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Pelham Primary School


Year 2 Home-Learning Activities  



Welcome to the Year 2 Home-learning Page! We are really proud of you and your families and how hard you are working at home. We have an action-packed Summer Term planned, whether this is delivered virtually or back at Pelham, it will still be great!


We are all really proud of what you have achieved through lockdown and we know you are continuing to work really hard at home, just keep trying your best Swifts and Swallows! Miss Singh and Ms. Ruthven are now teaching back at Pelham Primary throughout the week. You are still at the top of our thoughts and we are working really hard on your home learning pages, but because we are teaching, we may not be able to respond to your e-mails on the same day…we will get back to you as soon as we can. We really hope we can get to see you in person on our return days in July!

Over the coming weeks you will see a piece of work, on the timetable, highlighted in green. This piece of work should be sent to a new e-mail address, created especially for Year 2. We will then look at the work and give you some comments/feedback about it.

You can also send us other work you are particularly proud of or even just messages and news. We promise that we will read all of them. We will try our best to respond to as many messages as we can but to help us we ask you to limit your emails to the Year 2 email to no more than 3 a week.

You can still send a selected sample of work, you are particularly proud of, to the whole school home learning e-mail address, which may be put on the website.

The new e-mail address for your highlighted work is:  



Our timetable for the Summer Term is similar to the end of a Spring Term. We have tried to make Wednesdays a Topic and Science day, a midweek break from Maths and English. On Tuesdays, we will alternate Music, P4C, Topic and Computing lessons. Before the suggested afternoon activities, we have added a new section, PSHE and mental well-being activities, do try and do these each week. We hope as well, you are finding different ways to be active each day, whether it's P.E. with Joe Wicks, Just Dance, Cosmic Yoga or outside exercise.

We would suggest that children spend approximately 2-3 hours a day engaged in these recommended learning tasks. However, we understand that all children and family circumstances are different and you may not follow this timetable exactly. English and Maths lessons are planned sequentially, so we would strongly advise following the activities in order.

Please do keep in touch with your learning at year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk or homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk   we'd love to see what you've been up to!

Miss Singh and Ms. Ruthven – Year 2 Team

Week Beginning: 20th  July

Hi Year 2,


It was SO lovely to see you all last week! Ms Ruthven and I loved hearing all about your achievements – it is clear that you have all been working extremely hard.



There are just 2 official days left as Year 2s! We can’t believe how quickly time has gone. This week’s home learning will be more about preparing you for your transition to Year 3. You will find suggested Maths and English activities to complete. These are here to recap and revise in preparation for next year. You may choose to complete them this week or at some point during the summer holidays.


Finally, we wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work this year and especially during your home learning. We hope that you have a fabulous, fun and fantastic summer holiday and look forward to welcoming you all back (as Year 3s!) in September!





1) Maths Revision


Have a go at this Maths booklet – don’t forget to highlight how you feel about each different section!


Want some more?


Try this emoji themed Maths mystery – can you solve the mystery of the missing moji?

2) English Letter to your new teacher


Ms. Parker and I (Miss Singh) have written you a letter.


We would love you to write back and tell us about any achievements you are proud of and what you are looking forward to in Year 3.


Send your letters to our home learning email.


Letter to Swallows from Miss Singh

Letter to Swifts from Ms. Parker

3) Getting to know you

What do you enjoy doing at school? What are your favourite things? What are your interests? What are you excited about going into Year 3? How did you keep busy during Lockdown? 


We would love you to create a poster for Ms. Parker and I that you can bring into school during the first week of Year 3.


We'd love it to really show us your individuality and creativity, so make it anyway that suits you. We can't wait to get to know you! 


1) Maths Revision


Have a go at this Summer themed Maths booklet.


 You do not have to finish it in one go – you could do this over the week or even summer!

2) English- Revision


Have a go at this fun English revision booklet. It is full of fun activities. My favourite is the creating a story using a fortune teller – why don’t you have a go?

3) Science


Check out our blog post to see pictures of our chrysalides. Fingers crossed that we will have butterflies at some point this week! I will keep you all posted!


Follow the instructions on the blog post to complete your set of observational drawings. 

4) Big Fat Quiz of the Year – Year 2


The quiz is back for one final time!


Big Explorers and I have been busy creating a special quiz for you all with questions from all the different topics we have covered throughout the year.


Have a go or challenge your family and friends.

Good Luck!

It has truly been a pleasure teaching you this year. Have a fun, relaxing and well-deserved Summer holiday!

Week Beginning: 13th July

This week is special for THREE reasons…


Firstly, you’ll notice that we’ve only set four days of homelearning this week. This is because on Thursday or Friday you are returning to Pelham! We really look forward to seeing you! Pelham Explorers, don’t worry, we’ve been enjoying seeing you around school and we will give you a special wave and have a chat with you during this week.  


Next thing is that we’ve planned some Skills Builders activities this week. We are really fortunate to run this great programme at Pelham, so we hope you enjoy the resources. The videos are designed for use in school, so don’t worry if they say, ‘talk to your partner’ or ‘work in your group’, just try your best at home.


Finally, it is also our last ‘proper’ week of home learning as school finishes next Tuesday, there will still be some activities for you to try next week. We really can’t say it too many times…




1) Maths Measurement

 Today we are going to be learning about measuring volume and capacity in millilitres.


Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 10 w/b 29.06.20 – lesson 4) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.

2) Skills Builders- Aiming High


What does it mean to ‘try your best’?

Think carefully about the reflection questions at the end of the video or discuss them with an adult.

3) Joe Wicks 5 minute workout (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

That was your last Year 2 spelling test! 



1) Maths Measurement

 Today we are going to be learning about measuring volume and capacity in litres.


Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 11 w/b 06.07.20 – lesson 1) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.

2) English- Skills Builders- Creativity


Read the story then use your imagination to draw the most imaginative sandcastle you can think of!


Label your sandcastle so we can see how imaginative you have been.

3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!

4) Skills Builders- Creativity


When have you used your imagination during lockdown? Watch the video and think about the reflection questions.


1) Topic  - Hawaii

This week, you can make your own volcanic eruption!

Follow this presentation put together with the help of Pelham Big Explorers or use this video. 


Don’t worry if you don’t feel like making a papier mâché volcano, perhaps just make an eruption in a bottle instead.

2) Topic  - Hawaii


Continue making your volcano. 


Think of the Skills Builders skills as you complete this project, do you need to stay positive? Be creative? Work as a team with someone in your family?

3) P.E. and Skills Builders- Problem Solving

You’ve forgotten your P.E. kit, disaster!

What do you do?


Think about when you may and may not need help with a situation.

4) Skills Builders- Staying positive

Think of a time when things have gone a little bit wrong, what did you do? How did you feel?


Explore the video and think about what you might do the next time something doesn’t go to plan.

Return to school days


Remember to come in your beach wear for our Hawaiian party in the afternoon!

Please also remember a large, named bag for life so you can take your belongings home.

You can still bring your water bottle, snack and your packed lunch box (if you have packed lunch). Please bring any reading or library books that you have borrowed back to school. 


Feel free to bring in one piece of work from lockdown (or home learning book) that you would like to share in circle time. Remember, it doesn't have to be 'school work', it could be a new skill you have learnt or just something you've enjoyed. 


 Thursday or Friday, depending on which day you are in school this week

 1) Maths Measurement

 Today we are going to be learning about measuring volume and capacity in litres.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 11 w/b 06.07.20 – lesson 2) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.


Want more? Why don't you have a go at your set Mathletics activities. There are quite a few for you to revise all your knowledge of measurement from the last 2 weeks! 

 2) English- Skills Builders- Listening


Read the story of Finn and Fran who need to listen really carefully to their clients when designing clothes for them.


Listen to someone in your family, they need you to design them some clothes for a special event or job. Listen to them carefully and ask them any questions to find out more.


Design them a special outfit then see if they are pleased with it.

 3) Diary time or GOLDEN TIME what did you enjoy this week? Write a short paragraph about what you enjoyed and why. 

You may choose not to do diary time on a Friday but have some ‘Golden Time’ instead. This means you can choose the activity you do.

Maybe you can earn extra Golden Time throughout the week to enjoy on a Friday? Perhaps you tried really hard on your work or found something hard but still persevered?

 4) Skills Builders- Listening


Listening is a really important skill; we often ask for ‘good listening’ in school. But what does that really mean?


Personal, Social and Health Education - Mental well-being activities


- Staying Positive- this is really important for good mental health. Bill is having a crazy week in the bakery! Read his story and consider the reflection questions at the end



- Cool, calm and collected. 

Can you stay cool and calm? Watch the video and think about what you would do in these situations.



In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.


Check out our blog post to see pictures of how our caterpillars are changing. They have been very busy growing and should become chrysalides over the next few days. I will keep you all posted! Follow the instructions on the blog post to complete your set of observational drawings. 


- We’re not able to share party food on our return days but perhaps you could design a special Hawaiian menu and maybe make some party snacks for you family to try?


- RNLI Beach safety. Last year’s Year 2 had a really interesting visit from the RNLI who told us more around how to be safe on the beach and the sea. Why don’t you try and earn you Water Safety Passport?  Especially if you are heading to the beach this Summer.


-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)


- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.


- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables. 



Week Beginning: 6th July
Next week- you can have a go at making your own volcanic eruption. At school, we would normally work together in teams to put layers of papier mâché around a bottle that is stuck onto a cardboard base. We would then paint the volcano and then add vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring to the make the eruption! You may like to experiment with coca-cola and mentos to make an eruption too. Collect whatever materials you might need for your project this week. You may just want to try and create an eruption in a bottle, or you might like to replicate the whole project as it would’ve been in class. Always work with an adult.  

1) Maths Measurement

 This week we are going to be learning about mass, capacity and temperature. We will be learning about the different units, scales and comparing them.

Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Today we are going to be learning about comparing mass. Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 9  w/b 22.06.20 – lesson 4) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.


Practical suggestion: why don’t you pick objects from around your home to compare. Which is lighter? Which is heavier? Are any equal?

2) English 

Prepare to get silly!


Summer Reading Challenge


Explore the website and register to complete the SRC, if you haven’t already.


An adult will need to verify your account for you.

3) Joe Wicks 5 minute workout (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

No spelling test this week as it was Sports Week last week.

There will be new spellings on Wednesday.

Why don’t you explore Small Town Superheroes? It’s a firm favourite in Year 2!


1) Maths Measurement

 Today we are going to be learning about measuring mass in grams.


Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 10 w/b 29.06.20 – lesson 1) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.

2) English- Hawaii

We have joined Captain James Cook on more of his travels and have just arrived in Hawaii!


Read through this introductory presentation to find out more!


Make some notes on some exciting things you have learnt about Hawaii; you will need these for later on in the week.


3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!

4) Music

Have you seen the film, ‘Lilo and Stitch’? Play this song from the film and have a dance around.


What instruments can you hear?

Perhaps you might like to research more around Hawaiian music?


Swifts Google Meet 2.30pm

Don't forget to read the Google Meet Guidance here.


We will have a chat about our return days next week…we have some exciting plans!

You might like to have a fact about Hawaii ready to share with the class.


1) Topic Volcanoes

Hawaii has an amazing natural landscape. This is mainly due to volcanic activity, there are still lots of highly active areas and the land is constantly changing,


Find out more with this presentation.


Draw a volcano or print out the diagram and label the parts.

2) Topic- Science

Our caterpillars have arrived! Check out our blog post to see pictures of how they are changing. Follow the instructions on the blog post to complete your set of observational drawings. 


Look at this presentation about the life cycle of a butterfly. Draw the life cycle in your books or use this sheet. Watch this video filmed in Swifts last year of the exact moment one of our caterpillars turned into a chrysalis! 


Don't forget to check back every couple of days to see if there is an update on our caterpillars!

3) P.E.- Well done on all your sporting achievements last week!


Who has won the House Cup this year?

Remember to send any videos or photographs of your challenges to the sports e-mail address, you might see yourself on the website or in the celebratory videos.
4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you use the words in a sentence?

1) Maths  Measurement

Today we are going to be learning about measuring mass in kilograms.


Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 10 w/b 29.06.20 – lesson 2) and read this extra information.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.


2) English- Hawaii

Congratulations! You have a new job working for the Hawaiian Tourist Board. Once Coronavirus restrictions are lifted, you need to encourage as many tourists back to Hawaii as you can.


Do some research on the beautiful islands you now work for. Pause the video and take time to read the captions.


Write down adjectives that you will use to encourage tourists to visit Hawaii.

Tell your family some great things they could see in Hawaii and try and persuade them to visit!
3) Just Dance, can you choreograph your own version?

4) Read for pleasure

Explore the Summer Reading Challenge some more.

Remember to log any completed reads on the SRC website.

Perhaps you could even ‘borrow’ an ebook from Merton libraries?


Swallows Google Meet 3pm

 Don't forget to read the Google Meet Guidance here.


We will have a chat about our return days next week…we have some exciting plans!

You might like to have a fact about Hawaii ready to share with the class.


1) Maths Measurement

Today we are going to be learning about measuring and comparing capacity and volume.


Use this knowledge organiser to help you.


Watch this video (Find it in Learning Week 10 w/b 29.06.20 – lesson 3) and read this extra information and complete the practical activities.


Practice your knowledge using this work sheet.

2)  English Hawaii

 Make a Hawaiian tourist poster.


Look at this presentation to help you. You can draw you poster by hand, or you might like to make it on the computer.


Remember your poster needs to include some ‘best bits’ of Hawaii and persuade tourists to visit. Why is Hawaii different from other places that people could go on holiday to?

3) Diary time or GOLDEN TIME what did you enjoy this week? Write a short paragraph about what you enjoyed and why. 

You may choose not to do diary time on a Friday but have some ‘Golden Time’ instead. This means you can choose the activity you do.

Maybe you can earn extra Golden Time throughout the week to enjoy on a Friday? Perhaps you tried really hard on your work or found something hard but still persevered?

4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you find interesting ways to write them? 

Personal, Social and Health Education - Mental well-being activities


- Colouring is a great way to be mindful and relax. Here are some sheets for you to try. If you don’t have access to a printer perhaps do some doodling or drawing or try a You Tube drawing video.

In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.


- Complete this Pupil Survey for Mrs Greer - you will need an adult to help you

- The Go Jetters have travelled to Mt Etna in Italy to find out more around volcanoes

- Love learning about butterflies? Why don't you try making a butterfly garden. How many butterflies can you tick off the list? 

-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)

- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.

- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables. 

Week Beginning: 29th June



Enjoy the sports activities, Swifts and Swallows! See how many Housepoints you can earn virtually for your House! Look carefully at the Sports page on the website to find out how you can take part and send your achievements in. I wonder how many creative ways you can find to celebrate Pelham’s 65th birthday in an active way?

Good luck!

Who will be the first Virtual Sports Day winners?


1) Maths Revision

 Today should have marked the beginning of Wimbledon. Though it has been cancelled try out these different Wimbledon themed maths activities.


Wimbledon Maths Challenge Cards.


Wimbledon Word Problems


Want some more? Don’t forget to log onto Times Tables Rockstars to practise your set times tables!

2) English Australian Sports

 Australia is (apparently) quite good at sports!

Have a look at the 10 most popular sports in Australia


Choose one sport to research more thoroughly for your factfile.


Remember your recipe writing last week?

Perhaps you could even write some instructions to explain how to play a particular sport?





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

No new spellings this week due to Sports Week

1) Maths Revision


 This week is our virtual sports week. Try your hand at this Sports Day Themed Maths Mystery.


Can you figure out who the trophy thief is?

Good Luck!


Want some more? Don’t forget to log onto Times Tables Rockstars to practise your set times tables!

2) English Olympics 2000


This was before you were born, but your parents might remember it. Sydney hosted the Olympics in the year 2000.


Imagine you were at the opening ceremony!


Write a postcard home to tell everyone in the U.K. some of the things you saw!

You might like to design a new, Australian stamp for the postcard.





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) P4C- 1992 Olympics

 Watch the video then think about these questions:


- Why did Derek carry on with the race when he knew he couldn’t win anymore?

- Why were people in the crowd standing up and clapping him?

- How do you think Derek was feeling?

- How was is Dad feeling?

- How do you think Derek feels about the race now, nearly 30 years on?

1) Topic 


Design your own medal to award yourself at the end of Sports Week! If you have any craft materials at home, you could even make the medal that you design.

2) Topic- Science Heart Investigation

We are revising the effects of exercise on our heart rate.


Look at this activity sheet. Try your hand at these different warm up activities and record your heartrate for each (don’t forget to record your resting heart rate at the start of each activity!)


Why does our heart rate increase during exercise?  





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) Warm- up well!

It’s important to do a good warm-up before doing physical activity.

Follow this video


Then see if you can come up with your own warm-up routine.


 1) Maths Revision


Can you complete all of these Sports Day themed Maths Challenges? Good Luck!


When you have finished your Maths Challenges, spend 15mins practising your times tables knowledge on your Times Tables Rockstars account. 

 2) English 

Look back at your KWL sheet. Are there any other questions you’d like to research and answer? Some of you came up with great ideas like, ‘how high do kangaroos jump?’ and ‘how does a boomerang work?


Fill in your ‘L’ section on the sheet now. What have you enjoyed learning about? Are there any new skills you think you have developed over this topic?





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

 4) Pelham is 65!


Make a 65th birthday card for Pelham Primary school and decorate it with your favourite things about our lovely school. 


 1) Maths Revision


Enjoying the return of the Premier League?


Keeping on our Sports theme for the week try this Premier League Maths Game. Will you solve, shoot and score?


Make sure that you select the Maths section of the game and have a go at Rising Stars.


Want some more? Watch this video about why bar charts and data handling is important in football.

Try your hand at presenting football data as bar charts and try this quiz

 2)  English- contents and glossary

Number all of the pages in your factfile and make your contents page. Remember your contents page is in the order of the pages,


Look through your factfile for interesting words that people might need clear definitions of e.g. marsupial, dreamtime, boomerang, dunny etc.

Put these words in alphabetical order for your glossary. Write definitions for your glossary e.g. Marsupial- mammals comprising of kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots, possums, and related animals that usually have a pouch on the abdomen of the female which helps to feed and protect the babies until they are bigger.





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

 4) Celebrate!


Celebrate a fantastic week of sports with a good rest and maybe some extra Golden Time!

Maybe listen to some relaxing music or do a guided meditation.  

 Personal, Social and Health Education - Mental well-being activities


-Staying active is key to positive mental health. Think about how you feel before exercise and how you feel afterwards, what positive changes do you notice?


 In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.




- We’d love to see your creative ways of celebrating Pelham’s 65th birthday in an active way. What can you do with the number 6 and 5? Remember you can even add or multiply them together to create other active challenges!

- Celebrate Sports Day at home like we would do at school…maybe you could even walk to South Park Gardens to do some of your challenges whilst social distancing? You could decorate your house with bunting, hold medal ceremonies and even have an ice lolly when the hard work is all over!

- In 2009, Usain Bolt ran 100m sprint in an amazing 9.58 seconds. How many star jumps can you do in that time?

- Why not try out this Wimbledon word search and Sports Day word search?

-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)

- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.

- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables. 

Week Beginning: 22nd  June 2020

Look ahead: We are introducing Year 2 to a new Maths programme used in KS2, Times Tables Rockstars. This is to promote the learning and revising of times tables.

In Year 2 we only learn the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.

Please email year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk prior to Thursday’s lesson to receive your child’s login details. Thank you.

1) Maths Revision

This week we are going to be revising and practising our knowledge of the 4 operations (and fractions).

Research how to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. This presentation should remind you of our strategies. This knowledge organiser should help you too.

Watch this video about addition and this video about subtraction.


Practice using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture

‘Dreaming’ or ‘Dreamtime’ are important Aboriginal spiritual beliefs that are thousands of years old. Find out more about it here.


Read the traditional story of ‘Tiddalick the frog


Rewrite the story, in your own words for your Australian factfile.


Illustrate it however you wish.

3) PE lesson with Joe Wicks (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

1) Maths Revision

Research how to multiply and divide. This knowledge organiser should help you.


Watch these multiplication videos and do the games: Multiplication using arrays, 2 x table, 5 x table, 10 x table


Watch these division videos and do the games: What is divisionDivision using arrays


 Practice your multiplication knowledge using this worksheet.

Practice your division knowledge using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture

Read the traditional story of, ‘How the kangaroos got their tails’


How do YOU think kangaroos got their tails? Do you agree with this story?


Write your own version of ‘How the kangaroos got their tails’ for your factfile, try and convince the reader that your story is right! You could write it as a cartoon strip, a longer story, or even act it out for your family!


Illustrate your story however your wish.
3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!

4)  Computing Algorithms

Watch this video to remind yourself about what an algorithm is.


Algorithms make up so many different parts of our lives. Making a cup of tea? Getting ready in the morning? We all follow algorithms to complete those tasks.


Look at this presentation – help the robot by providing clear instructions to help him complete his tasks.

1) Topic Aboriginal Culture

Look at this video and presentation about Aboriginal culture. Art and music play very important parts in Aboriginal culture.


Today you have a choice of activities. Pick one to do and don’t forget to send a picture of your finished product to year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk


Make and decorate your own didgeridoo.


Make your own Aboriginal art masterpiece. (you can follow this video or follow these instructions).

2) Topic – Science Comparing Skills

Pick 2 Australian animals to compare and contrast. Research them, thinking about their lifecycle, habitats, features, animal group.


Think about how they are similar and how they are different. You can present this anyway you like but you may find a Venn diagram or splitting a page into two parts useful.


Fun extra: Look up the platypus. What makes it so unique?

3) Gymnastics- Mrs Cullen’s P.E. Challenge

Merton Schools Sports Partnership have launched a new initiative designed to add a little bit of competition to our daily exercise and activities. Read more about it here and see if you can keep track of your daily activities, either by downloading and completing the tracker.

Email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, in to the home learning email, FAO Mrs Cullen so we can have a look! Good luck!
4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you use the words in a sentence?

1) Maths Revision

Times Tables Rockstars


We have set everyone up with a Times Tables Rockstars account. Spend this session exploring the website and try some of the games.

We will be working on the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.


Please email year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk for your account details.

2)  English Aboriginal Culture

Evonne Goolagong

Evonne is from Aboriginal heritage who has a link to our very own Wimbledon!


Read more about her and answer the questions.


This reading comprehension is aimed at KS2-aged children, so don’t worry if you find it a bit tough. Perhaps read it alongside an adult and just try your best!

3) Go Noodle, can you choreograph your own version?

4) Reading Wombat Goes Walkabout


Watch this video of the Wombat Goes Walkabout then answer these questions.


1) Maths  Revision


Research fractions. This knowledge organiser should help you.


Watch these videos and do the games:

What is a fraction? And Writing fractions.


Practice using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture


Aboriginal cultures have no formal, written language. Instead, stories and important messages are communicated through ancient symbols, art, spoken stories and dance.


Have a look at the symbols and write some of your own messages.

Here are some examples

Maybe you could even write a short story using symbols?

3) Diary time or GOLDEN TIME what did you enjoy this week? Write a short paragraph about what you enjoyed and why. 

You may choose not to do diary time on a Friday but have some ‘Golden Time’ instead. This means you can choose the activity you do.

Maybe you can earn extra Golden Time throughout the week to enjoy on a Friday? Perhaps you tried really hard on your work or found something hard but still persevered?

4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you find interesting ways to write them? 

Personal, Social and Health Education  - Mental well-being activities


Take some time out from whatever you are doing, close your eyes, breath deeply and listen to this music inspired by Aboriginal traditions

In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.


- PELHAM’S VIRTUAL SPORTS WEEK IS NEXT WEEK! Get ready for a week of sporting challenges where you can earn points for your House. Listen to the Pelham Podcast on Wednesday for the Sports Takeover and more information on how you can get involved!


- Check out Dylan’s funny and informative video about what life is like in Australia!

- Listen to the Australian National Anthem. Why don't you sing-a-long with these lyrics?

- Try your luck on Miss Singh’s Quiz of the Week – part 9 (leave a comment with your own questions to be included in future quizzes too!)

- Have a go at solving this Maths Mystery  from last week– can you find out who caused chaos with the missing macaws?

-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)

- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.

- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables.




Year 2 Home-Learning Activities 


Welcome to the Year 2 Home-learning Page! We are really proud of you and your families and how hard you are working at home. We have an action-packed Summer Term planned, whether this is delivered virtually or back at Pelham, it will still be great!


We are all really proud of what you have achieved through lockdown and we know you are continuing to work really hard at home, just keep trying your best Swifts and Swallows! Miss Singh and Ms. Ruthven are now teaching back at Pelham Primary throughout the week. You are still at the top of our thoughts and we are working really hard on your home learning pages, but because we are teaching, we may not be able to respond to your e-mails on the same day…we will get back to you as soon as we can. We really hope we can get to see you in person on our return days in July!

Over the coming weeks you will see a piece of work, on the timetable, highlighted in green. This piece of work should be sent to a new e-mail address, created especially for Year 2. We will then look at the work and give you some comments/feedback about it.

You can also send us other work you are particularly proud of or even just messages and news. We promise that we will read all of them. We will try our best to respond to as many messages as we can but to help us we ask you to limit your emails to the Year 2 email to no more than 3 a week.

You can still send a selected sample of work, you are particularly proud of, to the whole school home learning e-mail address, which may be put on the website.

The new e-mail address for your highlighted work is:  



Our timetable for the Summer Term is similar to the end of a Spring Term. We have tried to make Wednesdays a Topic and Science day, a midweek break from Maths and English. On Tuesdays, we will alternate Music, P4C, Topic and Computing lessons. Before the suggested afternoon activities, we have added a new section, PSHE and mental well-being activities, do try and do these each week. We hope as well, you are finding different ways to be active each day, whether it's P.E. with Joe Wicks, Just Dance, Cosmic Yoga or outside exercise.

We would suggest that children spend approximately 2-3 hours a day engaged in these recommended learning tasks. However, we understand that all children and family circumstances are different and you may not follow this timetable exactly. English and Maths lessons are planned sequentially, so we would strongly advise following the activities in order.

Please do keep in touch with your learning at year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk or homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk   we'd love to see what you've been up to!

Miss Singh and Ms. Ruthven – Year 2 Team 

Week Beginning: 29th June





Enjoy the sports activities, Swifts and Swallows! See how many Housepoints you can earn virtually for your House! Look carefully at the Sports page on the website to find out how you can take part and send your achievements in. I wonder how many creative ways you can find to celebrate Pelham’s 65th birthday in an active way?

Good luck!

Who will be the first Virtual Sports Day winners?


1) Maths Revision

 Today should have marked the beginning of Wimbledon. Though it has been cancelled try out these different Wimbledon themed maths activities.


Wimbledon Maths Challenge Cards.


Wimbledon Word Problems


Want some more? Don’t forget to log onto Times Tables Rockstars to practise your set times tables!

2) English Australian Sports

 Australia is (apparently) quite good at sports!

Have a look at the 10 most popular sports in Australia


Choose one sport to research more thoroughly for your factfile.


Remember your recipe writing last week?

Perhaps you could even write some instructions to explain how to play a particular sport?





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

No new spellings this week due to Sports Week

1) Maths Revision


 This week is our virtual sports week. Try your hand at this Sports Day Themed Maths Mystery.


Can you figure out who the trophy thief is?

Good Luck!


Want some more? Don’t forget to log onto Times Tables Rockstars to practise your set times tables!

2) English Olympics 2000


This was before you were born, but your parents might remember it. Sydney hosted the Olympics in the year 2000.


Imagine you were at the opening ceremony!


Write a postcard home to tell everyone in the U.K. some of the things you saw!

You might like to design a new, Australian stamp for the postcard.





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) P4C- 1992 Olympics

 Watch the video then think about these questions:


- Why did Derek carry on with the race when he knew he couldn’t win anymore?

- Why were people in the crowd standing up and clapping him?

- How do you think Derek was feeling?

- How was is Dad feeling?

- How do you think Derek feels about the race now, nearly 30 years on?

1) Topic 


Design your own medal to award yourself at the end of Sports Week! If you have any craft materials at home, you could even make the medal that you design.

2) Topic- Science Heart Investigation

We are revising the effects of exercise on our heart rate.


Look at this activity sheet. Try your hand at these different warm up activities and record your heartrate for each (don’t forget to record your resting heart rate at the start of each activity!)


Why does our heart rate increase during exercise?  





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

4) Warm- up well!

It’s important to do a good warm-up before doing physical activity.

Follow this video


Then see if you can come up with your own warm-up routine.


 1) Maths Revision


Can you complete all of these Sports Day themed Maths Challenges? Good Luck!


When you have finished your Maths Challenges, spend 15mins practising your times tables knowledge on your Times Tables Rockstars account. 

 2) English 

Look back at your KWL sheet. Are there any other questions you’d like to research and answer? Some of you came up with great ideas like, ‘how high do kangaroos jump?’ and ‘how does a boomerang work?


Fill in your ‘L’ section on the sheet now. What have you enjoyed learning about? Are there any new skills you think you have developed over this topic?





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

 4) Pelham is 65!


Make a 65th birthday card for Pelham Primary school and decorate it with your favourite things about our lovely school. 


 1) Maths Revision


Enjoying the return of the Premier League?


Keeping on our Sports theme for the week try this Premier League Maths Game. Will you solve, shoot and score?


Make sure that you select the Maths section of the game and have a go at Rising Stars.


Want some more? Watch this video about why bar charts and data handling is important in football.

Try your hand at presenting football data as bar charts and try this quiz

 2)  English- contents and glossary

Number all of the pages in your factfile and make your contents page. Remember your contents page is in the order of the pages,


Look through your factfile for interesting words that people might need clear definitions of e.g. marsupial, dreamtime, boomerang, dunny etc.

Put these words in alphabetical order for your glossary. Write definitions for your glossary e.g. Marsupial- mammals comprising of kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots, possums, and related animals that usually have a pouch on the abdomen of the female which helps to feed and protect the babies until they are bigger.





Take a look at the Sports page on the website and complete today’s three challenges.

Can you beat the Teacher?

 4) Celebrate!


Celebrate a fantastic week of sports with a good rest and maybe some extra Golden Time!

Maybe listen to some relaxing music or do a guided meditation.  

 Personal, Social and Health Education - Mental well-being activities


-Staying active is key to positive mental health. Think about how you feel before exercise and how you feel afterwards, what positive changes do you notice?


 In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.




- We’d love to see your creative ways of celebrating Pelham’s 65th birthday in an active way. What can you do with the number 6 and 5? Remember you can even add or multiply them together to create other active challenges!

- Celebrate Sports Day at home like we would do at school…maybe you could even walk to South Park Gardens to do some of your challenges whilst social distancing? You could decorate your house with bunting, hold medal ceremonies and even have an ice lolly when the hard work is all over!

- In 2009, Usain Bolt ran 100m sprint in an amazing 9.58 seconds. How many star jumps can you do in that time?

- Why not try out this Wimbledon word search and Sports Day word search?

-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)

- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.

- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables. 

Week Beginning: 22nd  June 2020

Look ahead: We are introducing Year 2 to a new Maths programme used in KS2, Times Tables Rockstars. This is to promote the learning and revising of times tables.

In Year 2 we only learn the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.

Please email year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk prior to Thursday’s lesson to receive your child’s login details. Thank you.

1) Maths Revision

This week we are going to be revising and practising our knowledge of the 4 operations (and fractions).

Research how to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. This presentation should remind you of our strategies. This knowledge organiser should help you too.

Watch this video about addition and this video about subtraction.


Practice using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture

‘Dreaming’ or ‘Dreamtime’ are important Aboriginal spiritual beliefs that are thousands of years old. Find out more about it here.


Read the traditional story of ‘Tiddalick the frog


Rewrite the story, in your own words for your Australian factfile.


Illustrate it however you wish.

3) PE lesson with Joe Wicks (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)

4) Spelling test, how did you do with this week's spellings? 

1) Maths Revision

Research how to multiply and divide. This knowledge organiser should help you.


Watch these multiplication videos and do the games: Multiplication using arrays, 2 x table, 5 x table, 10 x table


Watch these division videos and do the games: What is divisionDivision using arrays


 Practice your multiplication knowledge using this worksheet.

Practice your division knowledge using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture

Read the traditional story of, ‘How the kangaroos got their tails’


How do YOU think kangaroos got their tails? Do you agree with this story?


Write your own version of ‘How the kangaroos got their tails’ for your factfile, try and convince the reader that your story is right! You could write it as a cartoon strip, a longer story, or even act it out for your family!


Illustrate your story however your wish.
3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!

4)  Computing Algorithms

Watch this video to remind yourself about what an algorithm is.


Algorithms make up so many different parts of our lives. Making a cup of tea? Getting ready in the morning? We all follow algorithms to complete those tasks.


Look at this presentation – help the robot by providing clear instructions to help him complete his tasks.

1) Topic Aboriginal Culture

Look at this video and presentation about Aboriginal culture. Art and music play very important parts in Aboriginal culture.


Today you have a choice of activities. Pick one to do and don’t forget to send a picture of your finished product to year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk


Make and decorate your own didgeridoo.


Make your own Aboriginal art masterpiece. (you can follow this video or follow these instructions).

2) Topic – Science Comparing Skills

Pick 2 Australian animals to compare and contrast. Research them, thinking about their lifecycle, habitats, features, animal group.


Think about how they are similar and how they are different. You can present this anyway you like but you may find a Venn diagram or splitting a page into two parts useful.


Fun extra: Look up the platypus. What makes it so unique?

3) Gymnastics- Mrs Cullen’s P.E. Challenge

Merton Schools Sports Partnership have launched a new initiative designed to add a little bit of competition to our daily exercise and activities. Read more about it here and see if you can keep track of your daily activities, either by downloading and completing the tracker.

Email your completed tracker, or a picture of it, in to the home learning email, FAO Mrs Cullen so we can have a look! Good luck!
4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you use the words in a sentence?

1) Maths Revision

Times Tables Rockstars


We have set everyone up with a Times Tables Rockstars account. Spend this session exploring the website and try some of the games.

We will be working on the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.


Please email year2homelearning@pelham.merton.sch.uk for your account details.

2)  English Aboriginal Culture

Evonne Goolagong

Evonne is from Aboriginal heritage who has a link to our very own Wimbledon!


Read more about her and answer the questions.


This reading comprehension is aimed at KS2-aged children, so don’t worry if you find it a bit tough. Perhaps read it alongside an adult and just try your best!

3) Go Noodle, can you choreograph your own version?

4) Reading Wombat Goes Walkabout


Watch this video of the Wombat Goes Walkabout then answer these questions.


1) Maths  Revision


Research fractions. This knowledge organiser should help you.


Watch these videos and do the games:

What is a fraction? And Writing fractions.


Practice using this worksheet.

2) English  Aboriginal Culture


Aboriginal cultures have no formal, written language. Instead, stories and important messages are communicated through ancient symbols, art, spoken stories and dance.


Have a look at the symbols and write some of your own messages.

Here are some examples

Maybe you could even write a short story using symbols?

3) Diary time or GOLDEN TIME what did you enjoy this week? Write a short paragraph about what you enjoyed and why. 

You may choose not to do diary time on a Friday but have some ‘Golden Time’ instead. This means you can choose the activity you do.

Maybe you can earn extra Golden Time throughout the week to enjoy on a Friday? Perhaps you tried really hard on your work or found something hard but still persevered?

4) Spellings- spend 10 minutes looking at this week's spellings. Can you find interesting ways to write them? 

Personal, Social and Health Education  - Mental well-being activities


Take some time out from whatever you are doing, close your eyes, breath deeply and listen to this music inspired by Aboriginal traditions

In the afternoon you could....

Remember that these are optional activities and just suggestions if you would like some guidance. If you have other interests or passions that you would like to pursue in the afternoon, we are more than happy for you to do this.


- PELHAM’S VIRTUAL SPORTS WEEK IS NEXT WEEK! Get ready for a week of sporting challenges where you can earn points for your House. Listen to the Pelham Podcast on Wednesday for the Sports Takeover and more information on how you can get involved!


- Check out Dylan’s funny and informative video about what life is like in Australia!

- Listen to the Australian National Anthem. Why don't you sing-a-long with these lyrics?

- Try your luck on Miss Singh’s Quiz of the Week – part 9 (leave a comment with your own questions to be included in future quizzes too!)

- Have a go at solving this Maths Mystery  from last week– can you find out who caused chaos with the missing macaws?

-Try and read or share a book everyday for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!)

- Log onto Mathletics and try some exercises.

- Log onto Times Tables Rockstars and practise some times tables.