Year 3 Home-Learning Activities
A Google Meet session for Kestrels has been scheduled for Monday 13th July at 4.30
Year 3, you will notice that there are six days of learning on our page for this week and the following week.We have done this because some of you will be coming in to school for a day next week. Please make sure that you complete all activities and if you finish you can go back and do some of the activities suggested on previous pages.
Over the last month you have been learning about letter writing and instructions, so, this week you are going to apply your skills to write letters to your new teachers.Don't forget to impress your teacher by writing lots of interesting detail about yourself and presenting your letter beautifully.
Your final Skills Builder project is this week's selected home learning for you to email to us. You can send in photos of any of your written work, designs, toy-making, final products and recorded presentations. We're looking forward to seeing how creative and persuasive you can be!
Kestrels You will notice that some extra Maths activities on Time have been added to our Home Learning. This is an important topic that we didn't get the chance to cover in school. Please try to complete these tasks over the next few weeks.
Thinking ahead to the Summer holidays, you may want to explore the ‘Summer of Kindness’ activities as well as other resources through the British Red Cross site. They are free but you will need to register for some of them.
Week Beginning: 13th July 2020 All the links should be fully functioning by Monday morning. |
Day 1 |
English L.O To read and respond to a letter from your class teacher
Your class teachers have written a letter and they'd love you to write back and tell them your news.
You can use this Letter template if you want to or use your own.
Skills Builder 1 During this project, you will design and make an eco-friendly toy. Email photos of your work to the Year 3 home-learning address.
In this first lesson, you will be given your instructions from Hamleys and then you will evaluate a range of different toys, deciding what makes a ‘good toy’.
If you can work with other people, you will be able to develop your skills of creativity and leadership further. Click here for the Session 1 presentation. Click here for the evaluation sheet for 1 toy. Click here for the evaluation sheet for 3 toys. |
Skills Builder 2 In this second lesson, you will be practising using the skills of creativity, presenting and leadership, as well as thinking about looking after the environment through 'reducing, recycling and reusing'.
Click here for the Session 2 presentation. |
Kestrel's Google Meet 4.30
Day 2 | |
English L.O To follow a set of instructions
Follow these instructions to create your own 3D Lego person.
Instructions |
Skills Builder 3 In this third lesson, you will be developing your creativity skills, looking at materials that can be re-used to make other things and becoming familiar with a variety of techniques to join card and cardboard, including moving parts. You will also create your toy design.
Click here for the Session 3 presentation. Click here for the design sheet which you can either print out or just use as a structure. |
Music Continue to use this 'Ten Pieces' website linking music to other subjects, like dance and drama. Click on this link to explore the ideas about how using music to be creative, as well as actually creating music yourself! |
Skills Builder 4 In this fourth lesson, you will be improving your toy design, using feedback from other people, if possible. You will also write a list of materials that you will need, to help ensure that you are organised for the toy production!
Click here for the Session 4 presentation. |
Day 3 | |
Skills Builder 5 - extended lesson This is a double lesson. You will write a production plan, ensuring you are organised and thinking about the order in which you make the parts of your toy as well as starting to make your toy.
Click here for the Session 5 presentation. |
Maths Challenge Have fun puzzling out one of these Maths challenges about money. |
Skills Builder 5 - extended lesson Continue to make your toy. |
Art Draw a picture to show something special that you have achieved during the last few months. Bring it with you when you come in to school or if you are a Pelham Explorer, ask an adult to pass it to your teacher. |
Day 4 | |
English L.O To listen to a story of letters Click here to listen to a story about a boy who writes to his teacher- he has an amazing imagination!
Skills Builder 6 This lesson is focused on thinking about the success criteria for your toy and assessing your toy against these criteria. You will be given the opportunity to make changes to your production plan, your design and ultimately your toy.
Click here for the Session 6 presentation. |
Skills Builder 7 This lesson involves learning about logos and slogans to make your toy company and your toy 'come to life'. You will be making promotional (advertising) material to help you convince Hamleys to buy your toy for their shop.
Click here for the Session 7 presentation. |
Geography L.O To learn about a region in North America
Click here to find out about Florida a region in the U.S.A.
Days 5 and 6 | |
English L.O To write a letter to your new teacher.
Read this letter sent to the pupils in Year 2. Use it as a guide to help you write an interesting, well -presented letter to your new teacher. |
Skills Builder 8 This is the final lesson for the project. You will prepare your presentation for Hamleys, practising it in front of as many people as you can in order to gain confidence and an enjoyable style. If you would like to record your final presentation and email it to us, it would be great to see it.
Click here for the Session 8 presentation. |
Maths LO:To solve a number puzzle.
How resilient are you? Can you keep going to find a solution to a problem?
Try at least one of these number problems. Show your recording in your book.
Kestrels Complete these Maths tasks on Time. Use this slideshow to help you understand how to read analogue time to intervals of 5 minutes. Use this blank clock face sheet to draw on shown times Complete one of these worksheets to practise reading and recording time on analogue clocks Follow this link to practise reading the time |
Science LO To learn how seeds are dispersed
The final lesson in our 'Plants' topic is about various types of seed dispersal. Click on this presentation for the lesson information. Click on this photo sheet to help you with the written activity at the end of the presentation. For fun, click on this video of 'The Tiny Seed', by Eric Carle, being read aloud while you look at the lovely pictures. Perhaps you will be inspired to write your own picture book! |
French Click here to find your message and task from Mme Sharkey. |
Computing LO: To learn to touch type To learn about databases
Click on this lesson plan for the success criteria and instructions, in order to continue with the lessons you started last week. |
Week Beginning: 6th July 2020 All the links should be fully functioning by Monday morning. |
Monday |
English L.O To comment on the structure of a text
In today’s lesson you are going to see an example of a newspaper report. You are going to be learning about, and answering questions on the organisation of the report. Listen carefully as on Friday you are going to be writing your own and you will need to know how to set it out and what features to use. |
Maths Mental maths - Practise your times tables. Click on this link to find a times tables grid for you to complete. Time yourself and see if you can beat Mrs Sheridan's time! Her times will be revealed in Friday's lesson.
Main lesson - To read scales Click on this link to watch the video from the Oak National Academy, teaching you how to read scales. Use the independent activities too. Additional resources - 3 worksheets with answers - choose the one that is best for you. Slightly easier reading scales activity Extra videos - If you want to do more, click on the next two links to the 2 videos and independent activities. |
French Click here to find your message and task from Mme Sharkey.
Spelling Find your weekly spellings and activities here
Reading Read these newspaper reports about Tim Peake and answer questions. There are three different reports, please choose the one that challenges you. |
Tuesday | |
L.O To retrieve information from a newspaper report
Read a report about a strange, hybrid creature who is suspected to have been stealing shiny objects from households. Today you will hear and be able to read this exiting report yourself. You will then answer questions about the report in your book. |
Maths Mental maths - Practise your times tables. Click on this link to find a times tables grid. Time yourself and see if you can beat Mrs Sheridan's time! Her times will be revealed in Friday's lesson.
Main lesson - To compare mass Click on this link to watch the video from the Oak National Academy teaching you how to compare mass in grams and kilograms. Use the independent activities too. Extra video - If you want to do more, click on the next link to a video and the independent activities. |
Music The BBC not only has a number of incredible orchestras, but it also has sponsored several 'Ten Pieces' projects which are based on music but linked to other subjects, like dance and drama. Click on this link to find out more. There are lots of ideas about how you can use music to be creative, as well as how to actually create music yourself! |
Make sure that you have an adult with you to help you fill in this pupil questionnaire. It should only take about 5 minutes to complete.
Watch some news stories on Newsround a programme that has reports about what is happening in the news. |
Wednesday | |
English LO: To explore the key features of a newspaper report
Today you are going to be learning about the different features of a newspaper report. You will answer questions about these features and the language used in a report in your book.
Maths Mental maths - Practise your times tables. Click on this link to find a times tables grid. Time yourself and see if you can beat Mrs Sheridan's time! Her times will be revealed in Friday's lesson.
Main lesson - To add and subtract mass Click on this link to watch the video from the Oak National Academy teaching you how to add and subtract mass in kilograms and grams. Use the independent activities too. Extra video - If you want to do more, click on the next link to the video and independent activities. Also, |
PE Continue with the Merton competition and help Pelham win! Carry out 2 activities a day and keep track of them on the weekly tracking sheet. Remember to send your PE trackers to Mrs Cullen.
Look at the PE page of the Pelham website if you want to read the information about these activities, again. |
Art Ansel Adams is a famous photographer from California in the U.S.A.
Admire some of his most famous photographs.
Some questions to think and talk about Click here to find your Art activity |
Thursday | |
English L.O To learn the correct use of inverted commas
We use inverted commas to show where speech is in a text. Here you will find out how to use it in a news report, it is very useful when reporting what witnesses have actually said about an event. |
Maths Mental maths - Practise your times tables. Click on this link to find a times tables grid. Time yourself and see if you can beat Mrs Sheridan's time! Her times will be revealed in tomorrow's lesson.
Main lesson - To read capacity and volume Click on this link to watch the video from the Oak National Academy teaching you how to read scales for capacity and volume, in millilitres and litres. Use their independent activities too. Extra worksheets - Reading scales in millilitres - Easier |
Science LO: To learn about the function of flowers and the process of pollination
Carefully read this lesson plan for information about today's lesson.
Follow this powerpoint to take you through the lesson. You may also need to either print out or copy into your exercise book this 3-page booklet to colour and cut out flower parts.
Here is the link to the Pollination Story - choose whether to use page 1 (easiest), page 2 (harder) or page 3 (most difficult). |
L.O To understand the importance of totem poles in Native Americans
Read information about totem poles
Plan your own totem pole using these sheets.
Friday | |
English L.O To use key features of a newspaper in your own report
Today it is your turn to write a newspaper report. Try your best to use all the features that you have seen this week. I would love to see your work so please send it into the Year 3 Home Learning email.
Maths Mental maths - Practise your times tables. Click on this link to find a times tables grid. Time yourself and see if you can beat Mrs Sheridan's time! Click here to reveal how long she took to complete the grids, this week.
Main lesson - To compare capacity and volume Click on this link to watch the video from the Oak National Academy teaching you how to compare capacity and volume, using millilitres and litres. Use their independent activities too. Extra video - If you want to do more, click on the next link to the video and independent activities. |
Computing LO: To learn to touch type To learn about databases Click on this lesson plan for the success criteria and instructions for the lesson.
KINGFISHERS: Google Meet Your session will start at 2:30pm today. Click here to join the group. Please make sure you have read this attached Google Meet Guidance document. |
Other activities you could do....
Continue with last week's additional activities, if you like.
Kingfishers can look at the links below and revise their earlier work on time (lessons with Mrs Lyne).
Kestrels Over the next two weeks try to complete these Maths tasks on Time. Use this slideshow to help you understand how to read analogue time to intervals of 5 minutes. Use this blank clock face sheet to draw on shown times Complete one of these worksheets to practise reading and recording time on analogue clocks Follow this link to practise reading the time |
Week Beginning: 29th June 2020 All the links should be fully functioning by Monday morning. |
Monday |
Sports anagrams.
Click here to find a Sports quiz.
Anagram Challenge Can you unscramble the words to find the name of different types of sports?
Have a go at writing your own anagrams for sports personalities or sports equipment. |
Maths Mental maths - Click on this link for a football themed booklet, with answers, based on your times tables and related division facts. Colour in a new mosaic each day. Today, colour in the 1st mosaic.
Main lesson - Click on this link to find 'The Mystery of the Missing Tennis Balls' sporting challenge. We chose this as a link to the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, which would have started this week. Each page is related to previous learning, which will help you to solve each clue, and the answers are given on the final page.
Carefully read about what the quest is, on page 1, and on page 2, look closely at the information about each player, to help you solve the mystery. Each day, complete a page of the booklet to solve the clues, until you are able to decide which tennis player found the missing tennis balls!
Good luck! |
French Click here to find your French activities and the explanation for how to describe features. It includes a website link. Be sure to email your work to Mme Sharkey at the Year 3 home learning email address! |
Sports Day Choose three activities from the list of 15 on the Virtual Sports Day page. Don’t forget to watch the video and see if you can ‘Beat the Teacher’!
Your whole family can join in with you too. Maybe you can even create a family leader board! |
Tuesday | |
English Write a fact page about a sporting hero. You can use these sites to help you find information. Take notes and create bullet points.
Think about Where did they come from? What competitions have they won? What made them take up their sport? When did they start? Who helped them to achieve their goals? |
Maths Mental maths - Colour in the 2nd mosaic in the booklet from Monday's lesson.
Main lesson - Continue to try to solve Monday's mystery by finding the answer to Clue 2, today, which is based on equivalent measures. Remember that 1m = 100cm, 1kg = 1000g and 1l = 1000ml.
Don’t forget to keep track of your answers, ready for Friday!
If you are keen, or are able to finish your Maths more quickly, here are 2 more sports themed mysteries you can solve this week. 'The Mystery of the Missing Sacks on Sports Day' 'The Mystery of the Missing Football Trophy' (more difficult) |
Sports Day Choose another three activities to have a go at today and see how well you can do!
Don’t forget to take photos and challenge your family! |
P.H.S.E Listen to these inspiring stories about sports personalities. This story about a young boy from North America will really make you think.
To think about What strengths and qualities did they need to have to achieve their goals? What difficulties have they faced? How have they overcome these difficulties? |
Wednesday | |
English LO: To create a fact file on a sports personality
Use the information you have in bullet points to create an attractive information poster about your chosen sporting hero. Remember to add Captions Pictures Facts written in sentences and organised under sub-headings. Title |
Maths Mental maths - Colour in the 3rd mosaic, in the booklet from Monday's lesson.
Main lesson - Continue to try to solve Monday's mystery by finding the answer to Clue 3, today, which is based on adding fractions.
Remember that If you are keen, or are able to finish your Maths more quickly, there are 2 more sports themed mysteries which we linked you to, on Tuesday. |
Sports Day Which activities will you attempt today? Maybe you will have a go at the 65 Challenge, celebrating Pelham’s 65th Anniversary!
Don’t forget to send in your photos or videos to the email address at the top of this page. We would love to see what 65-inspired activity you come up with! |
Thursday | |
English Read all about a sporting hero of your choice and answer questions about the text. Remember to challenge yourself choose */, ** / or *** |
Maths Mental maths - Colour in the 4th mosaic in the booklet from Monday's lesson.
Main lesson - Continue to try to solve Monday's mystery by finding the answer to Clue 4, today, which is based on comparing fractions.
Remember that If you are keen, or are able to finish your Maths more quickly, there are 2 more sports themed mysteries which we linked you to, on Tuesday. |
Sports Day Have a look at the remaining activities. If you think these are too hard, see if you can revisit some of the earlier challenges and either make them more challenging, or try and set a personal best for your family to beat. |
Friday | |
English/Art L.O To create a moving image Follow this link to create a flick book. Maybe you could draw an athlete completing an activity like javelin throwing or swimming. |
Maths Mental maths - Colour in the 5th mosaic in the booklet from Monday's lesson.
Main lesson - Solve Clue 5, the final clue, to reveal the answer to the mystery. The clue today is based on 3D shapes.
Once you have finished, briefly revisit all of the answers you have so far, to check them, and then look at the final page of the booklet for the answers! |
Sports Day Congratulations! you have almost completed your Virtual Sports Week! See if you can complete the remaining activities and if not, choose from one of these activities instead:
Remember - Send in any pictures you’ve taken, so they can be added to our Virtual Sports Day and 65th Anniversary web pages. |
Other activities you could do.... Design your own Sports Day Medal. You can either use this design and colour your own creation onto it, or you can design your own medal! Thinking of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, you may want to use this design to create the men's trophy or this design to create the women's trophy.
Complete this fun A-Z sheet and see if you can think of a sport or sports person, for each letter of the alphabet!
Have a go at this Sports Day word search or this Wimbledon Tennis word search. Can you find them all?
See if you can print out this sports board game and play it with someone in your family!
Create a family leader board for all the challenges you are completing this week, but remember that the adults may need to start with a handicap to make it fair!
Enjoy some mindful colouring with one of these sports colouring sheets or one of these.
Using this Youtube clip, draw a picture of a gold medal. With an adult's permission, you may want to search for other sports related items which he draws, such as a football player or a bike, and have a go at those too!
Look at this Wimbledon Tennis powerpoint for interesting facts. How many did you already know? Could you create your own powerpoint about the Wimbledon Tennis Championships or another sporting event? |
Week Beginning: 22nd June 2020 All the links should be fully functioning by Monday morning. |
Monday |
English L.O To summarise the main points of a letter
In this lesson you are going to read a letter from some very unhappy classroom crayons. You will learn how to answer questions about the letter. Look at the features of the WAGOLL carefully so you learn how a letter is organised. Please remember to write the L.O, long date and your answers in your book
Maths Mental Maths - click on the links below for today's questions 1) Easier maths questions and answers 2) Harder maths questions and answers 3) Maths Mat with 3 levels of questions and answers
LO: To identify rectangles including squares Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies Click on the teaching strategies link for the lesson information including weblinks and some handy hints.
French Click here to find your French activities and explanation for how to describe features. There is a monster power point to help you. |
Spelling Have fun drawing your spellings this week. Click here to find your list and activity. |
Tuesday | |
English LO: To explore the meaning of words in a letter
There are some tricky words in the letter from the crayons, make sure that you read it carefully on the slideshow before you try to answer the questions in your book.
Maths Mental Maths - click on the links below for today's questions 1) Easier maths questions and answers 2) Harder maths questions and answers 3) Maths Mat with 3 levels of questions and answers
LO: To identify and describe 2 dimensional (2-D) shapes accurately Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies Click on the teaching strategies link for the lesson information including weblinks and some handy hints.
Also, use this information and activity sheet. |
Listen to some of these stories from some different countries in North America. Draw a picture of your favourite scene from a story and add a caption to explain your picture. |
Click here to find your geography tasks. You have been set a challenge. Use this map and send it in via the year 3 home learning email. |
Wednesday | |
English LO: To identify the features of a letter
In this lesson you will read a letter from the ‘disgruntled red crayon.’ You will be learning all about subordinate clauses; listen carefully and look at the examples given in the letter.
Maths Mental Maths - click on the links below for today's questions 1) Easier maths questions and answers 2) Harder maths questions and answers 3) Maths Mat with 3 levels of questions and answers
LO: To draw 2 dimensional (2-D) shapes accurately Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies Click on the teaching strategies link for the lesson information including weblinks and some handy hints.
Also, use this activity sheet. |
PHSE Stay happy healthy and focused and have fun following these dance moves. |
DT Would you like to try some delicious American cornbread? Click here to find a recipe. You will need an adult to help you. Write up the recipe and pass on to a friend. |
Thursday | |
English LO: To learn about subordinate clauses.
Remember to write your answers in your book. Read over to check that you have used the subordinate clause in the correct sentence.
Maths Mental Maths - click on the links below for today's questions 1) Easier maths questions and answers 2) Harder maths questions and answers 3) Maths Mat with 3 levels of questions and answers
LO: To describe 3 dimensional (3-D) shapes accurately Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies Click on the teaching strategies link for the lesson information including weblinks and some handy hints.
Also, use this information and activity sheet. |
PE Continue with the Merton competition and help Pelham win!
Remember to carry out 2 activities a day and keep track of them on the weekly tracking sheet. Send your PE trackers to for the attention of Mrs Cullen.
Look at the PE page of the Pelham website if you want to read the information again. |
Computing Continue this 3-week project.
Click on this lesson plan for the success criteria and instructions for the lessons. Use this Scratch website to make the Maze game. Follow these instructions to show you what to do. Use pages 12 to 16 in this instruction booklet if the other instructions are too blurry to read well enough. |
Friday | |
English L.O To write a letter
In this lesson you are going to write a letter. Make sure that you organise the letter in the way that you were shown on the WAGOLL. Try to use as many of the features (expanded noun phrases, subordinate clauses) that you were introduced to this week. Good luck. |
Science LO To investigate the job of leaves in plants
Carefully read this lesson plan for information about today's lesson and next week's lesson preparation.
Follow this powerpoint to take you through the lesson. You will also need to either print out or copy into your exercise book the investigation sheet.
Here is the link to Mrs Sheridan's completed investigation sheet for you to look at to compare with the way you have completed your sheet. |
Music Click on this Oak Academy link for a lesson focusing on singing. It is very interactive, with you singing and repeating what the teacher sings, also known as 'call and response'. It also requires you to listen carefully and think about what she is saying.
Learn the special hand signs and words for the solfege scale. |
Maths Mental Maths - click on the links below for today's questions 1) Easier maths questions and answers 2) Harder maths questions and answers 3) Maths Mat with 3 levels of questions and answers
LO: To identify and describe lines of symmetry in 2D shapes Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies Click on the teaching strategies link for the lesson information including weblinks and some handy hints. |
Other activities you could do.... 1) Extra maths challenges and resources: plus activities on the Mathletics website. Use this slideshow for reinforcement of the concept of fractions.
2) Fun with science - Look at these STEM science starter ideas for other investigations.
3) Try to read every day for at least 20 minutes.
4) Create a dish - sweet or savoury - and write the recipe to share with others, including a picture or photo of it. It can be simple, like a sandwich or salad, or more complicated. It could be raw or cooked. Be imaginative with its presentation too! Get someone to be a food critic and write a quote from them.
5) Extra English resources- Please see the additional resources section of the Home Learning page. Oxford Owls and Collins have a lovely range of books to support readers of all ages and abilities
Useful links for you to explore:
Maths - Mathsticks website plus activities on the Mathletics website.
All subjects - BBC Bitesize
Fun with Science - Look at these STEM science starter ideas for investigation ideas
Ducksters - website with a variety of games and information for children |
Week Beginning: 8th June 2020 |
Monday |
English Parents please read this updated overview of our unit on Adventure stories before your child starts their English activities. This includes some new supporting activities.
Monday LO:To practise prediction and inference skills.
Reading task; You will read the beginning of an adventure story about Traction Man. You will be writing answers to questions about the story in your book. The questions will ask you to predict and give your opinion about the story but you will need to add evidence from the story to support your answers. |
Maths Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies
LO: To multiply and divide by 4 and 8
Click on the teaching strategies link for the mental maths and the main lesson information.
It has all of the weblinks for the teaching videos from White Rose Maths and the films and worksheets from BBC Bitesize.
Please note - White Rose Maths is not providing the worksheets free, anymore, but you can still answer the questions in the teaching videos as you watch them.
French Click here to find some more fun French activities from Mrs Sharkey
Spelling L.O To spell words with 'ou' sound. Click here to find two activities to practise spelling. |
Tuesday | |
English LO: To find facts and information from an adventure story.
Reading task. In this lesson you will be finding facts in the story about Traction Man.
Write the answers in your book.
Maths Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies
LO: To multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
Click on the teaching strategies link for the mental maths and the main lesson information.
It has all of the weblinks for the teaching videos from White Rose Maths and the films and worksheets from BBC Bitesize. |
Challenge How many different types of fronted adverbials can you find on one page of your reading book?
Geography LO: To find out what climate means. Click here to find two Geography lessons on different types of climate in North America. Use this PowerPoint to help you.
Wednesday | |
English LO: To identify the features of a story.
In this lesson you are going to be looking at the features of a story. You will find examples of fronted adverbials, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions. Enjoy the story of Traction Man’s adventure.
Maths Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies
LO: To divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
Click on the teaching strategies link for the mental maths and the main lesson information.
It has all of the weblinks for the teaching videos from White Rose Maths and the films and worksheets from BBC Bitesize. |
PHSE Make a colourful banner to show who you appreciate.
Art Choose a natural object that really interests you. Look at shape, colour and texture. Have a go at drawing a large picture of your object just like Georgia O'Keefe did with bones and the sky.
Thursday | |
English LO: To use appropriate and accurate prepositions in sentences.
We have practised prepositions in class. Now it is your turn to have a go at using them in your own sentences. Be ambitious, try to use words that you don’t normally use. |
Maths Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies
LO: To problem solve using multiplication and division
Click on the teaching strategies link for the mental maths and the main lesson information.
It has all of the weblinks for the teaching videos from White Rose Maths and the films and worksheets from BBC Bitesize. |
PE Continue with the Merton competition and help Pelham win!
Remember to carry out 2 activities a day and keep track of them on the weekly tracking sheet. Send your results to Mrs Cullen through the home-leaning email address, either by photographing your tracking sheet or by completing it electronically.
Look at the PE page of the Pelham website if you want to see the information again. |
Computing This is a 3-week project.
Click on this lesson plan for the success criteria and instructions for the lessons.
Use this Scratch website to make the Maze game. Follow these instructions to show you what to do. Use pages 12 to 16 in this instruction booklet if the other instructions are too blurry to read well enough. |
Friday | |
English L.O To continue an adventure story. Today you are going to write your own Traction Man adventure. Watch the video carefully to remind yourself of all of the features that you need to include. Use the attached sheet to write on and send to
Don't forget to …. Check your writing against the success criteria and try to improve it.
Click here to find a writing frame for your story. |
Carefully read this lesson plan for information about today's lesson and the next two weeks' lesson preparation.
Follow this powerpoint to take you through the lesson. You will also need to either print out or copy into your exercise book
Here is the link to Mrs Sheridan's completed investigation sheet for you to look at to ensure you are completing yours correctly. |
Music Click on this Oak Academy link for a lesson focusing on pulse. It is very interactive but also requires you to listen carefully and think about what the teacher is saying.
Interesting fact – Mrs Sheridan’s husband is the cellist in the BBC Symphony Orchestra who you can see at 9’30” on the video! |
Maths Friday Maths Challenge
Maths Lessons Teaching Strategies
Click on the teaching strategies link for the mental maths and the main lesson information.
It has the weblinks for the worksheets and answers. |
Other activities you could do.... 1) Extra maths challenges and resources: plus activities on the Mathletics website. Use this slideshow for reinforcement of the concept of fractions.
2) Fun with science - Look at these STEM science starter ideas for other investigations.
3) Try to read every day for at least 20 minutes.
4) Create a dish - sweet or savoury - and write the recipe to share with others, including a picture or photo of it. It can be simple, like a sandwich or salad, or more complicated. It could be raw or cooked. Be imaginative with its presentation too! Get someone to be a food critic and write a quote from them.
5) Extra English resources- Please see the additional resources section of the Home Learning page. Oxford Owls and Collins have a lovely range of books to support readers of all ages and abilities
Useful links for you to explore:
Maths - Mathsticks website plus activities on the Mathletics website.
All subjects - BBC Bitesize
Fun with Science - Look at these STEM science starter ideas for investigation ideas
Ducksters - website with a variety of games and information for children |