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Pelham Primary School


School Development


Our School Development Plan is driven by our vision for the school and our journey to achieving the long term aims in our Strategic Plan. It is informed by our regular monitoring and self-evaluation of our strengths and the areas where we want to improve further.



Below is a summary of our priorities for 2024-25

  • Priority 1: Implement the newly developed writing scheme of work across all terms and year groups. Continue to introduce and embed the writing scheme developed throughout the last academic year to ensure the teaching of writing happens in a consistent and systematic way that guarantees effective coverage of the curriculum throughout school and that builds , year on year, on skills and knowledge.


  • Priority 2: Purchase and introduce the new Management Information System across the school. Facilitate the successful data migration, introduction and usage of a new Information Management system that handles data relating to pupil information, communications, admissions, assessment and finance.


  • Priority 3: Initiate the Implementation of a planned and consistently delivered program of Oracy across the school. Begin the journey of embedding strong oracy practice throughout school in the context of all of our curriculum subjects and in
    the approach to all learning.


  • Priority 4: Review learning opportunities to stretch our High Potential Learners in school and reflect this in our planning. Children identified as potentially high achieving learners will be supported, stretched and challenged through the teaching of the
    curriculum, provision of resources and opportunities beyond the classroom.