Year 1 Home-Learning Activities
A final welcome back to the Year 1 Home-Learning Page.
As the school year draws to an end, we would like the children to take time to reflect on the amazing learning and progress they have made over the past year. Children who have returned to school will either now have, or will shortly have, their ‘work folders’, which contain all of their school-based learning. We would love for you to go through the folder with your child and celebrate their learning and achievements with them. If children do not have their folders, then please look back through their home-learning books and celebrate with your child all the wonderful learning that has taken place during their time at home.
You will see that this week’s timetable continues to reflect the move from new learning to revisiting keys skills. The revision activities we have planned are again only there only as suggested ideas, but please be guided by your own child. If they are tired or you feel their learning has reached saturation level for this school year, please feel to stick to more fun based activities and activities that will promote their mental well-being – you know your child best! There are links to a variety of additional fun learning opportunities on our home page. Please note, that as we have just a week and two days left of this school year, the timetable below covers all remaining days until the end of term.
And finally a personal note from me ... I would just like to say how incredibly proud I am of all of the children. The positivity and flexibility they have shown in getting to grips with a whole new way of learning has continually amazed me. I was really sad that I was unable to return to school for the summer term but it has been a joy for me that I have been able to see so many photos and examples of the children's work along the home learning journey . Thank you for all of your support in making this a wonderful year and certainly one I am sure most of us will never forget! I wish you all a peaceful and relaxing summer and I look forward to seeing many of you again in September, when I begin my new role, teaching across Year 1 and 2. Mrs Rekesius |
Week Beginning 13th July 2020 |
Monday | |
Maths - Revision Take a look at the summer revision sheet. These are a few suggested revision areas you could work on over the remaining few days of this school year, as well as dipping in and out of during the summer. |
Literacy Now that you know whether you will be a Swifts or a Swallow next year, take some time to find out about your new class bird. Research some facts about it and have a go at creating your own swift or swallow fact file to share with your new teacher in September. Try and impress them by using your neatest handwriting and really focusing on using your phonic skills to sound out words you want to write. |
Fun Activities: *Have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'.
*Do a Joe Wickes workout or do some physical activity anyway you wish!
*Check out the Ducksters website for a variety of games for children.
*Have some fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose one of the investigation to have a go at! |
Tuesday | |
Maths - Revision Take a look at the summer revision sheet. These are a few suggested revision areas you could work on over the remaining few days of this school year, as well as dipping in and out of during the summer. |
Literacy Write a letter to your new class teacher and tell them all the things you are looking forward to when you start in Year 2! Again, try and impress them by using your neatest handwriting and really focusing on using your phonic skills to sound out words you want to write. |
Fun Activities: *Have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'.
*Do a Joe Wickes workout or do some physical activity anyway you wish!
*Check out the Ducksters website for a variety of games for children.
*Have some fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose one of the investigation to have a go at! |
WOW Wednesday | |
Today is the day you get to do as much or as little as you like!
If you would like to, there are lots of suggested activities on our main home-learning page that you could have a go at,
Maybe you are feeling energetic – if so have a go at some of the amazing workouts that are available from Joe Wickes or Lets Dance!
Or maybe you just fancy a much more relaxing day – then have at a Cosmic Yoga session or some meditation exercises. The main thing is … HAVE FUN! |
Thursday | |
Maths - Revision Take a look at the summer revision sheet. These are a few suggested revision areas you could work on over the remaining few days of this school year, as well as dipping in and out of during the summer. |
Literacy - Revision Have a look back at a few more of the pages in your blue spelling folder. Can you still read and spell the words on these pages? Do these spellings contain a digraph, trigragh or split-digraph?
CHALLENGE: Can you look through a book and find any more words containing these same spelling patterns? |
Fun Activities: *Have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'.
*Do a Joe Wickes workout or do some physical activity anyway you wish!
*Check out the Ducksters website for a variety of games for children.
*Have some fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose one of the investigation to have a go at! |
Friday | |
Maths - Revision Take a look at the summer revision sheet. These are a few suggested revision areas you could work on over the remaining few days of this school year, as well as dipping in and out of during the summer. |
Literacy - Revision Did you manage to read all of these high frequency words last week? If not, have another go. Highlight the ones you can now read and then set yourself the challenge of trying to learn several more words over the remaining days of this term.
CHALLENGE: If you can read all the words, have a go at spelling them! |
Fun Activities: *Have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'.
*Do a Joe Wickes workout or do some physical activity anyway you wish!
*Check out the Ducksters website for a variety of games for children.
*Have some fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose one of the investigation to have a go at!
... and finally Monday 20th July & Tuesday 21st July Miss Vautier and Ms. Ruthven can't wait to see you in Swifts and Swallows next year! They've really enjoyed meeting the children who have been in school and reading them a special story. Take a look at the videos they have also made you to welcome you into Year 2. Below is a special project they'd love you to think about over the last two days of term. You can spend as much time on this activity as you like and complete it anyway that suits you. Perhaps you could make a collage, include some family photographs or even make a poster on the computer, the choice is yours!
Getting to know you What do you enjoy doing at school? What are your favourite things? What are your interests? What are you excited about going into Year 2? How did you keep busy during Lockdown? Create a poster for Miss Vautier and Ms. Ruthven that you can bring into school during the first week of Year 2. We'd love it to really show us your individuality and creativity, so make it anyway that suits you. We can't wait to get to know you!
Week Beginning 6th July 2020 |
Monday |
Maths - Revision How far can you count in twos? To 10? To 20? To 100? Here’s a video that can help you with counting to 20 in twos!
CHALLENGE: If you feel confident at counting in twos, why not have a go at learning your two times table? Watch this video to get you started.
Literacy Today you are going to write the part of the story where the alien invites the main character for a tea party! What alien food do they eat?
We would like you to focus on using adjectives (wow describing words) and speech marks. |
Fun Activities *if you are learning at home have a go at today’s daily ‘Skills Builder Challenge'. (Children in school will be starting the Skills Builder ‘Moon Base Challenge’)
* Make you own obstacle course ... see if you can includes jumping, crawling and hopping.
*Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or choreograph your own dance. Get your family to join in too! *Make a 65th birthday card for Pelham Primary school and decorate it with your favourite things about our lovely school. |
Tuesday | |
Maths - Revision Can you count to 100 in tens?
Can you count backwards in tens from 100 – a little trickier!
CHALLENGE; If you are confident at counting in tens, have a go at your ten times table.
Literacy Time to go home! Today you are going to write the end of your story.
We would like you to focus on your choice of story language for the ending. What will your closing sentence be? |
Fun Activities: *if you are learning at home have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'. (Children in school will be continuing the Skills Builder ‘Moon Base Challenge’)
* Do a Joe Wickes workout or do some physical activity anyway you wish!
* Check out the Ducksters website for a variety of games for children.
* Have some fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose one of the investigation to have a go at! |
WOW Wednesday | |
Today is the day you get to do as much or as little as you like!
If you would like to, there are lots of suggested activities on our main home-learning page that you could have a go at,
Maybe you are feeling energetic – if so have a go at some of the amazing workouts that are available from Joe Wickes or Lets Dance!
Or maybe you just fancy a much more relaxing day – then have at a Cosmic Yoga session or some meditation exercises. The main thing is … HAVE FUN! |
Thursday | |
Maths - Revision Today we are revising counting in fives. This video will help if you are finding it tricky!
CHALLENGE: Once you feel confident at counting in fives, why not have a go at learning the fives times table? Watch this video to get you started.
Literacy - Revision Have a look back at a few of the pages in your blue spelling folder. Can you still read and spell the words on these pages? Do these spellings contain a digraph, trigragh or split-digraph?
CHALLENGE: Can you look through a book and find any more words containing these same spelling patterns? |
Fun Activities: *if you are learning at home have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'. (Children in school will be continuing the Skills Builder ‘Moon Base Challenge’)
* Go Noodle - can you choreograph your own version?
*Follow this video to make a friendship bracelet.
*Log on to Mathletics and challenge yourself to beat some of your personal best scores! |
Friday | |
Maths - Revision This week we have been revising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
How far can you count in each of these – what is your personal best?
Set yourself the challenge over the remaining days of term of seeing if you count just a little further and beat your personal best! |
Literacy - Revision How many of these high frequency words can you read? Highlight the ones you can read and then set yourself the challenge of trying to learn several more words over the remaining days of this term. Insert link to HFW sheet
CHALLENGE: If you can read ALL the words, have a go at seeing if you can spell them! Over the remaining days of this term have a go at pratising some of the ones you can’t yet spell! |
Fun Activities: *if you are learning at home have a go at today’s ‘Skills Builder Challenge'. (Children in school will be continuing the Skills Builder ‘Moon Base Challenge’)
* Have some more fun with science - look at these STEM science starter ideas and choose a different investigation to have a go at!
Week Beginning 29th June 2020 |
Monday | |
Maths Note: For today’s activity you are going to need three identical containers and a plastic jug to pour water.
This week we are looking at measuring capacity – capacity is how much a container can hold.
(Show your child an empty container,) What can you tell your grown-up about it?
Repeat for a full container. (Explain that a container is ‘full’ when no more water can be added)
(Then show your child a half full container.) How full is this container? (Explain that it is half full – you might want to point out that it also half empty!).
Now give your child three identical containers and ask them to add water (or sand) to the containers, so that one is full, one is half full and one is empty. Note – make sure the ‘full’ container is filled to the very top!
Finally have a go at this activity sheet. |
Literacy Today we are drawing a story map or story grid to show exactly what will happen in your space stories. If you would like to, please use or copy this story grid to complete this. Everybody’s story will follow the same plot but with key differences, such as the elements you’ve already designed and the speech between you and your alien! There are six boxes in your story grid, because our writing will take place over six sessions. This is the format for those six sessions and the six pictures you will draw in your grid today:
Topic When you look at the moon it appears to change shape a little every night – this ‘change of shape’ is known as the phases of the moon or moon phases
Watch this video to find out why this happens.
The video showed us that the moon has eight different phases.
We would like you to either complete this moon phase activity sheet OR if you feel like a challenge, draw and label the eight phases of the moon (if it helps keep watching the video and pause it at each new phase). |
Sports Day Challenges
Choose a few activities from the list of 15, to have a go at. Don’t forget to watch the video and see if you can ‘Beat the Teacher’! Your whole family can join in with you too- maybe you can create a family leader board! |
Tuesday | |
Maths Note: For today’s activity you are going to need several empty containers of different sizes and a plastic jug to pour water.
Look at all of your containers. Which one do you think has the biggest capacity? (holds the most) Which one do you think has the smallest capacity? (holds the least)
Have a go a filling each container in turn, each time starting with a full jug of water. Which container did you have to pour the most water into? (this container has the largest capacity) Which container did you have to pour the smallest amount of water into? (this container has the smallest capacity) Have you got two containers that you think might have the same capacity, you can check this by filling one container to the top and then see if all the water from the first container will fit into the second container. (Remember, if they have the same capacity, the second container must hold ALL of the water and be filled to the top, without any water being left over or spilled!) |
Literacy Today we are beginning our Blast Off stories! Let’s write our story opening! How will you begin your story? This isn’t a fairy tale so it probably won’t be ‘Once upon a time.’ Could it be ‘One sunny day?’ Or ‘One starry night?’ Or ‘Briiiiing, my alarm clock went off beside my ear. I sat up with a smile, remembering that today was going to be a space adventure!’ Have a think about your own opening sentence. For this page or two of your story, it should be about you as the main character, packing your suitcase for your trip to the moon. It needs to contain (in full descriptive sentences):
Here is a link to some fun pages with space borders to complete your stories on. In class, we are going to be using the design on page 4 with the colourful planets on.
Please send your completed story opening to the Year 1 home learning email if you are in group B or are children working from home. |
Science/Crafts For today’s science lesson, we would like you to have a go at making and launching your very own ‘bottle rocket’.
Follow these easy, step by step instructions and then see how high your rocket launches into the air! If you manage to get a photo of your rocket launch, we would love to see it on our Gallery page. |
Sports Day Challenges
Choose a few more activities to have a go at today and see how well you can do! Don’t forget to take photos and challenge your family. |
WOW Wednesday |
Design a medal Design your own Sports Day Medal. You can either use this design and colour your own creation onto it, or you can design your own medal from scratch! |
Word Search Have a go at this sports day word search- can you find them all?
Board Game Print out this Sports Board Game out and play it with someone in your family.
Sports Day Challenges
Which activities will you attempt today? Maybe you will have a go at the 65 Challenge, celebrating Pelham’s 65th Anniversary! Don’t forget to send us in your photos - we would love to see what 65-inspired activity you come up with! |
Thursday | |
Maths Today we are going to learn about how we measure capacity.
Capacity is measured in litres and millilitres. Watch this video to find out more about these units of measure (stop video at 2.00).
Now go on a hunt around your home with your grown up and see if you can find and collect bottles or containers that hold less than a litre, more than a litre AND exactly a litre (the capacity of the container should be written on it). Note: sometimes the capacity of containers will be measured in litres (L) and sometimes they will be measured in mililitres (ml) - remember 1000ml =1L.
When you have collected up your bottles and/or containers, complete this activity sheet. |
Literacy We left off our stories zooming away in our rocket into space! Today we are writing about crashing onto our own imaginary planet. In the page for today, can you include (in full descriptive sentences):
Topic/Craft Note; you will need a packet of Oreo biscuits for this activity!
On Monday we were learning about the different phases of the moon. Can you remember how many phases there were? Can you name any of the phases? Today, we are going to have fun re-creating the moon’s phases using a packet of Oreo biscuits! Follow these simple instructions to make your very own ‘Oreo moon phases’. When you have made all the different phases have a go at adding a label to name each one. We would love to see photos of your finished work on our Gallery page. |
Sports Day Challenges
Have a look at the remaining activities. If you think these are too hard, see if you can revisit some of the earlier challenges and either make them more challenging, or try and set a personal best for your family to beat. |
Friday | |
Maths Today you are going to put your measuring capacity skills to the test by making your very own Moon Slime
Have a look at the scale on the measuring jug you have at home. (The scales vary from jug to jug.) Can you find the 50ml and 100ml mark – you will need these when you start making your moon slime. When you are ready, follow this recipe to mark your sparkling moon slime. Enjoy! |
Literacy You’ve crashed your rocket onto a planet! Luckily you’re not hurt and are just a bit dizzy! In the page or two that you are writing today, you are going to explore your planet and meet an alien! You won’t actually be talking to the alien today, that will come on Monday. Today’s writing needs to contain:
Please send your completed story opening to the Year 1 home learning email if you are in group A or are children working from home. |
Science/Topic Today we would like you to start keeping a ‘Moon Diary’. We would like you to draw the shape of the moon each evening for a month (weather permitting). A lunar cycle is 28 days, so during the month you should be able to observe each phase of the moon and see how it changes throughout the period.
Parents please note: due to the length of daylight hours during the summer, it is possible that your child may be in bed by the time the moon is visible. If that is the case, please can you photograph the moon for your child, and get them to draw it in their moon diary the following day. |
Sports Day Challenges
Congratulations! You have almost completed you Virtual Sports Week! See if you can complete the remaining activities and if not, choose from one of these activities instead:
Remember- send in any pictures you’ve taken, so they can be added to our Virtual Sports Day and 65th Anniversary web pages. REMEMBER to complete and send in your score sheet |
Extra afternoon activities *Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes – remember there are lots of e-books available on Oxford Owl if you have run out of books at home *Write a book review of your favourite book this week and send it in to Mrs. Lyne. *Practise your paper folding skills again – have a go at making an origami dog. *Have a look on our school website at our home learning additional resources page |
Week Beginning 22nd June 2020 |
Monday | |
Topic Today we are going to be looking at the planets that make up our solar system. We live on planet Earth, but did you know there are seven other planets in our solar system. Can you name any of them? Do you know anything about the other planets? Watch this video to find out about our solar system. When you have watched the video, see if you can answer these questions … Are all the planets the same size? Which is the biggest/smallest planet? Which planet is nearest/furthest away from the sun? Now have a go at ordering the planets using this activity sheet.
Literacy In literacy, we are building up towards writing our very own fantasy space stories! For this week and next, we will be designing aliens and rockets, thinking about our own imaginary planet, and even drawing alien food! Before we launch into the next ‘Big Write,’ we will begin by reading stories set in space and practising all the skills needed to make our stories descriptive and exciting!
The focus for this week is all about adjectives and using description. Today is all about what you want the planet in your story to look like! Try hard to use your imagination and be as creative and inventive as possible! Think about:
Hold off on thinking about the aliens for now, as that comes later in the week!
We would love for you to draw or paint your very own, fantastical planet and then write some sentences telling us all about it. If you are in Group B or children working from home, send them in to our new Year 1 email address - we can’t wait to see them!
Maths We are starting this week looking at using balance scales to compare weight. First we would like to watch this video to see how balance scales work. What happens to the ‘balance pans’ if you put an object in one pan and nothing in the other pan? Why does this happen? What would happen if you put something light in one pan and something heavier in the other pan? Which pan would go down and which pan would go up?
For today’s activity you will need a set of balance scales. If you don’t have any at home, don’t worry, this video shows you how to make a simple balance scale with household objects.
You will also need some ‘moon rocks’ – these can be made by collecting several different sized rocks/pebbles from your garden (or whilst you are out on your daily walk) and covering them with tinfoil. Now have a go at comparing the weight of your ‘moon rocks’ using your balance scale. Can you find your heaviest rock and the lightest rock? Do any of your moon rocks weigh the same? How do you know?
What other objects can you compare the weight of using your balance scales? |
Arts & Crafts In out arts & crafts lessons this week you are going to make your very own solar system model to hang in your bedroom!
Today we want you to watch this video to show you how to make the planets, Make a list of all the items you will need and then start collecting them together, so that you can get started tomorrow.
Tuesday |
Topic Yesterday we learnt about the eight planets that make up our solar system. Can you name some of those planets? Today we are going to be learning about the sun, which is at the centre of our solar system. Watch this video to find out some facts about the sun. (stop video at 2.28)
Now we would like you to paint a picture of the sun and then then write a few sentences to tell us some of the facts that you have learnt about it.
Here is photo of the sun to help get you started with your painting! |
Literacy Have a watch of the fun story Here Come the Aliens by Colin McNaughton. As you are watching, keep a close eye on the aliens and their physical characteristics. Which ones make you laugh or smile? Are there any details that you would like to copy for your own alien?
On a large sheet of paper (preferably A3; you could always tape two pieces of A4 together) can you draw or paint your friendly alien? Don’t forget, this alien is going to be a key character in your space story, so you might want to have a few smaller sketches or tries first before you settle on the design! |
Maths Yesterday we were using a balance scale to compare the weight of our moon rocks and other items. Today we are going to use our balance scales to weigh items using non-standard units e.g. buttons, lego bricks etc.
Take one of your moon rocks from yesterday and put it in one of the pans on your balance scale. Then using your chosen non-standard unit of measure, add one at a time to the other pan, until your scales balance (are at exactly the same height).
Have a go at weighing each of your moon rocks.
You could challenge yourself by estimating what you think your moon rock would weigh before you weigh it. Remember: an estimate is a sensible guess! |
Arts & Crafts In today’s session you are going to start making the planets, using balloons and papier-mache. Watch the video again and follow the instruction to make them.
It might be a good idea to follow the tip given; drawing out the planets first, so that you can work out the different sizes of balloons you will need. If you watch our planet video from Monday’s topic lesson again, it clearly shows the different sizes of the planets - some are much bigger than others! Note: Once you have made the papier-mache planets, you will need to leave them to dry overnight. |
WOW Wednesday | |
Science at Home Try this fun ‘bubbling planet’ science activity. |
Just Dance Get active with this space themed dance. See if you can get the whole family to join in with you! |
Crafts Have a go at making a moon buggy out of junk. Here is a photo of one to help you get started. |
Chill Out! Find a calm, quiet place and try out this space themed meditation. |
Thursday | |
Topic So far this week we have found out a about the sun and the planets that make up our solar system. Did you know there are also over two hundred moons in our solar system but only one moon orbits Earth. Today we are going to be learning about what our moon looks like. Watch this BBC Bitesize clip.
The clip shows two astronauts walking on the moon. What do you think that would have been like? What do you think they saw? How do you think they felt?
Now pretend that you are one of those astronauts and have been to the moon. We would like you to send a postcard to say what your visit was like and what you saw. You can add a drawing or download a photo of the moon to add to your postcard. |
Literacy Today is all about an alien tea party! Watch or read Come to Tea on Planet Zum Zee by Tony Mitton. What food do the aliens eat in this book?
Now it’s time to come up with your own alien food! Is it gooey, disgusting or just silly? Draw some pictures of your ideas! Perhaps you could have a go at making some alien food out of play dough? Or bake some cakes but add an interesting twist or design! |
Maths Today we are going to be looking at a different type of weighing scale – the type we use to measure out ingredients cooking or baking.
These type of scales measure weight using standard units of measure - usually grams and/or kilograms. On the front of the weighing scale is a dial that has numbers and a ‘arrow’. We use these to help us measure out ingredients or to see how much something weighs . Tomorrow we are going to be using this type of scale to weigh out ingredients to make ‘moon dust’. But today we are going to practice reading weights on different scales.
Have a go at this activity sheet – these scales are weighing kilograms, and show increments of 5 (5, 10, 15 etc).; each line between the increments represents 1 kg. You could move on to this next sheet – these scales are also showing kilograms, but this time the scales shows increments of 10 kgs.; each line this time represents 2kgs. If you really want to challenge yourself, have a go at this third sheet! |
Arts & Crafts Today you are going to paint your papier-mache planets. The video mentions the best colours to use to paint each planet, so that they are easily identifiable and if you watch Monday's topic video again it also shows and talks about what the planets look like, which will help you with your painting.
Good luck! |
Friday | |
Topic What interesting facts have your learnt this week about our solar system? Tell your grown-up everything you can remember. Have another look at the videos from earlier in the week to help refresh your memory.
Now have a go at making a mini fact file about the solar system – here is an example of what your fact file might look like. |
Literacy Today we’d like you to design your own rocket! It’s going to be the one featured in your Blast Off story that crashes into your imagined planet. Have a watch or read of the following books for some rocket inspiration!
As an aside, one of Mrs. Berry’ favourite books is Rocket says Look Up by Nathan Bryon with a great girl main character who is passionate about space, and her hero the first black woman in space Mae Jemison. Watch it here.
Please email us the picture/painting or even model of your rocket to the Year1 email if you are in group A or a child working from home. |
Maths And finally, we get to make our ‘moon dust’. Follow these instructions and weigh out the ingredients carefully! Note: depending on the increments on your scales at home, children may need some help reading the exact measures |
*Arts & Crafts Now that all your papier-mache planets are painted and dry, you will be able to help your grown-up hang them up in your bedroom.
We would love to see photos of your finished planet model. Ask your grown-up to send them in to the Gallery on the main home-learning page. |
Extra afternoon activities *Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes – remember there are lots of e-books available on Oxford Owl if you have run out of books at home *Write a book review of your favourite book this week and send it in to Mrs. Lyne. *Practise your paper folding skills again – have a go at making an origami dog. *Have a look on our school website at our home learning additional resources page |
Welcome to the Year 1 Home-Learning Page.
Hi Everyone, We hope you have all had a good week, despite the change in weather! We have now successfully welcomed back two groups of children to Penguins class and despite the changes that we have had to be put in place to keep the children and staff safe, a good time has been had by all.
We have now started to see specific pieces of the children's learning being sent in to our new Year 1 email address. However, we must apologise, as there was a slight error in the new email address (a comma was put in instead of a full stop - sorry!). The correct email address is:
Can we just reiterate, that at this time, we will only be able to give feedback on the piece of work we highlight each week in green, therefore it is only this stipulated piece of work that should be sent to our new email address.
As always, you can still send in samples of other work you are particularly proud of and want to share with us, to our normal home learning email. We would love to see what you have been up to!
PUFFINS: Our class Google Meet video call will be taking place on Wednesday 17th June at 10am with Miss Revell, Mrs Gee and Puffins class! I would love it if the children could bring something to show the class such as something they have made or a piece of work they are especially proud of! Here is the link you need to click on to enter the Google Meet:
Please read over the guidance sent via Parentmail last week before the call. I can't wait to see you! :) |
Week Beginning 15th June 2020 |
Monday | |
Maths This week we are going to be learning about positional language – positional language tells us where something or someone is. Watch this video and see how many of these positional words you already know and use. Now using a ball and a box, put the ball in different places in relation to the box and use positional language to tell your grown-up where the ball is ... e.g. the ball in on top of the box. Repeat this, putting the ball into as many different positions as you can.
Now have a go at this activity sheet. |
Literacy Well done for your fantastic ‘Katie in London’ writing last week – it is great that we are now able to see some of your written work and give feedback on it. We are starting this week writing the next part of the story, where the children see the palace and the changing of the guards. We want you to really focus on using some great adjectives to describe the palace and the guards. Here is the link again to the London border paper if you need more.
Please note: if this piece of work is being completed at home, we would like you to send this in to our Year 1 home learning email for feedback. |
Topic In our topic work on London, we have been learning about major events that have happened in London. We made a booklet about the Fire of London which started in 1666. We found out that two of our most famous Queens were crowned in 1837 and 1953. Today we are going to make a timeline to place these events (and a few other interesting events) in order. Here is a power point showing how to make a timeline. This timeline shows events that have happened just in picture form, but if you like you can add captions to your timeline as well! On your timeline we want you to include the three facts mentioned above – you can either draw or add a photo for the event and/or write a caption (i.e. Queen Victoria was crowned). You must also include the date. (i.e. 1837). We would then like you to add four further events in London’s history to you timeline – it could be events like England winning the world cup ay Wembley in 1966, The London Olympics in 2012, The London Eye opening in 2000, you could even add in you being born in 2013/14.
Remember – the events on your timeline need to be in year order! |
Art Today we are going to have a go at ‘blow painting’. Watch this video to show you how to get started and then have a go at making random patterns with the paint. TIP: the runnier the paint, the better it will blow around your paper. Once you have mastered the technique, have a go at blow painting a tree – this next video will show you how!
Send you paintings into the school’s gallery – we would love to see them! |
Tuesday | |
Maths Today we are going on a treasure hunt, looking for ‘treasure that our grown-up has hidden. But before we start the hunt, we need to make sure that you know your left and right, as these are some of the directions we will be using. Watch this video - it will show your how to remember your left and right.
Without you seeing, your grown-up will hide the treasure (e.g. shiny beads or coins) somewhere in your garden or room. You will then stand in the middle of the garden or room and your grown-up will use positional language (including left and right) to take you to the treasure e.g. turn to your left and take three paces forward etc.
When you have followed all the instructions and found the treasure, you could swap roles; this time you hide the treasure and give out instructions, and your adult has to find it.
Have fun! |
Literacy Today you are going to write about the children and the lion going to the park and then to Harrods. When he is sat in the park, how does the lion feel knowing that he will have to return to the stone in Trafalgar Square? ’ (“I wish I didn’t have to go back.” said the lion, sadly) Our focus today will be to think of a synonym for ‘sad? Look at this power point to remind you what a synonym is! What other words could you use instead of sad? |
Science Today we would like you to have a go at a pencil drawing of a summer tree. If you have a tree in your garden or there is a tree near your house, take a good look at the tree. What does the trunk look like; can you see lines in the bark? Does the tree have lots of branches; are they all the same length and thickness? What shape are the leaves? When you start to draw, think about the proportion of trunk to crown (the crown is the top part of the tree, made up of the braches, twigs and leaves).
If you are finding drawing the tree a little tricky, here is ‘how to draw’ sheet that might help you to get the detail correct. |
PSHE (jigsaw) Our ‘Jigsaw’ topic for this half term is 'Changing Me’
Have a discussion with your grown-up on the following questions:
What do you most like about being you now?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Draw a picture of yourself as a grown up, showing what you want to be. |
WOW Wednesday | |
SCIENCE AT HOME Follow these instructions to make your very own lava lamp.
COSMIC YOGA Try out this great ‘Pedro the Penguin’ yoga session – a great way of staying fit. |
CRAFTS Have a go at making a ‘mouse’ bookmark – great for helping you find where you have read up to in a book! |
CHILL OUT TIME! Find a calm place; make the room darker by closing the curtains or blinds. Now try this ‘Big Balloon’ meditation. |
PUFFINS: Today is our class Google meet! I would love you to log on using this link at 10am to say hello to Miss Revell, Mrs Gee and the rest of Puffins class! Make sure you bring something to show everyone like something you have made or a piece of work you are really proud of! |
Thursday | |
Maths Another treasure hunt today – this time on paper! Look at this treasure map and follow the instructions to help the pirate find the treasure.
Once you have found where the treasure is hidden, have a go at writing a set of instructions, using positional language, to take the pirate from the start point to the treasure at the tip of the mountain, using a different route. Note: You can get your grown-up to help you with this, if you are finding it a little too tricky. |
Literacy Today we are going to write the ending to our story. How does the story end? What picture is the reader left with? Focus on the description of the sun going down. How could you describe that in your own words? Have a go at adding some wonderful detail to your writing, to give your story a real wow ending!
Please note: if this piece of work is being completed at home, we would like you to send this in to our Year 1 home learning email for feedback. |
Summer Fun Play the ‘yes/no game’ – choose an object related to summer (Links in with our current science topic!) e.g. paddling pool, sun glasses etc. and answer only yes or no to your grown-up’s questions until they guess what you have chosen.
PE (using positional language) You will need a partner for this – if you are learning at home, it could be your grown-up or a sibling. Take it in turns to give instructions to each other, using positional language. e.g. stand behind me, opposite me, next to me, stand to my left/right etc. You can then make it a little harder by adding in extra instructions about how near or far away you want them to stand e.g. stand three paces to my right etc.
Now put out a mat or rug and a bench or chair on the floor. Using the words over, under, on top of, take it in turns again to give instructions to each other - e.g. hop across the mat and crawl under the bench etc. |
Friday | |
Maths Session 4 For our final lesson on positional language and direction, we are going to be taking a look at half and quarter turns (we learnt about halves and quarters in our recent work on fractions – this will help us today). Take a look at this power point to find out what these turns look like!
Cut out this two-coloured circle and start by putting the green half to the left, like this:
Now turn the circle a half turn. Where will the green section be? Does it make any difference if we turn it to the right or left to do the half turn? Have a go and see! If we return the circle to the start position and turn it a quarter turn to the right, what will it look like? Would it have looked the same if we had turned it a quarter turn to the left instead? |
Literacy Just like we have done with our previous ‘Big Writes’, today we want you to read back through your story.
What two things do you think you have done really well?
What could you change to make your writing even better? |
French When we were all in school together, we were having fun learning to count in French. Lets see if we can still remember how to do this! Here is our French counting song for you to sing along to. |
PSHE Watch this video.
What was the story about? How does it make you feel? Why is it important at the current time that we don’t hug people outside of our own household?
Talk to your grown-up about could you show someone you love them without giving them a hug. |
Extra afternoon activities *Have a go a ‘Bubble Art’ – watch this video and then get creative! * Play dough is fun to model with, so why not have a go at making your own play dough - *Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes – remember there are lots of e-books available on Oxford Owl if you have run out of books at home.
Week Beginning 8th June 2020 |
Monday | |
Maths Today we are going to be looking at doubling numbers. Let’s start with an easy number … What is double 3? How could you work this out? How would you write it as a number sentence? Because it’s a small number we could put up 3 fingers on one hand and then 3 more fingers on the other hand. If we then count them all, we get the answer 6. We could write this as 3 +3 = 6. But what if I asked you to double 6? Could you still use your fingers? How else could you work this out? We could use objects, or the counting on method, or even a number line, but today we are actually going to use a mirror! Place 6 counters (or buttons) on a table and stand a mirror up next to them. Can you see the counters (buttons) reflected in the mirror? Now we are going to count the counters on the table PLUS the counters reflected in the mirror! Did you get 12? If not, have another go! Can you write down the number sentence for this double? (6 + 6 = 12) Have a go at doubling some more numbers using the mirror – don’t forget to write down the number sentence to go with your double. TIP: If you decide to double bigger numbers, you might need to use a larger mirror, as it will be easier to see and count the reflected counters! |
Literacy This week we are starting our ‘Big Write’ of Katie in London. Just like we have done in all our previous big writes, we want you to really pay attention to your spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting. Today we want you to focus on using speech marks to show when one of the characters are speaking. Have a look at this power point – it will remind you how to use speech marks. Before you get started with your writing you might want to listen to the story again and take a look at the story map you made last week, so that you have an idea of what you want to write before you get started!
Now have a go at writing the story opening, up until Grandma having a rest because she is tired. Please note: if this piece of work is being completed at home, we would like you to send this in to our NEW Year 1 home learning email for feedback.
Here is a lovely London border sheet that you could use for your writing! |
Topic We have now looked at two famous queens of England. Can you remember who they were? What else can you remember about each queen? Have a look back at some of the work you have done and at the power point presentations we have shown you to help you remember some more facts. Today we are going to have a go at comparing the two queens. Here is a comparison sheet you can use or if you are feeling ambitious, have a go at designing your own! |
PSHE Watch this ‘Kindness’ video What happens when someone is kind to you? Are you kind back? How does it make you feel? Think of a time when you have been kind. Have a discussion about how kindness spreads.
Tuesday | |
Maths Yesterday we were finding out how to double numbers. Today we going to be finding out how doubling and halving are related. On a sheet of paper draw a large butterfly. Place 4 counters on the wings on one side of the butterfly. How can I find out double 4 on my butterfly?
(place 4 counters on the wings on the other side of the butterfly and count up) So double 4 is 8 So what is half of 8? (take away the counters of one half (side) of the butterfly. So half of 8 is 4 Repeat this several times with different numbers until you are happy with doubling and halving on the butterfly and can see how they are related (the opposite of each other!) Now have a go at the activity sheet. If you find this easy, you can challenge yourself with this extra sheet! |
Literacy Today you are going to write the part of the story where the children meet the lion and he takes them off to see London. We want you to really think about using exciting verbs for the scene where the lion leapt off the stone and bounded out of Trafalgar Square. What verbs could you use instead of ‘leapt’ and ‘bounded’. Remember – this is your ‘Big Write’, so don’t forget to think about your spelling, punctuation and hand writing too! |
Science This song is a fun way to remember the seasons, different types of weather, and how people prepare for different weather conditions. Which season are we in now and how do you know? (The weather is warmer and the daylight hours are longer) Talk to your grown-up how people would prepare for summer weather and the types of clothes they would wear e.g. when it is very hot and sunny people open their windows and put on shorts! Draw a picture to picture to show an activity you would do in summer and what clothes you would wear for that activity. |
PE Have a go at this Harry Potter themed PE lesson with Sadie and Bella. |
WOW Wednesday | |
Complete a Just Dance session on YouTube or why not have a go choreographing your own dance! |
Play ‘Simon Says’ with a twist! Make the instructions more complicated e.g. hop on one leg, flap your arms up and down, do a star jump etc. This version can be much more fun and is also a great way of keeping active! |
Create a sweet or savoury dish. It can be as simple as a sandwich or as imaginative as you want to make it! It can be a dish of raw ingredients (e.g. a salad) or a cooked dish – the choice is yours. Write down the recipe and take a photo of your dish, and send it in to the home learning page. If it looks yummy, we might all want to try it! |
Play a memory game – ask your grown-up to put a number of objects on a tray - start with just a few objects, then begin to add more to make each game more challenging! Look at the objects for a minute, then cover them up. How many can you remember? |
Thursday | |
Keep on practicing your doubling and halving with this great activity book - you can work your way through at your own pace. Have fun! |
Today you are going to write about the children and the lion going to the Tower of London. We want you to be focus on your use of adjectives. Can you remember what an adjective is? Here is a power point to help you. In the story how are the jewels described? How could you describe the jewels in your writing of the story? Please note: if this piece of work is being completed at home, we would like you to send this in to our NEW Year 1 home learning email for feedback. |
Topic Think about what it would have been like to have lived during Queen Victoria’s reign. You good do some research to find out what houses were like, what people wore, if they went to school and what schools were like etc. How does that compare to now, living during Queen Elizabeth II's reign? If you could choose which of these times you could live in, which would it be? In your home learning books write about which you would choose and why. |
Art Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist, who produces artwork using natural materials such as twigs, leaves, flowers, pebbles, bark etc. Have a go at making your own artwork using natural materials and send in a photo of your creation to our Gallery. Here are some examples of artwork created from nature to give you some inspiration! |
Friday | |
Maths Here is a fun game for you to play with your family members to finish off the week’s learning on doubling and halving. |
Literacy Over the course of the week we have been focusing on using speech marks, exciting verbs and adjectives. Today we want you to really try and think about all of these skills, as you write the section of the story where the children and the lion go to London Bridge and the London Eye. Lots to think and write about, but you can do it! |
Science Summer Weather Diary – keep a weather diary and record what the weather was like each day. You can either write about the weather in words or use weather symbols to show what the weather was like – or both! Add a section each day to show what summer activities you did e.g. played in paddling pool, had a barbeque, went for a picnic etc. Here is an example of a weather diary – you can use this, or design your own! |
Fun with language Can you remember what alliteration is? Have a go at saying the following tongue twister which uses alliteration.
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter
Now have a go at making up your own tongue twister. Here’s mine … Terrible Terry teaches teary tiny tots! |
Extra afternoon activities *Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes – remember there are lots of e-books available on Oxford Owl if you have run out of books at home. * Have a go at the Year 1 Skills Challenge! How many points can you get? * Have a go at some games on Phonics Play * Have a go at another Joe Wickes P.E session - get the family to join in with you! |
Week Beginning 1st June 2020 |
Monday | |
Maths Today we are going to be learning how to work out half an amount. First let’s start by watching this video. (Stop videos after 6 toffees have been shared.) Now gather up the following items: 8 counters (or buttons) 12 pencils (or crayons) 16 pieces of pasta Let’s take the counters (buttons) first. How can I find half of them? Yes, share them out into two equal groups. So, our answer is ‘ half of 8 pencils is 4 pencils’. Repeat this with your other items and remember to use the stem sentence to say your answer … ‘half of _____ is _______’
Now have a go at the activity sheet |
Literacy Let’s read the whole of Katie in London. What an adventure she has with Jack and the lion! Can you make a list of all the places she visits in London? Can you write some adjectives next to the landmarks? How could you describe the London Eye?
Topic This week we are going to take a trip back in time to learn about another famous British queen – Queen Victoria. Can you tell your grown-up anything you already know about her? Have a look at this BBC Bitesize video and power point to find out some interesting facts. And remember - you could do a Google search to find out even more interesting facts - we are going to be making a fact sheet at the end of the week! |
PE This week we are going to be working on balance. Balance is the ability to hold your body upright and steady without falling down. Here are some fun games to improve balance… Balancing on one leg whilst stood on a spot. -Make it hard: balancing on one leg whilst also balancing a beanbag or something similar on your head. -Make it harder: balancing on one leg whilst playing catch with the beanbag. -Make it easier: balancing on one leg whilst the other leg is on a chair or ball. Challenge - use a timer to record how long you can hold each balance ... keep trying to improve your times and achieve a new personal best! |
Tuesday |
Maths Today we are going to find out whether any numbers of objects can be halved (shared into two equal groups) Yesterday we found out that half of 8 counters was 4 counters (we shared the 8 counters into two equal groups of 4) But what if we had 9 counters – would this share into equal groups? Have a go! Now try with 10, 11, 12 counters etc. – do they all share into two equal groups? We have found out that not all numbers of objectives can be shared into two equal groups (halved). When a number of objectives can be shared equally into two equal groups, we call that number an EVEN NUMBER. When it can’t be shared into two equal parts we call that number an ODD NUMBER. So now go on a hunt around your home finding different groups of objects (e.g. soft toys, cars, socks, books etc.) How many objects are in your group? Can the number of objects be halved? (shared into two equal groups). Did you have an EVEN NUMBER or ODD NUMBER of objects in your group? |
English Today we’re thinking about the characters in the story. We know that Grandma misses out on the fun, as she’s busy taking a nap! Can you have a go at drawing the lion, Katie and Jack? Can you write some adjectives above them that describe what they are like? You might talk about what they look like or you might talk about their characteristics or character, so what they are like as people or animals. Are they selfish? Are they unkind? Or quite the opposite? |
Yesterday we were finding out how to double numbers. Today we going to be finding out how doubling and halving are related. On a sheet of paper draw a large butterfly. Place 4 counters on the wings on one side of the butterfly. How can I find out double 4 on my butterfly?
(place 4 counters on the wings on the other side of the butterfly and count up) So double 4 is 8 So what is half of 8? (take away the counters of one half (side) of the butterfly. So half of 8 is 4 Repeat this several times with different numbers until you are happy with doubling and halving on the butterfly and can see how they are related (the opposite of each other!) Now have a go at the activity sheet. If you find this easy, you can challenge yourself with this extra sheet! ‘Horrible Histories’ video to find out what some of these inventions were. If you were an inventor, what would you like to invent? (I don’t like making my bed every morning, so I would invent a machine that would make my bed for me!) Draw a picture and/or write about your invention. |
PSHE Have a look at these Mindfulness Challenges activitiy. How many challenges can you complete? |
Wow Wednesday! |
To link in with this week's topic work why not role play being Victorian royalty - dress up as a Victorian with a Queen Victoria mask and scepter and a Prince Albert mask and moustache. See what clothes you can borrow from your family to add to your costume.
We would love to see photos of you dressed as royalty!
Listen to the story of ... ‘Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine’ Why not have a go at designing and drawing your own bathing machine/bathing hut! |
Let's join in again with another of 'Andy's Wild Workouts' ... this week we are having a beach adventure!
If you haven't had a go already, why not learn a new skill with Miss Revell's special sewing videos.
We would love to see some of the things you have made, so please send in your photos to the home learning gallery.
Thursday | |
Maths Today we are going to be finding out how to work out a quarter of an amount. First, gather up the same objects we used on Monday. To find a half of these objects we shared them into two equal groups. How do you think we could find a quarter of these objects? How many equal groups do we need to share them into? Yes … we need to make 4 equal groups. If it helps, you can use four pieces of paper marked group 1, group 2 etc. and ‘share’ onto these. Remember to use the stem sentence to say your answer … ‘a quarter of _____ is _____’
Now have a go at the activity sheet |
English Can you draw a story map of what Katie did in London? Draw a picture followed by an arrow until you get to the end, with a full sequence of pictures. This will help you with writing the story tomorrow and into next week. Here is a lovely example of a story map for the story Goldilocks completed by another school.
Can you use your story map to retell the story? |
Topic For nearly 200 years Buckingham Palace has been the official residence of our kings and queens, but did you know Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there! Today we are going to have a go at drawing Buckingham Palace – follow this video guide to help you. As you are drawing listen to some of the facts about the palace – you’ll be amazed at how many bathrooms it has! |
P4C Would you rather ... ? Watch the video and discuss with your grown up and family. |
Friday |
Maths Yesterday we learnt to find a quarter of an amount by sharing it into four equal groups.
To finish off our work on quarters, have a go at this problem solving activity.
English Next week, we will be writing our stories! As a last activity today in preparation, make a pretty poster of connectives and sentence openers you can use in your story such as:
We had fun in literacy lessons learning actions for these! |
Topic What interesting facts have your learnt this week about Queen Victoria and the Victorian era? Have another look at the video and power point from Monday to see how much you remembered!
Now have a go at making a fact sheet about Queen Victoria – here is an example of what your fact sheet might look like. |
Cosmic Yoga Join in and have fun with this 'Squish the Fish' yoga session. |
Extra afternoon activities - Have a go at the Year 1 Skills Challenge! How many points can you get? - Have a go at some games on Phonics Play - Try this maths place value challenge - pick a number from 11 - 50 and fill in each box. Here's an example!
Half term holidays - 25th - 29th May
As it is half term this week, we are not setting any Literacy or Maths home learning. Instead we are asking the children to work on a fun, creative project which is linked to our London Topic work. We would love them to make a 3D model of their own design for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square! There is more information on this sheet to help you. Our Year 1s are so fantastically creative, we cant wait to see what they make!
Enjoy your half term Year 1s, let's keep our fingers crossed that this lovely sunny weather continues!
Miss Revell, Mrs Berry and Ms Rekesius :) |
Week Beginning: 18th May 2020 | |
Monday | |
Maths This week we are starting to look at fractions. We are going to begin the week by looking at fractions of shapes.
Take a rectangle of paper and fold it so the two short edges are together. Open out the rectangle again. You have just folded your paper to make two equal parts – we call each part a half. Can you fold your paper any other way to make two equal parts? Now try this again using a square and a circle of paper. How many different ways can you fold these shapes to make halves – remember the parts need to be equal!
Watch the power point and see if you can spot the shapes on the final slide that have been correctly split into halves. Now have a go at the activity sheet. |
Literacy - I thought it might be fun to create a final piece of art and writing for our Great Fire of London writing unit. I was watching a ‘Mister Maker’ episode on Cbeebies and loved the way he used small pieces of cardboard to create the edges and outline for houses. I thought you could use the same technique for making a row of Tudor houses! Maybe you could try bending the card or cardboard to make a flame shape too! Could you write facts about the fire on your picture? Perhaps in the style of a shape poem whereby the words go around the painted houses! |
Science Before I talk about today, have a quick peek down there at Wednesday’s experiment so that you can start to gather resources for it!
For today, let’s do an experiment or enquiry! This means we want to find something out so we’re going to experiment or investigate to find the answers. I’m going to include a sheet here which you can print or copy into your book and then fill out. This is a floating and sinking science experiment! You will need:
Can you hold the objects and predict (make a guess) which will float and which will sink? Explain to your grown up why you think that? Now do the experiment and see if you were right! |
Topic This week we are going to be learning all about England's Royal Family! Can you tell a grown-up anything you already know about our Royal Family? Can you name any of them? Do you know what they do? Have a look at this powerpoint to find out lots of interesting information about the Queen and the Royal Family!
Tuesday | |
Maths Yesterday we were looking at how to split a shape in half. Today we are continuing looking at the fraction half but as well as looking at half of shapes; we are also going to be looking at half of objects too! Watch this power point and see if you can answer the questions. Now have a go at the activity sheet that goes with the power point. The questions get gradually harder – see how far you can get! Parents please note: there is an explanation/answer sheet at the end of the activity – for your eyes only! |
Literacy - We are starting our new literacy unit now! It is about a story with a ‘familiar setting.’ The word familiar is something you are used to. What does setting mean? What is a setting? Where is the book The Gruffalo set? Where is the first Toy Story film set? Have a look at this video to help you to understand more. Now have a look at the books in your house (or films) and have a think about where they are set. Could you draw me some pictures of some of your favourite books and their settings? For example; you could draw the Enchanted Forest in Enid Blyton’s series, the moon from Whatever Next or the beach from How to Catch a Star. |
Science Let’s combine our literacy and science work by thinking about settings and the different materials you might find in them. Can you divide your page into halves? Draw two different settings. Then label the materials you would find there. Think about what materials you would find on the beach? Think about beach huts, boats, and maybe even a lighthouse! What materials are they made of? Wood? Metal? Plastic? Perhaps something else?
Topic Can you remember any interesting facts about Queen Elizabeth II? Can you remember what she does? Check yesterday's powerpoint again if you're not sure! What would you do if you were the Queen or King of England for the day? Can you draw a picture? |
Wednesday | |
Maths Today we are moving on to quarters. Once again take a rectangle of paper and fold it so the two short edges are together. Without opening the paper out, fold the paper again into half. Open the paper completely out and you should see four equal parts – we call each part a quarter. If you would like, you can try folding quarters again, this time using a square and/or a circle. Now watch the power point and have a go at the activity sheet. |
Literacy - Draw your dream setting! Where would you like to spend the day? At a chocolate factory? Swinging in a hammock somewhere hot and exotic? I’d love to see your ideas! |
Science Let’s do another experiment! This time, it is testing to see which materials are the most waterproof! Again, there is a sheet to print or copy out into your books, and please fill in your predictions and results. You will need:
You are going to balance your material on the end of your straws or sticks to create mini umbrellas! This lesson has proved to be a firm favourite over the years. Gently pour some water (over a sink or bowl) onto your different materials. How do the water droplets affect each one? What material is best suited to an umbrella and why? Have fun and record your results!
Topic Can you think of anywhere you might see Queen Elizabeth II's face printed? (eg. stamps) Why di you think we use the Queen's image on these items? Can you design your own version of a coin, stamp or anything you can think of that might have the Queen's face on it? You could copy the Queen's face from a coin or stamp and then design the rest yourself. You can use any patterns or colours you like! |
Thursday | |
Maths Yesterday we learnt to make quarters by folding a shape into two equal parts and then folding it again into two further equal parts – ending up with 4 equal parts that we call quarters. Today we are going to have some fun making quarters with our food!
Ask your grown up if you can make a sandwich together. How can you cut your sandwich into quarters? Is there more than one way? If you eat two pieces of your sandwich, how much will you have eaten as a fraction in quarters? Is there another fraction that would tell us how much you have eaten? (a half!) Now take a piece of fruit (a round fruit will work best!). Can you cut your fruit into quarters – remember the pieces have to be equal. Take some photos of this activity and send them to the learning page gallery – I can’t wait to see them! There is also a half & quarter activity here that you could have a go at if you want to test your knowledge! |
Literacy - So, for our new unit, the story with a familiar setting (or setting that we know well) that we’ll be reading together is called Katie in London. This will be a great book for you, after all of your wonderful work building London landmarks in your topic work! Maybe you have this book at home already, in which case you can read along as we go. Over the next two weeks, we are going to:
Let’s start by looking at the front cover of the book Katie in London written by James Mayhew. Click on this link which is a video of the story and pause on the picture of the front cover. In the picture, what can you spot that is familiar to you already? Can you see anything that makes you think of London? Now pause on the first page of the story. What does Katie see? James Mayhew the author repeats the same word four times; which word is it? He does this to make you think about just how big everything appears to Katie! But can you have a go at thinking of some different adjectives instead of the word big? Words that mean big but are different? How could you describe the buildings? Jot down your answers in full sentences for me. For now, stop at that first page until next week! |
Science When we spoke together about endangered animals, we came across a material that is polluting our world. Can you remember which type of material is being over-used by humans and ends up in the ocean? Could you make a poster about why it’s important to use less of this material, and the importance of recycling!
Topic Use Google Images to find your favourite picture of Queen Elizabeth II. It can be a picture of her recently or in the past when she is younger. I would love you to make the portrait you find yourself now! You can use pencils, pens, paints, collage or any other medium you like! We would LOVE to see your finished portraits, so send any photos in to the Pelham home-learning page! |
Fun Friday! | |
Art To celebrate the end of our fun materials unit in science, let’s create a collage! Can you find different materials around your house (even if its sticks from outside or different types of paper from newspaper or magazines) and stick them to a piece of paper to make a colourful collage! Perhaps you could use a variety of drawing tools too such as chalk, pencils and felt tips!
Drama The Polka Theatre has released a new drama workshop! Listen to the story of How to Hide a Lion then have a go at the drama session.
They have lots of other fun activities like origami too if you would like to have a go!
PSHE Here is a game to get you thinking about what you are like. Have a go at this fun GoNoodle game with your family. Can you explain why you are more like one thing that the other? For example, if thought I was more like a rabbit than a fox I might say "I'm more like a rabbit because I'm really bouncy!" You may not be able to say why for some questions, that's absolutely fine!
PE Have a go at Andy's Wild Workout! Today he's going under the sea! |
Extra afternoon activities - Have a go at the Year 1 Skills Challenge! How many points can you get? - Learn a new skill with Miss Revell's special sewing videos - Have a go at some games on Phonics Play - Try this maths place value challenge - pick a number from 11 - 50 and fill in each box. Here's an example! - If you've loved learning about the Great Fire of London, you could check out some of the fun learning that the Museum of London have created! |
Welcome to the home-learning page for Year 1, we hope you find this page a useful guide and tool to support your child in their learning.
We would suggest that children spend approximately 2-3 hours a day engaged in these recommended learning tasks. However, we understand that all children and family circumstances are different and you may not follow this timetable exactly. English and Maths lessons are planned sequentially, so we would strongly advise following the activities in order.
This week we are starting to look at money and coins for maths, I'm sure you'll love buying and selling items at your own shop! In literacy, we are continuing to think about the Great Fire of London so that you can write your own exciting diary entries at the end of the week! In topic we are thinking about our place in the world so oyu will be finding out all about the continents of the world as well as looking at some flags! This week we are also starting a new science topic all about materials - you are going to have so much fun investigating what materials the things around you are made from!
As a school we are also rolling out a new PE intitiative that you can choose to take part in. Merton Schools Sports Partnership have launched a new initiative designed to add a little bit of competition to our daily exercise and activities. You can now find more information on our school PE Website. You can also download and complete the tracking sheet form there.
We have also been directed towards a fantastic new phonics resource from our local English Hub that you can choose to use at home for extra phonics practice. It is a series of Youtube videos that are updated daily foccussing on the sounds we teach in Year 1. There are also videos to help children who find blending words tricky.
In the 'extra afternoon activities' section at the end, we have included a new Skills challenge which will be included each week. This is an optional activity to improve children's general skills such as knowing their left and right, holding scissors correctly and changing into their PE kit!
We LOVE seeing photos of your work and what you've been getting up to on the Pelham website! The email address is if you would like to send anything in!
Wednesday | |
Maths Yesterday we were looking at how many pennies (1p’s) our 2p, 5p and 10p coins were worth and we were learning how to exchange these coins for pennies to help us add coins together to find their total value. Today we are continuing to add amounts of money together.
Now have a go at doing the same with 1p, 2p and 10p. Did you have to exchange all the coins for pennies?
Have a go at the activity sheet – you can either stick to using the 1p, 2p. 5p and 10p coins or, if you want to challenge yourself, you could include the 20p and 50p coins too! |
Literacy - Have a go at doing ‘shared writing’ with your grown up. When we do this in class, it means that we come up with ideas together and I write them down as we go along. Your grown up is the teacher today, so do beautiful sitting for them! How would Samuel Pepys have felt during the Great Fire? What would he have seen and heard? Have a go at coming up with sentences in the form of a diary entry with your adult.
Today, your parent is doing the writing! Let them know that if they make mistakes, they can just cross them out! Maybe you’ve even got some larger paper for them to write on to have on display! You are going to write a page in a diary so it needs to start with ‘Dear Diary.’ A great example from last year’s work is this: |
Topic Today we are going to be learning all about flags! The UK is formed of lots of different countries and each one has their own flag. Have a look at this picture. Do you recognise any of the flags? Have you visited any of these places? Do you know what the Union Jack looks like? It is the flag to represent the United Kingdom. Have a look at the Union Jack on this powerpoint. Can you tell which flags have been used to create it? |
Thursday | |
Maths Today we are going to play shops! |
Literacy - Today you are writing up the diary entry! Is there anything you want to improve from yesterday? Do you need to add more adjectives? Remember you are pretending to be Samuel Pepys and you are writing in the past tense about how you felt. Good luck! |
Science Next week, look out for 2 fun science experiments! For today, can you look closely at the photographs of these materials and have a go at labelling them correctly?
Topic Yesterday you learned all about the Union Jack flag. Today I would love you to make your own Union Jack! You can use any medium you like eg. pens, pencils, paints, junk etc. If you would like to, you can send a picture your flag to show us! |
Fun Friday! | |
Drama Listen to the Paper Dolls story and then follow along with the Polka Theatre's drama session!
Art We love doing Guided Drawing in year 1! Have a go at following along to draw a puffin or a penguin!
Remember you can pause the video whenever you need to!
PSHE Maybe you’d like to have a go at making a friendship bracelet! (You’ll need cardboard and wool or thread) Think about who you might give your friendship bracelet to - perhaps you could post it to them to let them know you are thinking of them! |
PE Go on an adventure with the Trolls with this awesome yoga session! |
Extra afternoon activities - Have a go at the Year 1 Skills Challenge! How many points can you get? - Learn a new skill with Miss Revell's special sewing videos - Have a go at some games on Phonics Play - Try this maths place value challenge - pick a number from 11 - 50 and fill in each box. Here's an example! - If you've loved learning about the Great Fire of London, you could check out some of the fun learning that the Museum of London have created! |