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Pelham Primary School


Year 4 Home-Learning ActivitieS 

A final welcome to the home learning page for Year 4! 

It was great to see Nightingales back in school last week and we are really looking forward to having Nuthatches in school for their return days this week! Please remember to bring in: a water bottle, a lunch box if you do not have school dinners, a big plastic bag to take your work home, class/library books, any school resources borrowed such as rulers, sharpeners etc and a piece of work/example of a new skill you have learnt that you are particularly proud of to share.

There is only one day of home learning for this week because Nightingales will have one day from last week to catch up on and Nuthatches will be in school for one day this week!

A HUGE well done to everybody for trying your best with all the home learning and a big THANK YOU to your adults for helping! We know it was a very different Summer Term to what we all expected but you have all been BRILLIANT and we are so PROUD of all you have achieved!

As the school year draws to an end, we would like the children to take time to reflect on the amazing learning and progress they have made. Please look back through their home-learning books and celebrate all the fantastic learning that has taken place during their time at home. 

The school website will be returning back to normal over the summer holidays and the home learning emails will be shut down so please return back to emailing the office if you need to contact the school.

CONGRATULATIONS for finishing Year 4, we hope you have a WONDERFUL summer holidays and GOOD LUCK next year!

Miss Vautier and Mr Chesher

Week Beginning: 20th July

Summer 2 Week 8

Last Day of Activities!!!




Complete this transition booklet all about you!




Pick some activities to complete from this summer themed maths booklet. (There are loads of great activities to do here so you can always complete some over the summer if you fancy it!). Here are the answers for you to check through your work!



Produce a piece of art showing something(s) you have enjoyed doing over lockdown such as spending time with your family, home learning, baking, cycling, playing in the garden/park etc. You can choose how you do this, it could be a picture, a collage, nature art (like we did at Sayers Croft), a painting or something else! Use your creativity!



Have a go at this fun “Would you rather” quiz with your family!


Week Beginning: 13th July

Summer 2 Week 7

Monday 13th July 2020



LO: I can explain who founded Hinduism and where


Have a look at where Hinduism was founded, and where it is today by looking at this PowerPoint. You might find this world map helpful!



LO: to compare and classify quadrilaterals


Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – 2D shapes (lower) then watch the videos called “Quadrilateral Song” and “Rectangle song”. Then have a go at the “quadrilaterals quiz” under activities.


Answer at least one box of questions from the activity sheet and then mark your work using these answers.



LO: to show comprehension of a non-fiction text


Following on from the “Black Lives Matter” movement (a protest trying to make sure that black people are treated equally and with the same kindness and respect as white people), this week’s reading will continue to be based on important and influential black people.


Click here to find out about Nelson Mandela. Read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work.

Most should do Challenge 1 (*) which starts on p1.

If you want to give Challenge 2 (**) a go it starts on p6.


Please ask an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky.



LO: I can explore ways to change the pitch of a sound


Work through the lesson in this PowerPoint. There are some links you will need to access for today’s work in the PowerPoint - so watch out for the blue underlined words!

Tuesday 14th July 2020



LO: I can explain the main beliefs in Hinduism


Have a look at the main beliefs in Hinduism by looking at this PowerPoint. Try not to rush this activity, as you will find a lot of information and it will be easy to skip over some if you are not careful.



LO: to identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes


Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – symmetry (lower) then watch the videos called “Folding Shapes” and “lines of symmetry”


Print out this activity sheet or carefully draw your own shapes using a ruler. 

Cut out each shape and use the folding technique to work out how many lines of symmetry each shape has. Draw on the lines of symmetry using a ruler and dotted line and stick in your book.


If you have a small mirror you could check your work.



LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Group 1 Spelling List

Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words



LO: To play on linguascope


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week.

Wednesday 15th July 2020



LO: To investigate ways to absorb sound


Work through the lesson in this PowerPoint. You will need some different materials for an experiment in this lesson!



LO: to identify lines of symmetry


Work your way through this PowerPoint. Then watch this video on symmetry in nature.


Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint for your activity.




LO: to show comprehension of a non-fiction text


Click here to find out about some important Black American sports stars. Choose a challenge, read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work.


Challenge 1 (*) p1

Challenge 2 (**) p7

Challenge 3 (***) p13


Please ask an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky.



LO: to find out about the percussion section of the orchestra


Read and complete the activity sheet from Sally, our music teacher.

Thursday 16th July 2020

Nightingales Group A in School

(complete these activities on Friday 17.7)



LO: I can explain which places are special to Hindus


Work through this PowerPoint and identify places that are special to Hindu people.



LO: to complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry.


Go through this PowerPoint on symmetrical Rangoli patterns.


Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – symmetry (lower) then watch the video called “Symmetry in Rangoli Patterns”.


Have a go at creating your own Rangoli pattern using these instructions (you can use baking paper instead of tracing paper). Create a symmetrical pattern your own way if this is too challenging! Have a look at these examples to help you.




LO: to show comprehension of a non-fiction text


Click here to find out about Dorothy Vaughan. Read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work.


Please ask an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky.




Use this great resource

to give you inspiration for different activities you could do at home.


Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen.


Friday 17th July 2020

Nightingales Group B in School

(complete these activities next week on Monday)



LO: I know about some of their special Hindu festivals


Think through a few of the different celebrations that are special to Hindu people using this PowerPoint, and use this grid in your book (or print if you can) to understand more about them and compare how they are similar and different.



Complete the three activities set

LO: to draw symmetric patterns using a variety of media


Experiment with symmetrical computer-generated art using this amazing website. Change the settings and colours to see what great patterns you can create!


Complete the activities set on Mathletics.



LO: to show comprehension of a non-fiction text


Click here to find out about Mae Jemison. Read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work.


Please ask an adult to help you with the reading if are finding it tricky.




LO: to assess your understanding of the orchestra


Complete this quiz booklet all about the orchestra from Sally, our music teacher.

 Other Activities


 60 Second Activity Challenges

Try a few of these physical activity challenges


Make a Balloon Powered LEGO Car!

Why not use the things you have at home (doesn't even have to be LEGO!) and try this idea!


David Walliams Readings

Click here to listen to the next instalment of Awful Auntie


Jamie Oliver Recipe Ideas

Have a look here for some easy cooking ideas that you could try with your family!

Week Beginning: 6th July

Summer 2 Week 6

Monday 6th July 2020



LO: To describe and explain sound sources


Work through this PowerPoint. You will need this resource to help you.




LO: to compare and classify triangles


Work your way through the PowerPoint.  Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – 2D shapes (lower) then watch the video called “Triangles”.


Choose and complete a challenge on the activity sheet

Challenge 1 (*) on p1

Challenge 2 (**) on p2

Challenge 3 (***) on p3

Then mark your answers.



Following on from the “Black Lives Matter” movement (a protest trying to make sure that black people are treated equally and with the same kindness and respect as white people), this week’s reading will all be based on important and influential black people.


Click here to find out about Rosa Parks. Read the information on p1, answer the questions on p2 and p3 and then mark them using the answers on p4.


Please ask an adult for help with the reading if you need it.



LO: to listen and appraise a piece of music


Watch this video by Sally our flute teacher.

Read and complete the activity sheet that goes with it. Then check your work using the answers.

Tuesday 7th July 2020



LO: To explore the symbolic language used by in the Bible (e.g. I am the good shepherd)


Have a look at this worksheet and work through the activities.



LO: to design an outfit depending on the weather


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week. Click here for the PowerPoint.




LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Group 1 Spelling List

Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words



Imagine your story has been published by a publishing company, and you need a poster to tell people that it will be coming soon. Use these instructions to create your very own promotional poster as a graphic designer!


Use this to help with the layout and the images.

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Please complete this questionnaire online today!



LO: To explain how different sounds travel


Work through this PowerPoint. You will need this resource to help you.



LO: to compare and classify triangles


Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – 2D shapes (lower) then watch the video called “Triangle Song”.


Complete two different diagrams on the activity sheet by printing it out or draw your own triangles and diagrams if you don’t have a printer.


Extra: Play “Go Fish” with your family members using these cards (or make your own).  The aim of the game is to make pairs of triangles, saying the name and properties of the triangle as a pair is made. Deal five cards to each player. On their turn the player asks the player to the left for a card. If they have it, they hand it over, if they do not they say ‘Go Fish’ and the player takes a card from the pile in the middle. The first player to collect five

pairs wins. 




Click here to find out about Michelle Obama. You will need to read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work. Choose either:

Challenge 1 (starting on p1)

Challenge 2 (starting on p7)

Challenge 3 (starting on p13)



LO: To continue drafting a promotional poster about your narrative 


You now need to think about your use of colours, fonts and any other features or highlights of your poster. Think eye-catching colours! What will you choose to use to help you to sell your narrative?


Use this to help with the colours and the text.


Here are some examples.

Thursday 9th July 2020



LO: To consolidate knowledge of Jesus and reflect on your own response to what we have found out about him.


Look through your book about your learning based on Jesus and create a presentation of what you now know. Have a look here for some helpful tools on summarising your thoughts.



LO: to compare and classify quadrilaterals


Work your way through the PowerPoint. Login to the espresso website  using the details sent by parent mail, go to KS2 – Maths – 2D shapes (lower) then watch the videos called “Quadrilaterals” and “Line Lizard Song” .


Choose and complete a challenge the activity sheet

Challenge 1 (*) on p1

Challenge 2 (**) on p2

Challenge 3 (***) on p3

Then mark your answers.




Click here to find out about Ruby Bridges. You will need to read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work. Choose either:

Challenge 1 (starting on p2)

Challenge 2 (starting on p6)

Challenge 3 (starting on p12)


Please speak to an adult if you have any worries or questions about this topic.



LO: To create your promotional poster


Using your draft from the last few days, make your poster. You might like to do this on a computer or by hand in your book. However you choose to do it, make sure that it catches the attention of the people you want to read it!


Friday 10th July 2020



Use this great website

to give you inspiration for different activities you could do at home.


Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen.



Complete the three activities set on Mathletics.


Spend 15 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars including in “Garage/Gig” for individual practise or “Arena” to play against your classmates. In both sections the tables have been set individually.



Click here to find out about Marcus Rashford. You will need to read the information, answer the questions and then mark your work. Choose either:

Challenge 1 (starting on p1)

Challenge 2 (starting on p7)

Challenge 3 (starting on p13)




Watch this clip. What are your initial thoughts of the lady? And what are your initial thoughts of the man?


How would you react if you were the lady before getting on the train? How about if you were the man at the end of the clip?


Do you think the man is a good person? Why or why not?

 Other Activities


 60 Second Activity Challenges

Try a few of these physical activity challenges


Make a Balloon Powered LEGO Car!

Why not use the things you have at home (doesn't even have to be LEGO!) and try this idea!


David Walliams Readings

Click here to listen to the next instalment of Awful Auntie


Jamie Oliver Recipe Ideas

Have a look here for some easy cooking ideas that you could try with your family!

Week Beginning: 29th June

Summer 2 Week 5

Monday 29th June 2020



LO: To understand the structure of a Cinquain poem and to write one.


Use this PowerPoint to learn about a Cinquain poem, and to practice making your own!



Click on this link to find a Maths mystery sporting challenge!

Each day, complete a page of the booklet to solve the problems, until you find the reveal the mystery of the whereabouts of the missing sacks! Each page is linked to some previous learning we have done. Today you must solve clue one based on place value! Good luck!


If you find this too difficult, have a look at this booklet instead – the same rules apply!

Sports Day!


Choose 3 activities from the list of 15, to have a go at. Don’t forget to watch the video and see if you can ‘Beat the Teacher’! Your whole family can join in with you too- maybe you can create a family leader board!


Click here to get to the website!



LO: I can respond to a French story


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week.

Tuesday 30th June 2020



LO: To understand the structure of a kenning and to write one.


Use this PowerPoint to learn about a Kenning, and to practice making your own!



Complete Clue 2 today, based on problem solving. Don’t forget to keep track of your answers, ready for Friday!




LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Group 1 Spelling List

Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words

Sports Day


Choose another 3 activities to have a go at today and see how well you can do! Don’t forget to take photos and challenge your family.


Click here to get to the website!

Wednesday 1st July 2020



LO: to identify and sort materials into electrical conductors or insulators


Watch this video.


Use these instructions to do a virtual investigation about which items are conductors or insulators of electricity.


Make a list of items in your book that will conduct electricity (lets the electricity flow through) and things that are insulators (things that do not allow electricity to flow through). Can you research some more items for each list?



Complete Clue 3 today on bar charts. Make sure you write down your answer to the clue at the end!

Sports Day!


Which 3 activities will you attempt today?  Maybe you will have a go at the 65 Challenge, celebrating Pelham’s 65th Anniversary! Don’t forget to send us in your photos- we would love to see what 65-inspired activity you come up with! 


Click here to get to the website!



LO: to learn about the brass section of the orchestra


Read and complete the activity sheet from Sally our Flute teacher!


Watch this video from Sally and use these resources to help you!

Thursday 2nd July 2020



LO: To understand and explain the features of a Celtic roundhouse


Use these instructions to make a brochure about a Celtic Roundhouse. Then, have a think about how they might be different to a Roman house.


You will need both Resource 1 and Resource 2 to complete this activity.



Complete Clue 4 today which is all about money. Remember to write the answer to this clue!

Sports Day!


Have a look at the remaining activities and see if you can complete 3 more. If you think these are too hard, see if you can revisit some of the earlier challenges and either make them more challenging, or try and set a personal best for your family to beat.


Click here to get to the website!



Look at these Sports Day words which have been scrambled up- can you work out what they are and write them correctly?


Now, think of your own words to scramble up. Give them to someone in your family to have a go at!


Challenge: Can you write a whole sports day related sentence where every word is scrambled up- see if anyone can read what it is supposed to say!

Friday 3rd July 2020



LO: To explore other people’s view of Jesus from the Bible


Look at this week’s work and consider why people didn’t like Jesus.



Complete the final page- Clue 5. This is testing your knowledge of multiplication and division. Once you have finished, briefly revisit all of the answers you have so far, to check them, and then look at the last pages for the answers.

Sports Day!


Congratulations! you have almost completed you Virtual Sports Week! See if you can complete the remaining activities and if not, choose from one of these activities instead:

  • - Create your own mini activity.
  • - Complete a reflection, with your comments on the activities and how you got on.
  • - Revisit previous activities and try to beat your own personal best score, or that or a family member!

Remember- send in any pictures you’ve taken, so they can be added to our Virtual Sports Day and 65th Anniversary web pages!


Click here to get to the website!


Click here to submit your points for the week!



LO: I can understand how a switch works and why they are needed.


Use this PowerPoint to understand how a switch works. You may like to watch this video for another way to understand.

 Other Activities


Sports Day Medal

Design your own Sports Day Medal. You can either use this design and colour your own creation onto it, or you can design your own medal from scratch!


A-Z of Sports

Complete this fun A-Z sheet and see if you can think of a sport or sportsperson, for each letter of the alphabet!


Sports Day Word Search

Have a go at this sports day word search- can you find them all?


Family Challenge!

Create a family leader board for all the challenges you are completing this week, but remember that the adults may need to start with a handicap to make it fair!


Mindfulness Colouring

Enjoy some mindful colouring with one of these sporting colour sheets.


Draw Along

Using this YouTube clip, follow along with this father and son duo, to draw a picture of a gold medal. You may want to search for other sports related items which they draw, such as a football player or a bike, and have a go at those too!


Week Beginning: 22nd June

Summer 2 Week 4

Monday 22nd June 2020



LO: To understand the structure of a Tanka poem


Work through these instructions. You will be looking at the structure and history of the Tanka poem, and then moving towards drafting your own.


If you don’t get time to finish, that’s ok, just spend some more time on it in tomorrow’s English lesson. You might like to show your adults to see if there are any improvements that could be made.



LO: to find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares


Work your way through the PowerPoint on area.


Complete either Challenge 1 or Challenge 2 from the worksheet.


Challenge 1:  Can you draw a rectangle with the area of 20cm², 30cm² and 48cm²?

Challenge 2: Why might you need to find the area of a shape in real life?



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 10 - 12 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1), Challenge 2 (p4-5) or Challenge 3 (p8-9) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p2-3 for Challenge 1, p6-7 for Challenge 2 or p10-11 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: To identify complete and incomplete circuits


Work through the PowerPoint to learn about complete and incomplete circuits. Then you will need this worksheet and these answers to continue. Here are the answers so that you can finish the activity.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Nuthatches Google Meet at 11:15am


Make sure you read the Google Meet Guidance before the meeting. 

Please have one piece of work or something that you have completed during your home learning journey ready to share with the class. If you would like to come and just give everyone a wave and say hello that is okay too! We are looking forward to seeing you!


Click here to join the meeting



LO: To write a Tanks poem


Finish creating your Tanka poem from yesterday if you did not complete it. Then, make any improvements to it that either you, or the person who read it, have suggested.


Write a second paragraph for your Tanka that builds on the same theme as yesterday. Use these instructions if you are unsure.


Publish your work onto a piece of plain paper and illustrate it. Remember to make it look as beautiful as possible! Look here for an example.



LO: to learn a traditional French song about a wolf and his clothes


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week.



LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Nuthatches Group 1 Spelling List

Nuthatches Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words



Use this link for ideas for this week’s PE lesson.


Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen.


Wednesday 24th June 2020



LO: To know how to show love and appreciation to the people and/or animals who are special to me


Think about the people you spend a lot of time with at school, and outside of school. Think about the people who are particularly special to you. Complete the activities here to think about how you can appreciate them properly.



LO: to find the area of rectilinear shapes


Work your way through the PowerPoint on area.


Complete either Challenge 1 or Challenge 2 from the worksheet.


Challenge: have a go at the 3 different challenge questions



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 13 - 15 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1), Challenge 2 (p4-5) or Challenge 3 (p8-9) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p2-3 for Challenge 1, p6-7 for Challenge 2 or p10-11 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: to learn about the strings section of an orchestra


Read and complete the activity sheet from Sally our Flute teacher!

Thursday 25th June 2020



LO: To find out what Jesus was like as a person from the Gospels


Work through these instructions. You will also need the Story Cards, the Vocabulary Cards and the Worksheet to complete today’s work.



LO: to be able to explain how to find the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes


Create a poster on area and perimeter using these instructions.


Challenge 1: can you include more than one way of working each out?

Challenge 2: Can you include the algebra formulas for each?



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 16 - 7 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1-2), Challenge 2 (p5-6) or Challenge 3 (p9-10) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p3-4 for Challenge 1, p7-8 for Challenge 2 or p11-13 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: to understand what religious beliefs the Romans had and know about some of the gods and goddesses that they worshipped


Work through the PowerPoint to learn about Roman gods and goddesses. You will need this worksheet as part of the activity.

Friday 26th June 2020



Watch this clip and think about what is happening.


  • Why do you think that some children decided to eat the marshmallow?
  • Why do you think that some children decided not to eat the marshmallow?
  • Count the number of children for each decision. Was there more of one? Or an equal amount for each decision?
  • If your adults put something in front of you with the same deal, what would you do?



Complete the three activities set on Mathletics.


Spend 15 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars including in “Garage/Gig” for individual practise or “Arena” to play against your classmates. In both sections the tables have been set individually.



Complete 20 minutes reading of your own book or finish off reading activities from the week if you need more time.



LO: to learn about the woodwind section of an orchestra


Watch the video from Sally, our flute teacher, and then complete the activity sheet.

 Other Activities


Do a sewing project

Miss Revell has created an amazing YouTube channel dedicated to sewing activities for children! Check it out and have a go at some of her easy to follow step by step tutorials.


Watch Bitesize Daily

Watch the daily 20min educational programmes for 7-9 year olds on BBC iPlayer.


Daily Workout

Join the thousands of others completing the daily PE lesson with Joe Wicks


Take part in a photography competition

The National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still competition aims to capture a snapshot of the people of the UK at this time, creating a collective portrait of our nation.



Wonderopolis is a fantastic website that asks as many questions as it answers!  It's packed full of activities, information and videos that will capture your imagination. 



Being Artful!

The Artful Parent has put together these Top 10 art activities. Have a go at one of them, if you would like something creative to do.


Draw with Rob!

Click here for some YouTube videos, uploaded by Rob Biddulph, on how to draw different images. They look like lots of fun!


Sock Puppet

You may already have a puppet show or some puppets you could use inside a cardboard box. If not, then get an old sock and make your own. Whether you have some stick-on googly eyes or just some scraps of paper, you can make your own character for hours of fun!


Week Beginning: 15th June

Summer 2 Week 3

Monday 15th June 2020



LO: To understand the structure of a haiku


Follow these instructions. You will need this PowerPoint for today's lesson.


The lesson talks about a game at the beginning. Unfortunately, the game has been taken down by the BBC. Please skip past this point of the lesson and continue with the rest of understanding what a Haiku is and its structure.



LO: to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape  


Work your way through the PowerPoint on perimeter.


Complete the activity.


Challenge: have a go at challenge 1 and 2 on the activity sheet



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 1 - 3 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1-2), Challenge 2 (p5-6) or Challenge 3 (p9-10) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p3-4 for Challenge 1, p7-8 for Challenge 2 or p11-12 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: to recap rhythm and learn about the orchestra


Have a look at the video by Sally, our flute teacher, here and then complete the activity.


Tuesday 16th June 2020



LO: To be able to copy the structure of a Haiku to write my own poem


Follow the instructions to think about planning and creating your own haiku.


Make sure your work is presented really well though, as you need to send a photo, or computer typed version, to year4homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk

Please remember to address it to Miss Vautier or Mr Chesher in the subject line.



LO: I can learn and spell 10 items of clothing


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week. You will need this PowerPoint.



LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Nuthatches Group 1 Spelling List

Nuthatches Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words



LO: To identify electrical appliances and the types of electricity they use


Work through the PowerPoint about appliances and electricity.


You will need these appliance cards as part of the activity.


Wednesday 17th June 2020



LO: To recognise how friendships change, know how to make new friends and how to manage when I fall out with my friends


Work through the tasks on these instructions. You will need to access the Solve it Together PowerPoint, and the Scenarios to complete this weeks activity.



LO: to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape


Work your way through the PowerPoint on perimeter.


Complete the activity.


Challenge 1: try writing each measurement in mm

Challenge 2: try writing each measurement in m



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 4 - 6 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1-2), Challenge 2 (p5-6) or Challenge 3 (p9-10) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p3-4 for Challenge 1, p7-8 for Challenge 2 or p11-12 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: To explore Roman Mosaics


Remind yourself of what a mosaic is by looking at last weeks lesson, if you have forgotten


Last week you should have designed your mosaic. Go to the website to make your mosaic.


When this lesson was being planned, the website you used was not working correctly as it was previously. If this is still the case, try this website as a backup. If this also does not work, make your work look very well presented in your workbooks and use pencils or pens to decorate.

Thursday 18th June 2020



Use this great website

to give you inspiration for different activities you could do at home.


Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen. Good luck!



LO: to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape


Find at least 8 different rectangular/square items around your house such as books, picture frames, boxes etc. Measure and add up the lengths of the 4 sides to find the perimeter. Record your findings.



LO: to show comprehension of a text


Read chapters 7 - 9 of “Roman Rescue”.


Answer the questions for either: Challenge 1 (p1-2), Challenge 2 (p5-6) or Challenge 3 (p9-10) in your book or on the sheet.


Mark your work from the answers on p3-4 for Challenge 1, p7-8 for Challenge 2 or p11-13 for Challenge 3.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: To understand how the Roman Empire affected different people and how they reacted to the changes


Use the PowerPoint to learn about the different roles that people had and significant events that happened.


Imagine yourself as one of the characters spoken about in the PowerPoint and answer the questions at the end in your book.

Friday 19th June 2020


Nightingales Google Meet @ 10:00am


Make sure you read the Google Meet Guidance before the meeting. 

Please have some work that you have completed throughout your Home Learning Journey to share with the class. Perhaps your Haiku? Perhaps your re-design of Wimbledon Common? It may even be something that wasn't set for Home Learning - it's totally your choice!


Click here to join the meeting



LO: To learn that pictures of Jesus tell us about peoples personal beliefs about him.


Work through the instructions here.




Complete the three activities set on Mathletics.


Spend 15 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars including in “Garage/Gig” for individual practise or “Arena” to play against your classmates. In both sections the tables have been set individually.



Complete 20 minutes reading of your own book or finish off reading activities from the week if you need more time.



Watch this clip and think about what is happening. The clip will play through twice in the same viewing without needing to. restart it from the beginning, so unless you’d like to watch it more than once every time you click play, you will need to pause it at the end of the first viewing.


What do you think of the angel?


What do you think of the man with the chain?


What do you think the appeal items may have been? What things would the man have done to try to get into heaven?


Why do you think the angel tried to push the man?


Do you aspire to be like the angel? Or like the man? Why?


 Other Activities


Do a sewing project

Miss Revell has created an amazing YouTube channel dedicated to sewing activities for children! Check it out and have a go at some of her easy to follow step by step tutorials.


Watch Bitesize Daily

Watch the daily 20min educational programmes for 7-9 year olds on BBC iPlayer.


Daily Workout

Join the thousands of others completing the daily PE lesson with Joe Wicks


Take part in a photography competition

The National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still competition aims to capture a snapshot of the people of the UK at this time, creating a collective portrait of our nation.



Wonderopolis is a fantastic website that asks as many questions as it answers!  It's packed full of activities, information and videos that will capture your imagination. 


Fun with Science

Look at these online scratch games for coding ideas. Then try make your own game!


Make Mr Chesher laugh!

Try to tell a joke that's so funny, it has Mr Chesher crying with tears! Film, or record an audio clip, of yourself telling the joke and send it to year4homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk. Try to find the funniest joke you can, because Mr Chesher will announce the winner in next weeks video!


I need to getaway!

Come up with some plans for a holiday as though you were going on a Summer Holiday somewhere around the world! Think about which country you would like to go to, and plan what you would do while you are there. For example, here is a map of the trip that Mr Chesher had planned when he was going to spend a Summer in Italy.



(Sourced from: https://www.ricksteves.com/europe/italy/itinerary)

Week Beginning: 8th June

Summer 2 Week 2

Monday 8th June 2020



LO: To understand the water cycle


Complete the investigation and learning activities using these instructions. You will need this resource sheet: ‘How Do Wet Clothes Dry?



LO: to learn Roman numerals to 20


Work your way through the PowerPoint, answering the questions as you go.


Click here for the activity sheet. Mark your work when you have finished.



LO: to map the relationship between key characters



Read p12-13 of the story Romulus and Remus.


Complete the character relationship chart in your book.


Challenge: add quotations and page numbers


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: To become familiar with a variety of poetic techniques


Use this resource to look at different techniques that are used in poetry.


Choose 3 of the poems below and write what is actually happening in them, and whether there is a hidden meaning.


A Family of Dinosaurs

A Thinker Like Me

Daycare Disasters

I Take It You Already Know

One Rotation

The Falling Leaves

The Poet’s Lament

The Thunderstorm


Tilly the Tiger


Afterwards, write your favourite one into your workbook. You may like to illustrate it in your own way, if you wish.


Tuesday 9th June 2020



LO: To research poetry with various styles, formats and techniques


Use websites to find different styles of poetry and write an example of each in your workbook. You should then annotate your work by identifying the techniques used in each poem. Remind yourselves of the techniques that we looked at yesterday by clicking here.


Full instructions and an example can be found here.



LO: to read and draw the final scene of Jacques et le Haricot Magique, using speech bubbles


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week.



LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Nuthatches Group 1 Spelling List

Nuthatches Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words



LO: to make a leaflet advertising a new Roman Bath


Using your planning from last weeks history activity, you need to create your   persuasive leaflet on Roman baths. Please make sure that this is your best work, as you will need to take a picture of the final product and send to: year4homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk.


Miss Vautier and Mr Chesher will then look at your work and provide feedback to you based on what you have researched and created.



Wednesday 10th June 2020



LO: To tell you about someone I no longer see


Read through the scenario on the instructions, and then create an object that will help Jaz’s friends family to remember Tammy.



LO: to learn Roman numerals to 100


Work your way through the PowerPoint, answering the questions as you go.


Click here for the activity sheet. Mark your work when you have finished.


Challenge: have a go at the two extra questions



LO: to recognise and use words in different tenses


Look at the activity sheet and answer either Part A or Part B in your workbook.


Mark your work using the answers on p3.



LO: To understand the water cycle


Watch this video for a quick recap of the water cycle. 


Create a mini water world using these instructions. You will need to observe it over a period of 7 days and record what you see.


Watch this song to finish off your lesson for today. Perhaps you might like to learn it and show your teacher when you get back to school! 

Thursday 11th June 2020



Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen. Good luck!



LO: to practise using Roman numerals to 100


Choose at least 2 activities from this booklet about Roman numerals to complete, either on the sheet or by writing/drawing them into your workbook.


Mark your work using these answers.



LO: to write a book review


Either on the activity sheet or in your workbook, write a book review for Romulus and Remus.


Use the suggested answers on p2 to mark your work.



LO: To explore Roman Mosaics


Research what a mosaic is and how the Romans used them by looking at examples and working through the PowerPoint. Full instructions for this lesson can be found here.


Design your own mosaic by using this website.  Please look at the website to see what you are able to use to create your mosaic, but do not begin making it yet. It is important that you plan this before starting it.

Friday 12th June 2020



LO: To learn that representations of Jesus vary and to explore some of the reasons for this


Work through the instructions and activities about the representations of Jesus.


You will need these picture cards of Jesus to complete the activity.




Complete the three activities set on Mathletics.


Spend 15 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars including in “Garage/Gig” for individual practise or “Arena” to play against your classmates. In both sections the tables have been set individually.



Complete 20 minutes of your own reading and discuss it with an adult.



  • - A summary of what has happened
  • - Your favourite part and why
  • - Your favourite character and why
  • - One new word which you learnt



Watch this clip and think about what is actually happening. Discuss these questions with someone at home:


Do you think that the black hole is a good thing or a bad thing?


How could it be used in a positive way?


What are some potential problems that you could imagine would come from having the black hole?


Finally: Do you think you would like a black hole? Why?


 Other Activities


Do a sewing project

Miss Revell has created an amazing YouTube channel dedicated to sewing activities for children! Check it out and have a go at some of her easy to follow step by step tutorials.


Watch Bitesize Daily

Watch the daily 20min educational programmes for 7-9 year olds on BBC iPlayer.


Daily Workout

Join the thousands of others completing the daily PE lesson with Joe Wicks


Water Cycle Spinner

Complete the water cycle activity wheel!. You will need a split pin for this to work (alternatively, you may find something that allows it to spin, like a pipe cleaner)


Take part in a photography competition

The National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still competition aims to capture a snapshot of the people of the UK at this time, creating a collective portrait of our nation.



Wonderopolis is a fantastic website that asks as many questions as it answers!  It's packed full of activities, information and videos that will capture your imagination. 


Fun with Science

Look at these online scratch games for coding ideas. Then try make your own game!


Make Mr Chesher laugh!

Try to tell a joke that's so funny, it has Mr Chesher crying with tears! Film, or record an audio clip, of yourself telling the joke and send it to year4homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk. Try to find the funniest joke you can, because Mr Chesher will announce the winner in the Nightingales Week 3 video!


Week Beginning: 1st June

Summer 2 Week 1

Monday 1st June 2020



LO:  To use drama strategies to act out the resolution of the story


Spend some time editing your work from your last piece of writing.


Look back at your story mountain planning, and think about your resolution. Try to either draw, or act out, this part of your story.


Full instructions here.



LO: to assess understanding on topics covered this term


Work your way through the questions on the assessment in your workbook.


Challenge 1 – complete with help from an adult + resources

Challenge 2- complete using PowerPoints/resources from previous lessons

Challenge 3 – complete independently (most children)


There is no time limit although we suggest no longer than an hour.


Mark your arithmetic assessment (from before half term) and today’s reasoning assessment using these answers.



LO: to understand how to use inverted commas


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Read p7-9 of the story Romulus and Remus.


Answer either Part A or Part B from the worksheet in full sentences in your workbook. Mark your work.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: to explore how water changes state


Work your way through the PowerPoint.


Follow the instructions to complete the three mini investigations.




Tuesday 2nd June 2020



LO:  To write the resolution to a story


Write the resolution paragraphs for your story.


Full instructions here.



L.O: To read and draw the 3rd scene of Jacques et le Haricot Magique, using speech bubbles


Click here to see what Madame Sharkey has set for you this week.



LO: to learn this week’s spellings


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Get an adult to test you on last week’s spellings.


Read through your spellings for this week and complete at least 3 activities from the spelling grids in your book.


Nuthatches Group 1 Spelling List

Nuthatches Group 2 Spelling List


Nightingales Spelling List


Challenge: write sentences using each of the spelling words





Complete a new exercise tracker for this week (download here). Remember to email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, to the home learning email, attention of Mrs Cullen. Good luck!



Wednesday 3rd June 2020



LO:  To be able to edit and improve my writing


Spend some time editing your work from yesterday.


Once you have edited your work, publish it with your very best handwriting, or typed onto a computer. You should create a book cover for your story, including a blurb and illustrations.


Full instructions here.



LO: to identify acute and obtuse angles


Work your way through the PowerPoint, completing the activities as you go.


Draw 3 different examples of each using a ruler:

Acute angles

Obtuse angles



Challenge: can you draw a shape with 1 right angle, 2 acute angles and 1 obtuse angle?



LO: to use expanded noun phrases in a description


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Re-read p7-9 of the story Romulus and Remus.


Use these instructions to write a description of the palace in your workbook.



LO: to write about a piece of music using musical vocabulary


Click here for a hello from Sally our flute teacher.


She has set a worksheet for you to complete about the flute and your favourite music.

Thursday 4th June 2020



LO: To recognise situations which can cause jealousy in relationships


Work through the questions and scenarios.


Full instructions here.



LO: to order and compare angles


Work your way through the PowerPoint, completing the activities as you go.


Everyone to complete the first box on the worksheet and then continue to box 2 then 3 if you feel confident.


Then mark your work using the answers.


Challenge: draw three pairs of your own angles and compare them using < > or =



LO: to understand how fronted adverbials are used


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Read p10-11 of the story Romulus and Remus.


Answer both Part A and Part B from the worksheet in full sentences in your workbook. Mark your work.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!



LO: to plan a leaflet advertising a new Roman Bath


Using your notes on Roman baths from last session’s PowerPoint, the guided reading task on Roman baths you completed and any additional research, you must now plan a persuasive leaflet following these instructions

Friday 5th June 2020



LO: To identify someone I love and can express why they are special to me


Work through the questions and scenarios.


Full instructions here.




LO: to practise maths skills using online tools


Complete the three activities set on Mathletics.


Spend 15 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars including in “Garage/Gig” for individual practise or “Arena” to play against your classmates. In both sections the tables have been set individually.



LO: to turn a story into a script


Complete 20 minutes of reading and update your Reading Log.


Re-read p10-11 of the story Romulus and Remus.


Use these instructions to turn these scenes into a script.


Get an adult to help you with the reading if you are finding it tricky!





Starter: Think about/discuss - How do hugs make you feel?


Watch this Free Hugs Campaign video and discuss it with a member of your house. Then write down all your thoughts, feelings and questions however you wish e.g. notes, drawings, mindmap, sentences etc.


 Other Activities


Do a sewing project

Miss Revell has created an amazing YouTube channel dedicated to sewing activities for children! Check it out and have a go at some of her easy to follow step by step tutorials.


Watch Bitesize Daily

Watch the daily 20min educational programmes for 7-9 year olds on BBC iPlayer.


Daily Workout

Join the thousands of others completing the daily PE lesson with Joe Wicks


Spread Kindness

Watch this video, which highlights how being kind to others actually improves your own mental health. Then think up some ways you could spread kindness.


Take part in a photography competition

The National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still competition aims to capture a snapshot of the people of the UK at this time, creating a collective portrait of our nation.



Wonderopolis is a fantastic website that asks as many questions as it answers!  It's packed full of activities, information and videos that will capture your imagination. 


Fun with Science

Look at these STEM science starter ideas for investigation ideas


Have a laugh!

This video of animals sneezing is really funny! What makes you and your family laugh? Try out some jokes!