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Pelham Primary School



Pelham's Board of Governors meets termly to discuss progress across the spectrum of school activities.

The statutory roles of the Governors are to:

• Set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction.
• Hold the head to account for educational and staff performance.
• Ensure financial resources are well spent.

In addition, every governor serves on at least one of two committees: Resources or Curriculum, Standards and Learning (CSL). These committees also meet termly and provide reports to Board meetings.

Governors regularly visit the school to participate in lessons, school council meetings and PTA events.

Governors produce a termly newsletter for parents, summarising decisions made at Board meetings. Please click the link below to read the latest newsletter.

Governors' Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Annual Governance Statement

This statement is for parents and staff, to explain how Pelham’s governing body is constituted; how it operates and how it met its responsibilities over the academic year 2023-24

Governors Annual Governance Statement - document pending

The Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) framework applies to maintained schools. It provides a standard template for schools to present information about their income and expenditure by financial years. 

The information supports bench-marking and enables comparisons with similar schools.

To view the CSF for Pelham, please click here

The Governing Body


Katy Neep


Carl Rautenbach


Jane Dowek

CSL Committee (Curriculum Standards and Learning)

Katy Neep (Link Governor - SEND)

Emma Greer (Headteacher)

Melissa Thomlinson (Chair)

Rafiel Sunmonu (Link Governor - Diveristy)

Melissa Thomlinson (Link Governor - KS2)

Johnathan Cooper

Zoe Motabhoy

Kath Vanhegan (Link Governor - Sustainability and EYFS)

Resources Committee

Katy Neep

Emma Greer (Headteacher)

Carl Rautenbach (Chair) 

Pippa Malek (Staff)

Jo Sykes

Shabana Imran

Stuart Turner (Safeguarding Governor)

Specific Roles and Responsibilities

Premises, Health and Safety Governor

Kath Vanhegan

Special Education Needs (SEND) Governor

Katy Neep 

Finance and Data Protection Governor

Carl Rautenbach

HR and Well-being Governor

Carl Rautenbach

Training Governor

Carl Rautenbach

Income Generation Governor


Safe-guarding Governors

Stuart Turner

Carl Rautenbach


For a summary of Governor attendance at meetings for 2023-24, please click here

Declaration of Interest 

Governors in local authority maintained schools have to publish a register of interest to includes relevant business interests, other schools they govern and relationships between governors and school staff, including spouses, partners and relatives.

Click here to view this document.