and complete the grammar activities on it, where you will need to improve or 'upscale' the sentences.


1)  Maths - To convert between pounds and kilograms.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English - L.O: To finish planning my Newspaper Report.


Having watched yesterday’s video, either rewatch it, or work through the slides to finish planning your newspaper report, ready to write tomorrow.

 3) R.E. - To understand that the bible has a long history of translation from early manuscripts.

  • First, look at this powerpoint for today’s lesson.
  • Next, look at this webpage, clicking on the sub-heading ‘Development’ to learn more about William Tyndale.
  • Finally, complete the activity outlined on the final slide in the above powerpoint.

 4) French - Describing planets


Read these instructions

Then use this presentation to help




1)  Maths – To apply measure and conversions in context.


Click here to visit the website.

2) English – L.O: To write my Newspaper Report about The Railway Children.


Using the practice you have done this week and the plan you wrote yesterday, write your own newspaper report about one of the main events of The Railway Children.



3) Art - To design an illuminated letter.

Look at this powerpoint on illuminated letters and look at these examples. You can also google some images of your own.

Using the first letter of your own name, start to design your own illuminated letter with a pencil.

You will finish this next week.

 Golden Time!




 Other activities you could do....

  • After completing your first touch typing sessions, ask a member of your family to read out a few sentences and time how long it takes you to type. Repeat this over the week and see if it gets quicker. You can then do this again next week once you've completed the next levels.
  • Design another illuminated letter. This could be for a sibling, someone in your family, a friend, or for your own surname!
  • Watch a version of Newsround on BBC IPlayer to hear the features of a newspaper report, when the news is being reported. Can you magpie any ideas?
  • Log onto Linguascope to have a go at some French activities.
  • Have a look on David Walliam's website.
  • Check out this cool website, Wonderopolis,  that Year 3 has found – it asks as many questions as it answers!
  • For those of you who are missing football, FIFA has released some World Cup games from its archives #WorldCupAtHome
  • Watch this video, which highlights how being kind to others actually improves your own mental health.  You might also want to check out this video.
  • Rubik Cube challenge. This is the ultimate in classic brain teasers if you're looking for a new challenge. Check out this tutorial from Wired as it leads you through a step by step process to crack the cube. For those of you who are confident Rubik cubers, check out speed cubing for that next level challenge.

Week Beginning: 29th June 2020


1) Maths  click on this link to find a Maths mystery sporting challenge, linked to Wimbledon, which would have started this week!

Each day, complete a page of the booklet to solve the problems, until you find the reveal the mystery of the whereabouts of the hidden kit! Each page is linked to some previous learning we have done and the answers are given on Friday. Good luck!

2) English - Look at these Sports Day words which have been scrambled up- can you work out what they are and write them correctly?

Now, think of your own words to scramble up. Give them to someone in your family to have a go at!

Challenge: Can you write a whole sentence where every word is scrambled up- see if anyone can read what it is supposed to say!


3) Sports Day- choose some activities from the list of 15 on the Virtual Sports Week web page, to have a go at. Don’t forget to watch the video and see if you can ‘Beat the Teacher’! Your whole family can join in with you too- maybe you can create a family leader board!




1) Maths –  Complete Clue 2 today, based on finding equivalent measures. Don’t forget to keep track of your answers, ready for Friday!


2) English/ P4C – Read this question:

Would you rather be an unfair winner or a fair loser?

Discuss it with someone in your family.

Then, read this story of Sports Day In The Jungle. Write a paragraph about the story, stating whether you think it was fair or unfair and why. You might like to include situations where something fair or unfair has happened to you and how you managed to resolve it

3) Sports Day- choose another few activities to have a go at today and see how well you can do! Don’t forget to take photos and challenge your family. You can even challenge your friends by adding the activity you complete and your score to the Year 5 Blog!





1) Maths – Complete Clue 3 today on Measuring Angles. If you don’t have a protractor at home, use this link to use an online protractor, or, have a go at estimating the angles.

2) English – Read through this power point, telling the traditional tale of The Tortoise and The Hare.

Can you create a short tale of your own, based on two animals and an aspect of Sports Day that you would like to write about? Maybe you could even add a moral of your own!

3) Sports Day- which activities will you attempt today?  Maybe you will have a go at the 65 Challenge, celebrating Pelham’s 65th Anniversary! Don’t forget to send us in your photos - see the email address above.


We would love to see what 65-inspired activity you come up with! 



1)  Maths - Complete Clue 4 which is about prime and composite numbers. Use this website to remind yourself about prime and composite numbers if you need to.

2) English - Can you create an acrostic poem, using the letters in Pelham or any other words related to sports, and any adjectives which represent the activities, attitudes and principles around Sports Day. Have a look at this example and this example to help you. Decorate it neatly and then send it in to our Year 5 email so it can be added to our Virtual Sports Day web page!

 3) Sports Day- have a look at the remaining activities. If you think these are too hard, see if you can revisit some of the earlier challenges and either make them more challenging, or try and set a personal best for your family to beat.






1)  Maths – Complete the final page- Clue 5. This is testing your knowledge of shapes.

Once you have finished, briefly revisit all of the answers you have so far, to check them, and then click here for the answers!




2) English – Click on this link to find a reading comprehension about Jessica Ennis- Hill, one the UK's top female athletes. Choose either the */ **/ *** sheet, depending on how confident you feel with the text and questions. The answers are at the bottom, but no peeking until you’ve finished!!


3) Sports Day- Congratulations! you have almost completed you Virtual Sports Week! See if you can complete the remaining activities and if not, choose from one of these activities instead:

  • Create your own mini activity.
  • Complete a reflection, with your comments on the activities and how you got on.
  • Revisit previous activities and try to beat your own personal best score, or that or a family member!

Remember- send in any pictures you’ve taken, so they can be added to our Virtual Sports Day and 65th Anniversary web pages!

 Golden Time!


Take a break from all the fun sporting activities you have completed this week. There are some quieter activities listed underneath this week’s timetable which you could have a go at. And don’t forget that you can add some irrelevant information to our blog!



DRAKES: Google Meet


Our meeting will start at 2:00pm


Click here to join the group


  • Remember to mute your microphone on entering.
  • We will not be using the chat messaging during this call


Please remind yourself of the Google Meet Guidance

Other activities you could do....

  • Create a piece of artwork to do with this week's Sports Week!
  • Create a Family Leaderboard of all the activities in our Virtual Sports Week, but remember, the adults may need to start with a handicap to make it fair!
  • Design your own Sports Day Medal. You can either use this design and colour your own creation onto it, or you can design your own medal from scratch!
  • Complete this fun A-Z sheet and see if you can think of a sport or sportsperson, for each letter of the alphabet!
  • Have a go at this sports day word search- can you find them all?
  • See if you can print this Sports Board Game out and play it with someone in your family!
  • Enjoy some mindful colouring with one of these sporting colour sheets.
  • Using this youtube clip, follow along with this father and son duo, to draw a picture of a gold medal. You may want to search for other sports related items which they draw, such as a football player or a bike, and have a go at those too!

Week Beginning: 22nd June 2020


1) Maths  To convert between seconds, minutes and hours.




Click here to visit the website.

2) English - Recap the main points of the story of the Railway Children. You can do this as a story map, flow chart, bullet points, or any other way you feel is appropriate.


3) Topic – Look at this sheet to explain the investigation you are going to conduct. Look at slides 12 – 14 of this power point to help you but you may also want to conduct extra research of your own.


4) PE – Work through this page of activities on Tennis. The KS2 activities are on page 3 but pick any of the sheets which you feel confident with.


Don’t forget to add it to your PE tracker! Remember, email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the year5 home-learning email address, marking it for attention of Mrs Cullen so we can have a look.


1) Maths –  To solve problems involving converting between hours and minutes.



Click here to visit the website


2) English – LO: To answer questions about the story.

Click on this power point. Read through the instructions on how to answer the questions using Point, Evidence, Explain (PEE) technique. Then have a go at using this to answer the questions at the end of the slide, in your books. If you are stuck, use this resource instead, as it has the answers, which you need to combine in the right order to form the PEE answer.

3) Science – This lesson you will focus on creating graphs to present results. Work through this powerpoint, then answer the questions in the sheets below. Use this data sheet to help you.


Remember you can either pick the * star sheet, ** star sheet or *** star sheet.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2


 4) Grammar- Pick one of these pages and complete the grammar activities on it, where you will need to improve or 'upscale' the sentences.



1) Maths – To convert between units of length.



Click here to visit the website

2) English – L.O: To identify how language has changed over time.

Read through this power point, discussing the language in The Railway Children. With this sheet, print out and highlight, or simply read and write down, any words you don’t understand and research their modern meanings.


Now, look at this extract and see if you can translate it into modern language, in your books.

3) P4C – look at this powerpoint and watch the videos, before discussing the question with someone in your family.


 4) French - This week you will continue the work you started on  The Planets


Read these instructions

Then use this presentation to help


1)  Maths - To apply length conversions to problems.



Click here to visit the website

2) English - Watch the movie of Railway Children. Use the link below to watch it on youtube.


Link 1

 3) R.E.- Read through this power point and complete the activity at the end in your books.


 4) Music – Follow this lesson on Oak Academy to explore Emotions in Music.





1)  Maths – To find the perimeter and convert units of measurement.



Click here to visit the website

2) English – L.O: To write a character profile for one of the main characters.


Work through this power point to help you create your profile.


When you’re finished, send it in to the Year 5 email FAO Mr Woolton OR Mrs Cullen. You might even want to show it, during your class meet later this afternoon!

3) Reading Comprehension – Complete this comprehension based on Cassie the Commentator. This will be the last one on Cassie the dog.


 Golden Time!



DOVES: Google Meet


Our meeting will start at 1:30pm


Click here to join the group


  • Remember to mute your microphone on entering.
  • We will not be using the chat messaging during this call


Please remind yourself of the Google Meet Guidance


Drakes: Yours will take place next week. So keep an eye out.

Other activities you could do....

  • Share your thoughts on the blog. This could be to do with advice you have received, your opinion on The Railway Children, or which train you prefer!
  • Use your login details to complete some Mathletics activities or TT Rockstars challenges.
  • Create a piece of artwork to do with next week's Sports Week!
  • Use some of the language from The Railway Children to see if you can write a paragraph for someone in your family to try and read.
  • Write a daily/weekly timetable

  • 100 things to do in The Great Indoors, as recommended by Bear Grylls, Chief Scout

  • A selection of books online

  • Complete a Raving Review sheet and send it, via Home learning to Mrs Lyne
  • Make a list of the books you have read and organise them according to genre. Which genre most captures your attention or gives you most enjoyment? Post your answers on the blog!

Week Beginning: 15th June 2020


1) Maths  To identify and describe reflections.



Click here to visit the website.

2) English - Following on from our Skills Builders project last week, click here to have a go at a fun writing challenge, based on board games.

Send this piece of work into us, at our Year 5 home learning e-mail.

3) Grammar- Pick one of these pages and complete the grammar activities on it, where you will need to improve or 'upscale' the sentences.


4) PE – Work through this page of activities on Athletics. The KS2 activities are on page 3 but pick any of the sheets which you feel confident with.


Don’t forget to add it to your PE tracker! Remember, email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the year5 home-learning email address, marking it for attention of Mrs Cullen so we can have a look.


1) Maths –  To describe reflections using co-ordinates.


Click here to visit the website


2) English – This half term, we will be studying the children’s classic novel The Railway Children by E. Nesbit. Today, read at least the first four chapters of the story. If you don’t have access to the book, click on one of the links below, to read it online.

Link 1

Link 2

This link is a BBC audio version.


Please read or listen (or both) to the story this week. Do not watch the film yet. It is important to read the story first.

3) Science – To understand the features of the human life cycle.


Read through this powerpoint on the different stages of the human life cycle. In your book, create your own human life cycle diagram.


 4) P4C – This week is Refugee Week. Look through this powerpoint and this video, and this discuss it with someone in your family.



1) Maths – To reflect shapes along axes.



Click here to visit the website

2) English – Continue reading The Railway Children by reading the next four chapters.


3) French - This week Mme Sharkey has set you a task based upon some work we have previous done in science - The Planets


Read these instructions

Then use this presentation to help

 4) Topic - Look again at this slides 1 – 12 of this powerpoint to recap what you have read in the last few weeks. Have a look at this powerpoint about the key invaders and create a profile of either Vortigern, Hengest or Horsa. Use this sheet to help you.


1)  Maths - To reason about reflection



Click here to visit the website

2) English - Continue reading the next four chapters in the story.


 3) R.E.- To understand that the Bible is a holy book which forms the basis of the Christian faith.


Read through this powerpoint about the bible and watch this video for a fun song to help you learn the books of the Bible. Create a fact page in your home school books, with as many facts and books of the bible that you can remember.

 4) Music – Using this activity on the Oak Academy pages, have a go at Singing In Harmony.




1)  Maths – To make links between reflections and translations.


Click here to visit the website

2) English – Finish the remaining chapters of The Railway Children.



3) Reading Comprehension – Complete this comprehension based on Cassie the Commentator.


Golden Time

You may like to finish the week by sharing some irrelevant information. 


  • Some of you might like to play Connect 4 against a family member, or the computer.
  • Here is a great site, Chrome Music Lab, linked to music, to get you being creative

Other activities you could do....

  • Complete this Science Wordsearch
  • Try and create your own word search using the books of the bible.
  • Write a daily/weekly timetable

  • 100 things to do in The Great Indoors, as recommended by Bear Grylls, Chief Scout

  • A selection of books online

  • Complete a Raving Review sheet and send it, via Home learning to Mrs Lyne
  • Make a list of the books you have read and organise them according to genre. Which genre most captures your attention or gives you most enjoyment? Post your answers on the blog!

Week Beginning: 8th June 2020


1) Maths  An Introduction To Translation


This week, we start a new maths topic: Geometry: Position and direction. Its focus is on describing and representing the position of a shape following a reflection or translation, and will revisit some work you have done on coordinates.


We are also using a new website, called the Oak Academy, so we hope you enjoy the topic. Click here to visit the website

2) Skills Builder (1) – Researching board games


In this session you will consider what you do or do not like about particular board games.


Click here for the presentation

3) Skills Builder (2) – Create your own version of a popular game


In this session you will see how board game designers adapt themes to a range of audiences.


You will then design your own version of Snakes and Ladders


Click here for the presentation

4) PE – Following on from last week, think about a way to improve your game based on the feedback you had last week from your family. Think about the game itself- could you make it more exiting or more challenging? Or maybe you need to make it easier! Were your instructions clear or do they need to be improved?

Once you have amended your game, teach it to your family again and ask them for more feedback. Did you improve from last week?


Don’t forget to add it to your PE tracker! Remember, email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the year5 home-learning email address, marking it for attention of Mrs Cullen so we can have a look.


1) Maths – Describing translations


Click here to visit the website


2) Skills Builder (3) – Design ideas


In this session you will consider:

  • Theme
  • Target Audience
  • Maths Challenge


Click here for the presentation

3) Skills Builder (4) – Create a draft version.


In this session you will consider:

  • The overall design of the game
  • Pieces you might need
  • Rules of the game


Click here for the presentation



1) Maths – Describing positions and coordinates


Click here to visit the website

2) Skills Builder (5) – Counters and props for your board game.


Revising properties and nets of 2D and 3D shapes, will help you decide the type and size of any additional equipment you might make for your game


Click here for the presentation



1)  Maths - Describing position after translation (1)


Click here to visit the website


2) Skills Builder (6) – In today’s session you need to:

  • Make the playing board
  • Type or write up rules
  • Create any playing pieces
  • Finish any question cards
  • Added any extra features


Click here for the presentation

 3) French - If you would like to do some additional French, Mme Sharkey has sent this link for a very entertaining video (song and dance) for a potato!!!




1)  Maths – Describing position after translation (2)


Click here to visit the website

2) Skills Builder (7) – In today’s session you will consider what elements of skill and luck are in your game.


You will play your game and reflect on the successes and things you might have improved with it.


Click here for the presentation


We would love you to send examples of your work to the Year5homelearning e-mail, and we will give you some feedback.


You might even share it in your Google Meet session which is coming up next!

DOVES: Google Meet

Your session will start at 1:15pm


Click here to join the group


Please make sure you have read the GoogleMeet Guidance document

DRAKES: Google Meet

Your session will start at 2:00pm


Click here to join the group


Please make sure you have read the GoogleMeet Guidance document

Golden Time

You may like to finish the week by sharing some irrelevant information. 


  • Some of you might like to play Connect 4 against a family member, or the computer.
  • Here is a great site, Chrome Music Lab, linked to music, to get you being creative

Other activities you could do....

  • Write a daily/weekly timetable

  • 100 things to do in The Great Indoors, as recommended by Bear Grylls, Chief Scout

  • A selection of books online

  • Complete a Raving Review sheet and send it, via Home learning to Mrs Lyne
  • Make a list of the books you have read and organise them according to genre. Which genre most captures your attention or gives you most enjoyment? Post your answers on the blog!
Additional Resources


100 high frequency words

200 high frequency words

Years 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Years 5 and 6 statutory spellings


100 Square

Multiplication grid

Fraction wall

Easier fractions work

Week Beginning: 1st June 2020


1) Maths – Rounding Decimals


Continuing to use the White Rose Maths Home-Learning site, over the next week, you will continue working on decimals.


Follow this link to Year 5 – Week 2 – Day 1. (Not to be confused with the Summer Term tab. The one you want is toward the bottom of the page) Click on the + sign to see the activities for today and the week.)


Watch the video and complete the activities as instructed on the video. Either print out or copy them into your book. Answers to the tasks are also available.

2) English –  Continuing the work started before half term on narrative poems, this week you will be looking at (and learning about) The Highwayman. Use this presentation to help you


You will start by trying to understand what the story in the poem is and then answering some questions about it.


Some possible answers have been provided.

3) Topic – Create your own version of one of the types of Anglo-Saxon jewellery, shown in these pictures and these. (Part 1 of 2 lessons)


Visit these site to read a little about Anglo-Saxon jewellery

Anglo-Saxon Facts



If you do not have many resources, draw your own version, using colour and focusing on the repeating patterns found in Anglo-Saxon designs. If you are able, you could make your own piece of jewellery, use playdough to make your own sculpture or sew and create your own tapestry.

4) PE – This week and next week, your PE will be linked to our upcoming topic for Skills Builders, which will be to design a board game.

This week:

create a game for your family to play. You could take inspiration from one of the MSSP activities on Youtube, and even create your own activity video!  Delivering the rules is important so write them down if you think you'll get confused. After you've played the game, think about how it needs to be improved or developed. Did anyone ask questions about the rules because they didn't understand? Was the game too easy/ hard? Was it a good length or could it be made into a longer/ shorter game? You'll need to be clear on these answers for next week's lesson so write them down if you need to, or, in MSSP style, record what happened in a video to watch back next week!  Put the ideas you came up with onto our Year 5 Blog to share with and inspire others! And don’t forget to add it to your PE tracker! Remember, email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the year5 home-learning email address, marking it for attention of Mrs Cullen so we can have a look.


1) Maths – Order and compare decimals


As yesterday, follow this link to Year 5 – Week 2 – Day 2. (Click on the + sign to see the activities for today and the week.)


Watch the video and complete the activities as instructed on the video. Either print out or copy them into your book. Answers to the tasks are also available.

2) English - Use this presentation to guide you through some work on the language features of “The Highwayman.” It focuses on similes and metaphors.


Then, have a go at this Similes and Metaphors sheet


Example answers are here.


There is further activities on similes and metaphors here

3) Science – To research and draw the life cycle of an amphibian


In this session you are going to research and draw the life-cycle of an amphibian. This sheet gives you a starting point, looking at frogs, but you can choose another if you choose.


And just for something completely weird, have a look at this!!

4) Topic - Complete your own version of one of the types of Anglo-Saxon jewellery, shown in these pictures. (Part 2 of 2)


1) Maths – Understand percentages


As yesterday, follow this link to: Year 5 – Week 2 – Day 3. (Click on the + sign to see the activities for today.)


Watch the video and complete the activities as instructed on the video. Either print out or copy them into your book. Answers to the tasks are also available.

2) English - Continuing the work around the Poem, “The Highwayman”, you are going to use this presentation to think about the motives and rights and wrongs of some characters actions.


You can post your ideas onto the Year 5 Blog

3) PSHE – Jigsaw – My Relationship with Technology: Staying Safe and Happy Online


This is the last session on staying safe online. Use the presentation help you think about an online safety poster for the blog or website.

4) Reading 20 minutes of reading, using a book of your choice. Don't forget Oxford Owl, or Storyline for fun alternatives! This week, ask someone in your family to give you some quick fire questions about what you have read.



1)  Maths - Percentages as fractions and decimals


As previously, follow this link to: Year 5 – Week 2 – Day 4. (Click on the + sign to see the activities for today.)


Watch the video and complete the activities as instructed on the video. Either print out or copy them into your book. Answers to the tasks are also available.

2) English - Thinking more about the characters actions and motives, using this prompt you are going to write, as two of them, explaining and justifying (giving good reasons for) your actions.


You could role-play your ideas with a family member first and write down the answers that you gave.

3) RE - Complete your research on how Faith has influenced one of these people and present it in any way you choose. Please send it (or a photograph) to the Year 5 home Learning email address (see above) and mark it for the attention of Mrs Cullen or Mr Woolton. We will then look at it and give you some feedback

Oliver Cromwell


Mother Theresa 

Bear Grylls

Someone in your family!

4) Music - Using this activity on the Oak Academy pages, you will explore pulse and rhythm.



1)  Maths – Equivalent Fraction, decimals and percentages


As yesterday, follow this link to: Year 5 – Week 2 – Day 5. (Click on the + sign to see the activities for today.)


Watch the video and complete the activities as instructed on the video. Either print out or copy them into your book. Answers to the tasks are also available.

2) Grammar - Pick one of these pages and complete the grammar activities on it, where you will need to improve or 'upscale' the sentences. To help you remember what the terms mean, click on this link to the school's glossary page. 

3) Reading Comprehension 

Before completing this week's comprehension, look back at any mistakes you made last week and familiarise yourself with new vocabulary which will help you.

4) French - Mme Sharkey has set you the following task to complete this week.

Golden Time

You may like to finish the week by sharing some irrelevant information. What did you get up to over the half term?


  • Some of you might like to play Connect 4 against a family member, or the computer.
  • Here is a great site, Chrome Music Lab, linked to music, to get you being creative

Other activities you could do....

  • Write a daily/weekly timetable

  • Record some of the other learning/activities you've done, not based on this timetable.
  • Have a go at some of the well-being activities (see menu on the right hand side of page)
  • 100 things to do in The Great Indoors, as recommended by Bear Grylls, Chief Scout

  • A selection of books online

  • Complete a Raving Review sheet and send it, via Home learning to Mrs Lyne
  • Make a list of the books you have read and organise them according to genre. Which genre most captures your attention or gives you most enjoyment? Post your answers on the blog!
Additional Resources


100 high frequency words

200 high frequency words

Years 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Years 5 and 6 statutory spellings


100 Square

Multiplication grid

Fraction wall

Easier fractions work

Week Beginning: 25th May 2020 - Half Term

Anglo -Saxon Project: Undertake a piece of research and present it, in any form you wish.

Create a comic strip for The Jabberwocky.

Katrina and Ben have prepared a quiz on the Year 5 Blog for you to have a go at. The quiz will become active on Monday 25th May. The answers will be posted at lunchtime on Friday 29th May.

Mme Sharkey has sent in a video link for a recipe for a fruit-inspired dish. A brochette de fruits. Send photos of triumphs and disasters to the Blog. Click here to view the video.

After the half-term break we will be completing a Skills Builder activity, around designing and making a board game. It would be great if you saved some card/carboard ready for this. Also, why not take the opportunity to play some board games with your family this half-term.

Post comments on the Year 5 Blog, especially after looking at other children’s work.

The amount of work we are seeing being sent into the blog is fantastic. What we want to encourage you to do now is leave comments about each other's work. Remember the peer-marking that you all do so well in class? Well, let's get that going on the blog. However, PLEASE make sure you take care over your sentences, including punctuation, capital letters (especially for names!)

 Mrs. Cullen, Mrs Greer, Mme Sharkey and Mr Woolton.