Our school colours are red, white and navy blue. Full school uniform details are detailed below. Boys and girls can choose to wear the items they prefer from the lists below. PE kits should be worn to school on PE days.
Reception and KS1 - Winter
- White polo shirt
- Navy blue trousers
- Navy blue skirt or pinafore dress
- Round neck school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Sensible black shoes
- Plain navy or red tights
- Navy PE shorts
- T Shirt (in House colours)
- PE trainers
- Navy tracksuit
Reception and KS1 - Summer
- White polo shirt
- Navy blue trousers or shorts
- Red checked summer dress
- Round neck school sweatshirt or cardigan
- Sensible black shoes or black sandals (not open-toed)
KS2 - Winter
- White shirt
- Navy blue trousers or skirt
- V-neck school sweatshirt or red cardigan
- Tie (in House colours)
- Sensible black shoes (not trainers)
- Plain navy or black tights or socks
- Navy PE shorts
- T Shirt (in House colours)
- PE Trainers
- Navy Tracksuit
- PE Bag
KS2 - Summer
- White shirt
- Navy blue trousers shorts or skirt
- Red checked summer dress
- V-neck school sweatshirt or red cardigan
- Tie (in House colours)
- Sensible black shoes or black/navy sandals (not open-toed)
Available for all children
- Summer baseball cap
Jewellery must not be worn - stud earrings only.
School uniform with logos can be ordered from https://www.stitchdesign.co.uk/uniform/Pelham_Primary_School_SW19_1NU
Parents are able to purchase plain uniform items from super-markets and other clothing outlets. We do not insist that uniform has a logo.
Bags, ties and baseball caps can also be purchased at the school office and be paid for in advance via Parentmail / Payments / Go to Shop / Uniform OR with the exact amount of cash because the office does not have change.
- Red book bag (required for Nursery, Reception and KS1 only) £11.50
- Navy Junior backpack (required for KS2 only) £15.50
- Ordinary and elasticated ties (required for KS2 only) £3.60
- Red baseball cap £5.75
Stikins Labels
The amount of unlabelled lost property left over at the end of last term was huge! The PTA has registered with Stikins name labels and if you order labels using the Pelham fundraising code at checkout the school gets some commission.
The labels are very easy to apply. They stick to wash care labels in clothes and directly to other items such as water bottles. You can order them here https://www.stikins.co.uk/name-labels/
If you use the code 15588 at checkout the commission will be automatically applied.