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Pelham Primary School


Reception Home-Learning Activities


Welcome to the Reception Home-learning Page! We have loved welcoming children back into class over the past weeks and are so proud of the progress Robins and Wrens have made at home. Thank you to all our amazing families, we are so grateful for your continued hard work and support. We are looking forward to a fantastic summer term! Whether you are at school or following our learning online, we are sure you will have an amazing time!

As the school year comes to an end, we will be taking time to reflect on the fantastic progress we have made. We are going to be looking through our School Learning Journey folders and sharing all the new skills we have learnt, and the experiences we have had. These folders will be sent home on your child's last day of school for you to keep.

To celebrate our amazing year in Reception, Robins and Wrens will be having a class party on their final day of school. Children are free to wear party clothes on this day. For Group A this will be on Tuesday 14th July.

Thank you again for your support in making this a wonderful year in Reception

The Early Years Team 

If you have not done so already, please take a moment to complete our Pupil Survey. All feedback is anonymous.

Week beginning: 13th July

1) Literacy

Spend some time looking through your school report with a grownup. Read your areas to develop/ thinks to work on at home and consider how you might work towards these. For some of you this may be about working on the presentation of your learning, or developing your independence with sentence writing in preparation for Year 1.


Have a go at writing sentences using these sentence starters. How imaginative can you make your answers?

2) Phonics -

Play Obb and Bob. Click on phase 4 and then polysyllabic words. Look at the pictures below and write a caption for them.


e.g. ‘A red tent in the green woods’.

3) Try a dance along video such as Koo Koo Kangaroo 'All I eat is pizza'

2) Number

Practice the maths skills you have learnt this year by using some of the activities and games available on Busy Things using your lgfl login.


You could challenge a sibling or grownup to a game of Miner Birds. Who will be the winner?

2) Phonics - Phase 3 Blending 

Revise Phase 3 sounds with jolly phonics songs and actions. 


Today we are going to recap blending and segmenting. Have a go at sounding out these polysyllabic words (words with more than one syllable).


Play yes/no game sounding out words we have looked at.

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?

1) Communication and Language

The Summer holidays will soon be here! Start to think of the different activities you could do to keep busy over the summer.


Play this What Do You See game. What summer activities can you spot?


Perhaps you could write a list of things you would like do.

2) Phonics - Phase 3 Blending

Revise spelling two syllable words. Ask children to spell a two syllable word in their phonics books. Hold up a card with the word on. Ask children to tick all letters they got right and correct any mistakes they made.


Words to spell: tonight boatman rooftop farmyard, market, lightning, bedroom, rocket


Play blending bingo game using phase 3 sounds.

3) Complete a Joe Wicks workout

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Spend time looking through your learning journey with an adult to remember and talk about all the fun things you did in Reception.


What did you really enjoy? What did you get better at? What would you like to get even better at in Year 1?


Write down (two stars) two things you think you are really great at, and one wish (something you want to improve).


2) Phonics - Phase 4

Reading nonsense or 'alien' words is  a very efficient way to check your child knows:
a. the sounds that the letters spell
b. how to blend those sounds into words


These words make up part of the end of Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.


Practice reading alien words here.


Can the children design their own alien? Draw pictures of it into their home learning books and then make up their own names using phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs (have your sound cards available for them)

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?

1) Expressive Art and Design

You may be planning a visit to a museum or gallery over the summer. If not why not try one of the many virtual tours available online.


Take an online trip to the National Gallery. Stop at your favourite painting and recreate it using one of these frames.

1) Phonics -

Play a tricky word bingo with phase 3 tricky words from here


Read the story 'Oi Dog' and talk about the rhyming words in the story. Children to then make their own rhyming books out of folded

pieces of paper.

In the afternoon you could:


- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page

Week beginning: 6th July
Learning at School   -   Day 1 (Mon/Thurs)

1) Literacy – Thank You Cards

We will be taking time to reflect on our time in Reception and looking through our Learning Journeys (record of learning at school).


Have a look at photos from our year in Reception and talk about our favourite experiences. What did you really enjoy? What interesting things have you learnt? What skills have you improved?


Talk about how our friends have helped make our time in Robins special. Think of a time you were happy with your friends and make a thank you card for them. What are you looking forward to doing with them next year?

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Revise all phase 3 sounds- wave up if it’s a diagraph, jump up when you see a trigraph


Play 'what's in the box' using phase 3/4 picture cards. Children take it in turns to sound out a picture card, children write it out on their whiteboards. 

3) Party Planning

On our last day in Reception we will be having a party to celebrate our amazing year. Spend time talking about what we want to have/ do. Create a plan of party games/ decorations we will need. Start to make resources e.g. decorations, banners, party hats for our party

Learning at School   -   Day 2 (Tues/Fri)

1) Maths - Time

Reflect on our time in Robins and discuss the different things we have done this year. Revise the months of the year. Look through photos and discuss what we did in school during the different months.


Print some photos for children to add to their thank you cards.

 2) Phonics - Phase 4 


Have a go at read and draw challenge to practise reading polysyllabic words. Sound the word out quietly to yourself. 

Blend the sound to read what the word is. When you know what it says, draw a picture of it quickly on your board.

3) End of Year Party

Time to Celebrate the end of a fantastic year (For Group A, this will take place on their last day of Reception on Tuesday 14th July. Group B - Friday 10th July). Children are welcome to wear their favourite party clothes to school on this day. 

Learning at Home  -   Day 1

1) Understanding the World - technology

Now that you know whether you will be a Penguin or a Puffin next year, take some time to find out about your new class bird. Research some facts about it using a child friendly safe engine such as kiddle.com


More facts about penguins can be found here and puffins here.


You could create your own penguin or puffin fact file to share with your new teacher in September.

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Practice reading phase 4 sentences, breaking down each word as they go along. Return to read from the beginning of the sentence so it makes sense.

3) Complete a Joe Wicks workout
Learning at Home  -   Day 2

1) Expressive Art and Design


Can you draw a picture of your new class bird. Have a look at some pictures here. What kindof shapes and colours will you need?


Follow these tutorials to draw them 

How to draw a Penguin

How to draw a Puffin

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Practice reading yes/no questions, breaking down each word as they go along. Return to read from the beginning of the sentence so it makes sense.

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?
Learning at Home  -   Day 3

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development


You will have the opportunity to meet your new class teacher soon. Have you got any questions for them? Is there anything you would like to know about Year 1. Practise writing some questions and send them into wowmoments@pelham.merton.sch.uk

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Reading nonsense or 'alien' words is  a very efficient way to check your child knows:
a. the sounds that the letters spell
b. how to blend those sounds into words


These words make up part of the end of Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.


Practice reading alien words here.


Can the children design their own alien? Draw pictures of it into their home learning books and then make up their own names using phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs (have your sound cards available for them)

3) Can you make your own obstacle course? Include jumping, crawling and hopping. 

In the afternoon you could:


- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page

Week beginning: 29th June
Learning at School   -   Day 1 (Mon/Thurs)

1) Literacy – all about me

Talk about our favourite things using these prompts. What makes us special and unique? What interests do we share with our friends? Discuss what makes our current class so wonderful!


Explain that we are going to be writing a letter to our new teacher telling them about

ourselves. This could include: 

- what we are good at

- what makes us special

- what we want to get better at


Talk about the different features of a letter using our letter frame

1) Phonics -

Play a tricky word bingo with phase 3 tricky words from here


Read the story ‘Oi Cat’ and talk about the rhyming words in the story. Children to then make their own rhyming books out of folded

pieces of paper.

1) P.E – As its’s a P.E themed week we are going to be completing sport’s day themed activities, ready for sport’s day on Wednesday.  Practise throwing and catching, egg and spoon racing and running races.

Learning at School   -   Day 2 (Tues/Fri)

1) Maths – Naming and Describing 3D shapes


Revise our 3D shapes and describe using the vocabulary: faces, edges, vertices


Reinforce our describing of 3D shapes using the 3D shape song 


Using a range of construction and small world equipment we are going to be creating our own farms. Encourage children to name the different shapes they are using and encourage them to describe them using the appropriate vocabulary.

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Revise Phase 2 and 3 sounds by playing Countdown using a sand timer or clock. Chn work together to read as many CVCC words as they can in one minute. Encourage children to sound out words. Repeat can they beat their score?


Play the phase 3 phonopoly game here


Have a go at making your own phonopoly board out of blank A3 paper.

3) P.E - As its’s a P.E themed week we are going to be completing sport’s day themed activities, ready for sport’s day on Wednesday.  Practise throwing howlers (or something else you have to throw at home, e.g. a pair of socks or  throwing and catching a bean bag to yourself  (or equivalent at home).

Learning at Home  -   Day 1

1) Physical Development

This year, we sadly aren’t having a real sport’s day but fear not, we’re holding it virtually! Mrs Stuart – Watson and Mrs Cullen have been busy organising it, along with help from other teachers to demonstrate the activities. Click here for the link to the virtual sport’s day. Have fun! 

1) Phonics - Phase 4

Reading nonsense or 'alien' words is  a very efficient way to check your child knows:
a. the sounds that the letters spell
b. how to blend those sounds into words


These words make up part of the end of Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.


Practice reading alien words here.


Can the children design their own alien? Draw pictures of it into their home learning books and then make up their own names using phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs (have your sound cards available for them)

3) Complete a Joe Wicks workout
Learning at Home  -   Day 2

1) Expressive Art and design – Wimbledon tennis poster


Wimbledon tennis would like your help to design this year’s poster to keep the Wimbledon tennis spirit alive! Follow steps to make the poster here.

1) Phonics - Phase 4


Play phase 4 buried treasure games


Read the captions on the PowerPoint here


Can you think of your own picture and caption to draw in your home learning book?

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?
Learning at Home  -   Day 3

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development- Getting Ready for Year One


Ask the children how they are feeling about being in a new class. Are they feeling excited/nervous? Talk about that it’s ok to feel different emotions about it. Read the story ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’ here, pausing at appropriate points.


Talk about the change the caterpillar makes and how you will be changing from a Robin/Wren to a Puffin/Penguin.

2) Phonics -

Sing phase 3 songs here 


Make your own word search with phase 3 tricky words



3) Can you make your own obstacle course? Include jumping, crawling and hopping. 

In the afternoon you could:


- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page


Week beginning: 22nd June
Learning at School   -   Day 1 (Mon/Thurs)

1) Literacy - Persuasive Posters

This week we are going to be creating posters to advertise the farms we have created using persuasive language.


Have a look at the example poster. What do you like about it? Which features do you think are important? Is there anything else you might want to include on your poster? E.g. a map, more photos


Follow our steps to success to create your own poster.

2) Phonics

Rehearse reading rhyming sentences


Give each child half of a rhyming sentence. Can they find the person who has the other half of their sentence.


Give children blank sentence cards to create their own rhyming game.

3) Expressive art and design - clay models

Our farms are looking really great, now they need some animals to live on them. We are going to create our own animals using air dry clay. Follow the steps to success here to learn how we will go about it. 

Learning at School   -   Day 2 (Tues/Fri)

1) Maths - subtracting

Sing counting songs involve subtracting or counting down in number. Show children the addition - and = sign, ask them what they mean? What happens to numbers when you subtract? Do they get bigger or smaller? Have a look at these farm word problems and discuss how they can be represented as a number sentence. 


Follow the steps to success here for this week’s maths activities

2) Phonics

Play sentence substitution to 'have a go' at reading sentences. Challenge children to think of the different words that can be swapped to make a new sentence that makes sense? Can you make a silly nonsense sentence?


Give each child a caption card. Can they read it out and match it to the correct picture?


Have a go at writing your own captions to accompany your favourite picture.

3) Expressive art and design - clay models

Now that our models have dried we are going to paint and decorate them. Research using animal books to look at the different textures and patterns of animals found at the farm. 

Learning at Home  -   Day 1

1) Understanding the World – materials investigation


Tell the children that we are going to be having a materials investigation. What are materials? If you have any different materials (e.g. wool, plastic, metal etc) then show them and ask what they are called. Talk through different materials here if you don’t have many to show them


Follow this week’s utw steps to success here

2) Phonics


Play a bingo game to practise reading phase 4 tricky words (he, she, we, me, be, you, all, are, her, was, they, my). Make your own bingo boards or find one here


Read through the yes or no questions here


Can you think of your own yes or no silly questions? E.g ‘Can frogs talk?’ and write them in your home learning books.

3) Complete a Joe Wicks workout
Learning at Home  -   Day 2

1) Expressive Art and Design - music

Tell the children that we are going to be listening to a piece of music by a French composer Camille Saint – Saens. A composer is someone who writes music. Tell them that he has written this piece of music about animals and it’s called ‘Carnival of the Animals’.

Play this piece of music to the children and ask the children to listen carefully and think about what animals they can hear. Is it a fast piece of music? Would it be a fast moving animal? Is it a slow piece of music? Is it a slow moving animal? Play the music (don’t let the children see the animal in the video)and pause it after each animal and ask the children to draw what animal they think it was. If the children find it tricky, you can give them choices of animals out of the below.

Lion, chicken, tortoise, elephant, kangaroo, fish, donkey or birds.

2) Phonics -

Revise phase 3 songs here


Read phase 4 CCVC and CVCC word cards and match them to the pictures here


If you haven’t got a printer, then make your own word cards from the above.


Have a go at writing a sentence with one or two of the words in?

Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?
Learning at Home  -   Day 3

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development-  Celebrating differences


This week we are going to be talking about celebrating differences. Ask the children what their favourite food is, now tell them what your favourite food is. Is it the same or different? What colour hair have you got? Is it the same or different?

Read this story and pause at appropriate points and discuss. Celebrate differences within your family and within friends. We are all different and that’s what make us special.

2) Phonics -

Play Obb and Bob. Click on phase 4 and then polysyllabic words. Look at the pictures below and write a caption for them.

e.g. ‘A red tent in the green woods’.


3) Can you make your own obstacle course? Include jumping, crawling and hopping.

In the afternoons you could:

- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page 


-Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!) If you have read all of your school reading books then have a look on Oxford Owl.


Week beginning: 15th June
Learning at School   -   Day 1 (Mon/Thurs)

1) Literacy – letter writing

Today we are going to be letter writing. Have you ever sent a letter to anyone before or received a letter before? Why do people send letters?


We are going to send a letter to the farmer who is looking after our chicks that we were going to have in class. What do we want to ask the farmer? What do you want to find out about the chicks? What do you need to send a letter? (address, stamp, envelope) What does the stamp do?


Follow the steps to success for letter writing.

 2) Phonics - Phase 4 - past tense

Revise all phase 3 sounds- wave up if it’s a diagraph, jump up when you see a trigraph


Have a go at read and draw challenge to practise reading polysyllabic words. Sound the word out quietly to yourself. 

Blend the sound to read what the word is. When you know what it says, draw a picture of it quickly on your board.

Play the phase 4 board game with a partner using a dice and counters.

3) Sadly we are not able to go on our farm trip this year, so we are going to make our own farm instead! Sing Old Macdonald. Go through animals on the farm PowerPoint. We would like you to research, design and make your own miniature farm out of a shoe box or any junk modelling that you have. This is going to be split between two sessions, today and tomorrow. Please see the steps to success here.
Learning at School   -   Day 2 (Tues/Fri)

1) Maths - adding

Sing counting songs that increase in number, find songs here. Show children the addition + and = sign, ask them what they mean? What happens to numbers when you add? Do they get bigger or smaller?


Follow the steps to success here for this week’s maths activities

 2) Phonics - Phase 4

Look for polysyllabic words in the story Farmer Duck. E.g farmer, sweeping, haystack, duckpond, pigsty.


Write a caption to go with scenes from Farmer Duck remembering the words we have practised E.g

‘How goes the work?’

‘The animals came up with a plan’

‘The farmer did not come back’

3)  Finish yesterday’s miniature farm project

Learning at Home  -   Day 1

1) Understanding the World – signs of summer

Talk about the change in weather and ask what month it is? Do you know what season it is? We are now in summer. How do you know its summer? What’s the weather like in summer?


Follow this week’s UtW learning here.

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Have a go at writing CVCC words by extending CVC words –ten – tent; ben –bent; dam –damp; pan –pant


Play ‘Countdown’. Use a sand timer or clock. Chn have one minute to read as many CVCC words as possible. Encourage children to sound out words. Repeat can they beat their score?

3) Complete a Joe Wicks workout
Learning at Home  -   Day 2

1) Expressive Art and design

Next Sunday 21st  is Father’s day. Can you think of a special person you would like to write a card to? Your dad or a grandad or an uncle or a friend? Why is it a special day to celebrate? Talk about how that person is special to you and how you can show them you love them. What special things could you do for them? Help make them breakfast or tell them that you love them etc.


Make them a special card to celebrate, click here for some ideas.

2) Phonics - Phase 4

Have a go at spelling CVCC words by extending CVC words-  pin –pink; sin –sink;


Play buried treasure using CVCC words. Ask chn to sort their words into ‘chest’ or ‘bin’. Chn could record their words by drawing a treasure chest and bin on paper. A printable version of this game is available here.

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?
Learning at Home  -   Day 3

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development- ‘Silly Billy’

Read the story ‘Silly Billy’ by Anthony Browne here. Pause the story at appropriate point to ask children questions. Ask them what a worry is and if they have any worries? Remind them to share if they have a worry about something.


You could create your own worry doll.

2) Phonics - phase 4

Have a go at reading sentences. Break down each word as they go along. Return to read from the beginning of the sentence to check it makes sense.


Gran went to get fresh fish.

The train had to stop in the fog.


Play the yes/no go game. Have a go at writing your own yes/no questions.

3) Can you make your own obstacle course? Include jumping, crawling and hopping.

In the afternoons you could:

- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page 


-Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!) If you have read all of your school reading books then have a look on Oxford Owl.

Week Beginning: 8th June
Learning at School   -   Day 1 (Mon/Thurs)

1) Literacy - instruction writing

Today we will be learning how to read and follow instructions. Can you think of times you have needed instructions? Can you think of somewhere you have seen examples of instructions before?


We are going to make some jam sandwiches. When we have finished making eating them we will write a set of instructions for others to follow using our steps to success.

2) Phonics 

Recap all phase 3 sounds learnt so far with phase 3 flashcards.

Revise ‘er’ with Geraldine the Giraffe 

Read the story ‘The Mermaid in the River’

Highlight any ‘er’ words that you can spot. List the ‘er’ words in your book. Can you write a sentence with one or two ‘er’ words in?

3) Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Discuss what our favourite sandwiches are. Read The Sandwich Swap stopping to talk about how the characters might be feeling at different points. Explain that the characters didn't always like the same things and might have had different experiences. Discuss why it is important to learn about one another's interests and cultures. In groups use a venn diagram to draw and write things we and our friends enjoy. Are there any similarities? Have you learnt anything new and interesting about your friends?

Learning at School   -   Day 2 (Tues/Fri)

1) Maths - counting 

Starter – recap how to count a large group of objects. Count going round and round and remind children to put them in a line when counting and touch count. Give children objects to count on the carpet.


Main activity – have two groups of objects and children need to say which has more or less. Recap the definition of more or less. Children say why they think that and then count the groups of objects to check if they were right. Get them to give their reasoning behind their answer, e.g this group has more because it has 8 and 8 is a bigger number that 5. How can we find the difference between the two groups?

2) Phonics

Recap phase 3 tricky words (was, all, my, she, are, her, they, he, me, you) with a tricky word bingo game. Make your own bingo board or use one from here 


Revise ‘er’ and ‘ur’ using word cards or make your own ‘ur’ and ‘er’ cards with words with that sound in, e.g curl, fern, surf, river etc. Sort the word cards into an ‘er’ word pile and an ‘ur’ word pile. Can they write a list of the ‘er’ and ‘ur’ words into a table in their books with ‘ur’ and ‘er’ at the top.


Talk to children about ‘ir’ as in ‘bird’. Tell them that it makes the same ‘ir’ sound as ‘ur’ and ‘er’.

3) Understanding the World - Computing

Practise giving instructions such as: take one step forwards and then turn right. Remind children not to point or guide you and to use their verbal directions instead. Use programmable toys (beebots) to input different instructions to get to set locations. 

*if learning at home you could use the beebot app available online

Learning at Home  -   Day 1

1) Understanding the World - Where food comes from


Discuss how children have made/ are going to make sandwiches in school. Where do these foods come from. Explain how all food comes from plants and / or animals and must be caught, farmed or grown. Look at some examples of where food comes from.


Look at the different stages of how some foods are produced. Can you sequence them in the correct order? You could research and draw your own food trails using these Eat Happy resources.

2) Phonics - phase 4

Introduce new tricky word ‘said’. Write it down for children to practise reading with and remind them that we can’t sound it out, we have to sight word read it. See if they can read it within a sentence, e.g. “Go to bed” mum said. Play blending bingo game phase 4 > 'CVCC sets 1-7’


See if children can write down any CVCC words in their home learning books, e.g. land, pump, damp, lamp, camp, band, twin, sand, frog, tent, sink, gift etc.

3) Joe Wicks 5 minute workout (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)
Learning at Home  -   Day 2

1) Physical Development - Healthy and Unhealthy Foods

Today we are going to look at healthy and unhealthy foods. Look through your cupboards, which foods are healthy and which do you have as a special treat? You could try sorting them into groups.

Have a go at sorting these foods into healthy and unhealthy. Remember, if something is unhealthy, it doesn't mean you can't have it anymore! Some unhealthy foods can be fine in moderation.

Introduce new tricky word ‘have


Play games on Expresso here

Click on Phase 4 – Kim’s Phonics – words beginning cc with simple vowels


Play the activities on the dropdown menu on the right, e.g. blending games

3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!
Learning at Home  -   Day 3

1) Expressive Art and Design

Read The Disgusting Sandwich. You could draw a picture of your own disgusting sandwich. Can you use resources found at home to make your own disgusting sandwich. Find some ideas here.


2) Phonice - phase 4

Introduce new tricky word ‘like


Play Buried Treasure here 

Click on phase 4 > CVCC words – set 1-7

 Call out some CVCC words (e.g, land, pump, damp, lamp, camp, band, twin, sand, frog, tent, sink, gift etc) for children to see if they can write a silly sentence with, e.g ‘The frog is in a band’.

3) Can you practise throwing and catching? Throw up in the air or throw and catch to your siblings or grownups. If you don’t have a ball, use a pair of socks or scrunch up a bit of paper.

- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page 


-Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!) If you have read all of your school reading books then have a look on Oxford Owl.

Week beginning: 1st June

1) Literacy – Half – term recount

Welcome back to the last half term of Reception! We hope you had a lovely half -term break. This week, we would like you to tell us what you have been up to over your half – term! Have you been learning to ride a bike in the park? Have you been baking at home? Have you been playing with your siblings. Follow this week’s recount steps to success here

2) Phonics - Phase 3 Blending 

Revise Phase 3 sounds with jolly phonics songs and actions. 


Today we are going to recap blending and segmenting. Have a go at sounding out these polysyllabic words (words with more than one syllable).


Play yes/no game sounding out words we have looked at e.g. can you swim in a


3) Joe Wicks 5 minute workout (or do some physical activity anyway you wish!)

1) Maths – writing, identifying and ordering numerals to 20

We would like you to practise writing, identifying and ordering numerals to 20.First practise counting to 20 orally by singing this song


Then practise counting by pointing to a 100 square, see what number you can count to!  Then follow the steps to success for this week’s maths activity here

2) Phonics - Phase 3 Blending

Revise spelling two syllable words. Ask children to spell a two syllable word in their phonics books. Hold up a card with the word on. Ask children to tick all letters they got right and correct any mistakes they made.


Words to spell: tonight boatman rooftop farmyard, market, lightning, bedroom, rocket


Play blending bingo game using phase 3 sounds.

3)  Cosmic Yoga, maybe do a family workout!

1) Understanding the World – celebrations


Different families celebrate different celebrations. Sing the Celebration song here 


What is a celebration? What celebrations have you celebrated? Birthday, wedding, Christening, Eid, Chinese New Year, etc. Last month, some families had a special Eid celebration to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Follow this week’s UtW steps to success here

2) Phonics - Phase 3 Blending


Model writing a sentence about a farm:

Put the chickens in the shed.


Read aloud these sentences for children to write: I can feed the cows. The goat has horns that curl. The hens peck up corn. The pig has mud on his back. A sheep has a big wool coat. A sheep dog wags his tail. 

Draw a picture to match their sentences when done. 

3) Can you practise throwing and catching? Throw up in the air or throw and catch to your siblings or grownups. If you don’t have a ball, use a pair of socks or scrunch up a bit of paper.

1) Expressive Art and design

Linked to this week’s UtW learning we would like to design your own Mehndi’s. Mendhi’s are sometimes called Henna and are drawn onto people’s hands and feet during special celebrations. They look a bit like a tattoo, but are only temporary and last a few weeks before they wash off. They are designed using shapes, dots and beautiful patterns. Click here to design your own henna.

2) Phonics - Phase 3 blending

Today we are going to be practising word substitution to show we have understand what we have read. Model reading a sentence and substituting a word, how will we know if it makes sense? E.g.


She has red shorts. 

boots – boats – seen – he


Practise using a word substitution game.

3) Complete a Just Dance video on YouTube or can you choreograph your own dance?

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development- ‘While We Can’t Hug’ story


Read this book to the children. Talk to the children after about what the story was about? How does it  make you feel? If your child is going to be coming back to school, then talk to children about how it will be a bit different in school. Talk about how there will be social distancing in place, e.g one in one out of the toilets and not holding hands/ hugging, etc (see list in Ms. Keenan’s email) but remind children not to be scared, its only to keep them safe. School will still be a fun and happy place J  Mr Jones, Miss Garstin and Mrs Eustace and Mrs Cooper will all be there and are excited to see the children. Ask the children how they’re feeling about it and if they have any questions to ask you. 

If your child is not coming back to school, talk about the fact they can still email in to the wow moments email address and the home learning will still be continuing

2) Phonics - Phase 3 blending 


Practise blending cvc words using the yes/ no game Tell a t-rex.


Ask children to make their own zig zag book writing yes/no questions for a friend or grownup to follow.



Ask children to draw pictures and write captions independently.

3) Can you make your own obstacle course? Include jumping, crawling and hopping.

- Go on Mathletics and complete some games (log-in is on the sticker at the back

of your child’s reading record)


-Have a look on our website at our home learning additional resources page 


-Try and read or share a book every day for 15 minutes (this can be done at anytime in the day!) If you have read all of your school reading books then have a look on Oxford Owl, which is a free service. This website provides access to a range of books which the children can read, or can read along to. The books are colour banded so, if your child is on a particular colour band, you can match their reading ability perfectly. There are books for all primary ages and follow up activities.


Week beginning: 25th May

We have really enjoyed this half term's transport topic and we hope you have too. To celebrate the end of the topic we would like to go on a transport hunt. No need to put your coats and shoes on, we have created a virtual transport hunt! Use the video to spot as many types of transport as you can and practise your tallying skills. Make sure you watch carefully, you might see someone you know driving past.


Half Term Activity

Why not go on your own transport hunt? Follow our steps to success to create a tally of what you have seen, and learn how to represent the data you have gathered in different ways.


Don't forgot to send a photo of your tally charts to wowmoments@pelham.merton.sch.uk


Have a wonderful half-term. Best wishes

The Early Years Team