School Day
The school day at Pelham is from 8:55am to 3:30pm.
Our Breakfast Club begins at 7:30am and our After School Club finishes at 6:00pm.
Morning Start
School Gates open at 08:40am and close again at 8:55am. We have a soft start at Pelham and children are able to go straight into their classes. Nursery:
08:40 - 11:45 Morning Session
12:30- 3:30 Afternoon Session
Afternoon end
School finishes at 3:30pm. Our school gates are opened at 3:20pm and the children are brought out by their teachers at 3:30pm. The bell is rung to signify that the school gates will shut. This is at 3:40pm. Children go straight to their extra curricular clubs or After School Club from their classes.
Lunchtimes are staggered to ensure that everyone has enough time to eat and the playground is not too busy!
Reception, Year 1 and 2 lunchtime: 11:30 - 12:30
Year 3 and 4 lunchtime: 12:15-1:15
Year 5 and 6 lunchtime: 12:45-1:45