Nursery Home-Learning Activities
We hope you have enjoyed using the home-learning page for Nursery and found this page a useful guide and tool to support your child in their learning.Thank you everyone for your lovely emails and photographs of your children's work and all your support during this very strange time. This will be the last week of home learning as this academic year comes to a close. The last day of Nursery is the Tuesday, 21st July, and the Nursery children are invited on this day to come to Nursery to say goodbye to their friends and teachers.Nursery morning is at 9:30-10:30 and the afternoon children visit at 14:00-15:00.The children will take home their graduation certificates, report and their foundation stage Nursery profile folder. The Nursery children who will be going to Reception at Pelham will also meet their new Reception teachers.
If you do want to send us any photographs of some of the things your Nursery child has been busy learning over the Summer we now have our own Nursery email which you can use.Please see below:
Nursery email:
Thank you for your continued support and we wish you all a happy and safe Summer holiday!
From all the Nursery Team
Please could you take a couple of minutes to complete this short pupil survey with your child this week, it gives your child a chance to express how they feel about returning to school. Please follow the link here.
Week beginning: 13th July 2020 | |
Monday | |
1) Literacy- We are nearing the end of term now and lots of our lovely Nursery children will be moving onto Reception, either here at Pelham or at a new school. Today we thought it would be nice to draw a picture of yourselves showing some of the things you like doing at home or out and about, for example riding your bike, playing in the park etc. If you are starting a new class you could share this picture with your new teacher.
2) Phonics -Reading challenge! Can you choose 3 of your favourite books from home. Try and choose familiar stories that you have heard before.Today you are going to have at go at 'reading' a story or stories to your grown up. You don't need to read the words but have a go at retelling the story in your own words using the pictures. Think about what the characters might be saying, thinking or feeling.
3) Physical- Can you get your body moving with this body boogie song? Let's play a bear game. One person is the bear leader. The stand at the other end of the room or garden. They call out an animal and the other players have to race (can have this not as a race but more placing emphasis on the more animal like movements) to them moving like that animal. Think crab, elephant, kangaroo, spider, snake, etc. Switch up leader.
Tuesday | |
1) Understanding the World- Can you talk about some of the jobs people do as adults for example; doctors, vets, shop keepers, accountants. Have a think...what sort of job would you like do to when you are older? Can you draw a picture with the title: 'When I grow up I want to be....'
2) Phonics - Can you practice sounding out and blending simple words with the alphablocks on this video?
3) Physical- Joe Wicks 5 minute work out. | |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- If we were in Nursery this week, we would normally make some fairy cakes and have a class party. Therefore, the home learning challenge is to do some fun baking! Maybe you could make some fairy cakes? Remember to carefully count how many tablespoons of sugar, flour or margarine. How many eggs?What toppings would you like to use to decorate your cakes?Marshmallows, sprinkles or chocolate buttons? Enjoy!
2) Phonics- Recap phase 2 sounds by singing along to the jolly phonic songs and adding the actions.
Play the Dinosaur stomp game
3) Awesome Rainbow Follow the moves! | |
Thursday | |
1) PSED- Share the story Cautious Caterpillar and talk about how the caterpillar didn't want to change into a butterfly but he did learn to accept change. Share with your child their feelings about going to big school in September. They will have a new classroom, new teachers, a school uniform and will stay at school for lunch too.. Maybe your child could think of some questions for their new teacher (that you could scribe)and if they are staying at Pelham Reception, their new teacher could answer the questions next Tuesday. |
2) Fine motor skills- Keep playing with play doh, inset puzzles, peg boards, threading and lacing cards.
Maybe make your own play doh.
3) Enzo the Bee Cosmic Yoga | |
Friday | |
1)Creative- Sing some Nursery rhymes. What is your favourite rhyme? Mrs McCluskey loves Hey Diddle Diddle...
Can you draw a picture of your favourite friends and activities in Nursery. Maybe it was building with construction kits, making models from recyclable materials or being a fire fighter or vet. Can't wait to see them! |
2)Phonics- Play your favourite phonic play games Revise phase 2
Username march20 Password home
Make your own obstacle course that involves going under, over and through... | |
In the afternoon you could: Make a Summer diary with photographs, drawings and labels of your favourite adventures.Maybe you could share this with your new teacher in September. |
Week beginning: 20th July | |
Monday | |
1) Literacy- Can you think about all the super things we have learnt about in Nursery this year, space, dinosaurs, People who help us, sea creatures.. to name a few. Which has been your favourite topic and what have you most enjoyed learning about? Can you draw a picture to show your favourite memory of one of our topics?
2) Phonics- Can you choose one of the games we have learnt this term during our home learning to play with your grown up? You could choose from:
I wonder which one is your favourite.... |
3) Physical- Can you sing and dance along to the 'I am the music man song'? |
Tuesday | |
It's the last day of term!!
We wish all of you a super Summer break and hope you have lots of fun and adventures with all your family and friends. To the children moving onto new schools we wish them all the best and to the ones returning in September either to Reception or continuing Nursery we very much look forward to seeing you again. It has been a real pleasure to teach this lovely group of children this year and the whole Nursery team would thank all your parents and carers for your amazing support. Happy Holidays! From All the Nursery Team X |
Week beginning: 6th July 2020 | |
Monday | |
1) Literacy- We're going on a Bear Hunt. Watch the video of the story here. This is a fantastic story to act out either at the park or in your garden. Can you remember the repetitive phrase: " We're going on a bear hunt, we are going to catch a big one, what a beautiful day, we're not scared." Can you chant it as you act out going through the grass, mud, river etc? What are you going to do when you see the bear? |
2) Phonics - Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by listening to and singing along with these jolly phonics songs.
Kim's game: Gather 6-8 different objects from around your house. Can you lay them out on a tray? Try and choose things that begin with different letters. Study them for one minute. Now cover them with a cloth. How many items can you remember? Can you try and make a list of the hidden objects, your grown up can help you with sounding out. Now check and see how many you remembered! |
3) Physical- Let's play a bear game. One person needs to be the bear leader. They stand at the other end of the room or garden. They then call out an animal and the other players have to race to them moving like that animal. You could move like a: crab, elephant, kangaroo, snake, spider etc. Take turns being the leader. |
Tuesday | |
1) Understanding the World- Watch this video all about bears! After the video can you tell your grown up 3 facts you learnt about bears?
2) Phonics - Today you are going to be doing some writing.Can you draw a picture of your favourite bear from the video. Can you try and label your bear using your phonics to sound out? Older children could have a go at writing a simple caption about their bear. |
3) Physical- Can you go on a colour treasure hunt out in your garden or at the park or common? Can you find an egg box and paint each part a different colour? Can you then find things to match each colour of the box, e.g. pink flowers for the pink part. | |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- Can you carefully cut around the shapes on the sheet to make a brown bear? The older children could maybe draw and cut out some shapes to make their own 2D shape bear.
This story is perfect for teaching prepositions. Power point using prepositions. Maybe you could go on a bear hunt and an adult can give you clues using prepositions to find the bear. For example, "The bear is next to the plant pot." Try and use a variety of prepositions. Challenge- Swap roles, the child gives you clues to find the bear.
2) Phonics- Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by pointing to each letter, saying the sound and making the action in the air.
Sounds we have learnt so far: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h f
Box of Sounds Children sit in a circle. Place objects beginning with the above sounds in the centre of the circle. Pass a box containing the above sounds around the circle singing: Box of Sounds Pass it round, pass it round, pass it round. Box of Sounds Pass it round, what sound is it? (To the tune of London Bridge is falling down) Child holding box at the end of the song takes out the top card identifies sound and places it next to the corresponding object.For example. Gg Gorilla |
3)Today we're going to do the story bear hunt using cosmic yoga poses! | |
Thursday | |
1) PSED- The big brown bear is actually a friendly bear and he wanted the family to be his friend. The big brown bear has lots of bear friends and his favourite game that he plays with his friends is Hide n Seek. What games do you like to play with your friends and family? Play the game Mr. Bear Likes Honey.
The child with the ‘pot of honey’ must run all the way around their circle and try and get back to their space before Mr. Bear catches them. |
2) Fine motor skills-Support your child to use scissors to create strips of tissue paper to represent the different story settings. They could cut green paper for grass, white for the snowstorm and blue for the river. These could be taped at the ends of a large, open cardboard box or tunnel for the children to go through each setting.
Hide some plastic bear counters in a tray of soil or mud. Challenge the children to find the bears and rescue them from the mud using their fingers or large children’s tweezers.
3) Watch this video. Today we're going to move like lots of different animals! Talk about which animal you most liked the movements of. Did any surprise you? Which were the easiest and hardest to do the movements of? | |
Friday | |
1)Creative-Search for things around the house that make interesting noises, set them out, and explore the the sounds they make. Together, create the sound effects for each part of the story.For example, I did...
Art and Craft-Make binoculars out of toilet rolls to support the role play of the story. |
2)Phonics- Recap phase 2 sounds so far s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h f Adult pronounces the sound and the child matches the sound to the letter.Older children could write the letter.
Introduce new letter sound Ll To make the Ll sound- press just the tip of your tongue against the back of your upper teeth and voice out through your mouth. Sometimes it is helpful to curl the sides of your tongue upward Go on a Ll hunt like Geraldine and find objects beginning with this sound.
Can you read/write the word - log lamp
Take the spirit of this book outdoors and make your own bear hunt. Your bear hunt might be at a local park or in your own backyard.Use the lyrical pattern of the story to describe what you see and hear in your surroundings. Walk to your destination, singing along the way. Then quickly run back, just like in the story. Don’t get caught by the bear! | |
In the afternoon you could:
Beginning: 29th June 2020 Sports Week |
Monday |
1) Sports Week Challenges-Today's big challenge is the washing line. You need to time how long it takes you to put up 5 items of clothing with 2 pegs on each piece of clothing. You will probably have to create a low enough washing line together first. See what you have in the house that can work. Extend the learning by adding in counting skills, giving some fine motor practice first when showing how to peg clothes, talking about colours of the clothes.
Bunny hops- How far can you jump in 5 consecutive bunny hops. Please see the webpage on the website for a video showing Mrs Berry doing this activity as it shows what bunny hops look like.
2) Phonics- Recap on the sounds covered so far by pointing to each letter, saying the sound and making the action. Sounds we have covered so far in phase 2 :
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b
It's time to dig out your Metal Mike robots you made a few weeks ago. Mike is feeling hungry again!
Ask your adult to write the words below on small pieces of paper/card. Can you choose a word, sound it out and then blend the sounds to read the word? When you have read the word can you feed it to Metal Mike? Yum Yum!
Words to use: but, big, back, bet, bag, bed, bus, bug.
3) Physical- Standing vertical jump. Stand with both feet flat on the floor and reach as far as you can up a wall. Mark it in some way. Then bend and jump as high as you can, hitting the wall again. How much higher could you go? Have a few goes and perhaps your child how you could measure the distance. They are not expected to know measurements here - more non-standard ways such as 'we could put a shoe and see how many shoes go in between'. | |
Tuesday |
1) Sports Week Challenges- Today's big challenge is to make a coconut shy. Don't worry, no coconuts needed! Talk with your child about what a coconut shy is (usually coconuts balanced on sticks that you try to knock down in three throws of a hard ball), when they are used (at funfairs to make money and win prizes) and how you might make your own with what you have around the house. Things like bottles would make 'coconuts'. Let them lead the way in setting up their coconut shy - give as much help as needed. Have a go together at using the shy. Take turns being the 'owner' and the player. Extend the learning by bringing in numbers where possible - counting the bottles, counting when ones are knocked over, how many are left, how many more do you need to know, is the bottle full, nearly full, empty, nearly empty etc.
Potato dash- The child stands beside a pile of 5 potatoes. Lay out 5 bases. The child has to run to each base individually and drop a potato there and then run back to the potato pile to get the next one. How long does it take them to drop all five. Can they beat their best time? |
2) Recap on the sounds covered so far by writing as many of the letters you can remember on a large sheet of paper or using chalks outside on the floor. Once you have written them down can you jump on the letter and say the matching sound?
Sounds we have covered so far in phase 2 :
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b
Can you play this Fishy phonics game to practice segmenting and blending words?
Choose Phase 2 ,sets 1-3 sounds.
3)Physical-Standing long jump. Make a mark on the ground. Stand with both feet behind the mark then jump forwards. Your distance is how far from the mark to the nearest part of your body that touches the ground - be careful not to land and then let your hands fall down behind you as you will have to measure to them. Again, talk about some non-standard way of measuring so you can compare jumps. |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- Today's big challenge is to do some potato picking. For this you will need up to 15 potatoes scattered on the floor. Then see how many you can pick up by the time you count to 30.Or you could use a stop watch or the timer on your phone.
Keepie uppies. For this, Nursery will be bouncing a ball. How many bounces can you get the ball to make without losing control?Can you write your score? |
2)Phonics - Recap on the sounds covered so far by playing I spy with a grown up or family member. Sounds we have covered so far in phase 2 :
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b
Log onto phonics play website:
Username:march20 Password:home
Play the phonics games for phase 2. Try and beat your last score!
3)Physical- The javelin. For this you need a space to throw a ball or stick. Talk about over and under arm throwing. Have some time to practice. Sometimes less effort gets a longer throw. Talk about throwing away at head height, rather than straight up in the air. | |
Thursday | |
1)PSED - The big challenge today is to come up with your 65 challenge to celebrate Pelham's 65th birthday - for Nursery we will focus on either the number 6 or the number 5. Chat about what your child would like to do for this challenge. Do they want to do a writing challenge - like writing their name 6 times? Or a drawing challenge, like drawing 5 animals? Could it be a baking challenge where you bake 6 different types of cakes (haha, just kidding - 6 muffins would be fine!). Or are they keen for even more sports and would like to climb the stairs 5 times? Basically anything goes, but please have lots of conversation around it and encourage them to come up with ideas and how they will then carry out the challenge. We're looking for some independent youngsters here. |
3)Physical skills-Today's second challenge is to run! You can decide where you'd like to run. How many laps of your garden or the park can you do in 5 minutes (parents extend to 10 if you think your child can handle a longer time). You could also have a go at beating your number of laps after a rest if you have bundles of energy.
3)Physical-Today's third challenge is the blindfold balance. Put on a blindfold (jumper works well) and then try to balance on one leg. How long can you last before falling over? Try different legs. Try throwing something as you balance. Check out Mrs Harrison's Star Wars efforts on the sports day web page for inspiration - can you beat the teacher? | |
Friday | |
1) Creative - Today's challenge is the partner plank. For Nursery, try and get in the crab position, then do high fives with your partner (also in the crab position). How many can they do in 30 seconds or before falling. |
2)Phonics- Recap tricky words phase 2 Introduce new letter sound Ff Go on a Ff hunt like Geraldine and find objects beginning with this sound.
3)Physical- Obstacle Course Spend time before hand setting up an obstacle course together that you can complete while balancing an object on a spoon. Make some elements to go over, some to go under, some to go around. Let your child take the lead after some discussion of obstacle courses and after showing some pictures as examples. Talk about how to make it safe and how to run it safely. There are lots of learning opportunities here. |
In the afternoon you could.... -Review the week's challenges, which has been your favourite sports challenge? |
Beginning: 22nd June 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy- Listen to the story of My Friend Bear. After the story think about these questions:
Tomorrow you are going to role play having a teddy bears picnic with your teddies or soft toys. Today I want you to think about who from your household you would like to invite. Can you have a go at writing them an invitation? You need to say the time, place and ask them to bring a teddy/soft toy with them! Your grown up can help you with the writing. |
2) Phonics- Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by playing I spy with your grown up. Say: Can you find something beginning with....? Sounds we have learnt so far: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h
Log onto Phonics Play website: Username: march20 password: home
Choose one of the games of your choice from the Phase 2 selection to help practice your phonics skills. I wonder which one you will choose this time...
3) Physical- Today we're going to play pirates and treasure. Each pirate needs a base (perhaps a jumper). There should also be a pile of treasure (balls, blocks, rolls of socks, anything goes so long as there is at least 15 items). The pirates must run to the treasure pile, take one piece of treasure and put it safely in their base. Then they can go get one more and continue until there is no more treasure. You can have as many pirates as you like, just make more bases or form teams. This can also be a collaborative game if you all are on the one team collecting the treasure one at a time. | |
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World Can you set up your teddy bears picnic today? Spread a blanket across the floor or outside, lay out all your food (you can use real or pretend food) and set places for each person or teddy! What do they all need? Can you serve each person/teddy? Have fun! |
2) Phonics Can you draw a picture of your teddy bears picnic? Today you are going to have a go at labeling your picture using your phonics skills. Younger children may need support to hear the sounds in the words, older children might be able to have a go at sounding out some simple words (e.g ham, cup, rug) independently.
3)Physical-Today we'll work on our throwing and catching. You will need a basket or something similar to catch the balls/socks in. Both people sit on the ground opposite each other. One throws and one catches in the basket. See this video. Switch up roles. When your child is comfortable doing it while sitting, move to a kneeling position and then on to standing. Change things up with a bigger object (bigger ball) or different shaped object. |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- Teddy Bear counting song The big bear likes to eat lots of food. Plan a midnight feast for him and find out how much each food item will cost. Can you match that price label with the correct amount of pennies? The older children could maybe find the sum and write the number sentence. Honey 2p lettuce 1p berries 4p fish 5p
Colour by number Activity/worksheet |
2)Phonics - Recap sounds so far using phonic phase 2 mat |
3)Physical- Today we'll practice balancing objects. You will need a partner and a tea towel. Together, travel from one side of the room to the other balancing objects on the tea towel. Start with one item, maybe a ball, and then add more as you successful go from side to side without dropping them. What's the most you can carry? |
Thursday | |
1)PSED - Share the story book, My Friend Bear by Jez Alborough. Eddy's feeling sad and so is the Bear. They both wish they had a friend to talk to. All they've got is their teddies. This is a beautiful book to discuss feelings of loneliness and friendships. Lots of us felt lonely during lock down and missed our friends... Talk to your grown up about your favourite friends and what you like to do with them e.g. Maybe it’s playing hide n seek, building with construction kits or playing happy families with your toys etc. Write a letter to your friend and tell them how much you’ve missed them and why? Get a grown up to scribe for you. Draw a picture too. When you write a letter what things do you need? An envelope, a stamp, pen and pencil. |
3)Physical skills-Improving your child’s fine and gross motor skills. All you need are objects found around your house to complete these tasks.
3)Physical- Today we'll work on our running skills. Set up 5 bases apart from each other of different colours - you could use t-shirts. Call out a colour and the child/children run to that colour. Continue. You can change up what they have to do, like running sideways, hopping, backwards. | |
Friday | |
1) Creative - Teddy Bear song Activity- Draw a cuddly bear you have at home. Look carefully at the bear’s features. Can you see the paws/claws? How many legs and arms? Can’t wait to see your drawings… |
2)Phonics- Recap tricky words Introduce new sound Bb Jolly phonic song Go on a Bb sound hunt with your bag collecting objects beginning with Bb. Example a ball, bat, bear, bucket, banana, button etc. Can you write or use magnetic letters the words, bat bus bag Read the caption Can mum and dad sit back to back? |
3)Physical- Set up a target practice game. It could be skittles that they have to knock down, or bottles of water with a little water in them. Change the position of the items, from the ground, to up higher so your child gets to practice throwing in different ways. Move them closer or further away. Talk about overhand and underhand throwing.
In the afternoon you could.... - Make some teddy bear biscuits, using this recipe. -Make a paper plate Bear collage.
Beginning: 15th June 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy- Listen to the story of The Foggy Foggy Forest by Nick Sharratt. As reading, stop for to guess what each shadow might be. Can you join in with the repetitive language: "What can this be in the foggy, foggy forest?" Can you name some of the characters lurking in the fog? Read the story again, now listening for the words which rhyme. e.g. fairy queen on a trampoline, three brown bears on picnic Chairs. Can you find all the rhyming words? |
2) Phonics- Blending and reading CVC words. Use with this video to practice sounding out and blending CVC words to read them, using the sounds we have learnt so far.
After the video:
Can you have a think of any other words we could make using the same letters?
Can you have a go at sounding out and writing some of the words from the video? Younger children may need support with linking sounds to letters, older children might be able to have an attempt at sounding out and writing the words.
3) Physical- Sports day is coming! Let's get ready by practicing some of the key skills. Today we'll do a balancing skill. Have a go at the activities in this video. | ||||
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World-
Exploring with Shadow Puppets!
1.Make a shadow puppet/s by drawing a simple outline of an animal/person or an object. 2.Cut out your picture and stick it to a lolly pop stick or a pen. 3. Shine a torch at the puppet to make a shadow puppet on a wall. 4. Think about what a shadow is and how it is made. 5. Can you use a hole punch to make holes in your puppets? 6. Make shadow puppets on the wall again. You will see the holes you have made in the puppet, as light spots on the wall. Think about: Why can you see the light spots on the wall? |
2) Phonics- Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by pointing to each letter, saying the sound and making the action in the air.
Sounds we have learnt so far: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r
What's in the box game! We are going to play 'What's in the box'. Ask your grown up to hide some/all of these items in a box or a bag. If you don't have these items at home you can use pictures of the items instead. Items to use:
sock, peg, tin, pen, top, cup, pan, pot
Your grown up will choose one of the items and sound it out to you e.g: p-e-g. You need put the sounds together to guess which item they are sounding out. If you get it right you can keep the item! Once you have had a turn, swap roles and see if you can have a go at sounding some of the words out yourself!
3)Physical- Today we'll look at our throwing. Put a hoop down on the floor and try to throw balls (or rolled up socks) into it. Move it further away to make more of a challenge. Look at throwing under arm as well as over arm. Which gets more in? |
Wednesday | ||||
1) Maths- Provide opportunities for sorting and discussion of daily routines. Photos of activities that take place during day or night. (Maybe photos of your child doing these activities). Ask your child to help make cards by gluing photos of daytime and night time activities. Encourage them to sort the cards by day and night, and talk about their own routines. What do you do when you get up in the morning?
Try tracing shadows outside with chalk on a sunny day.Can you measure the length of the shadow using foot-spans, hand-spans,string or a measuring tape. Can you write that number? |
2)Phonics -Recap the sounds so far in phase 2 Jolly Phonics. Sing the songs and add the actions.
Introduce new phoneme Hh. Brainstorm objects beginning with Hh
3)Physical- Today we're going to practice running. Find a wide open space (maybe in the park or your garden). Choose a start and finish point and then do ready, steady, go! Remember to look forwards when you run. Can you compete against someone else in your family? Can you do a hop race? Try having a race where you pass a stick to each other (relay). Did you have to slow down when you were passing it? |
Thursday | ||||
1)PSED - Celebrate our differences
Learn the song with the same tune as ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’. The words are,‘We’re all different and we are friends, we are friends, we are friends! We’re all different and we are friends, let’s see how together!’ Read the book, We are all Different Question the children about the differences on each page. “How are the children different?”, “Why do they like different things?” Introduce the word ‘unique’ as meaning one of a kind.Focus on the last page ‘We are all different. We are all sisters, brothers,friends!’ Talk about the importance of being unique.
3)Physical skills- Shadow Dancing Materials: Table lamp, flashlights, music Place a table lamp so that it will cast shadows against a blank wall. Turn off other lights and play a variety of music, encouraging your child to make shadows on the wall as they dance. Can you jump on your shadow? Can you make your shadow bigger/smaller?
3)Physical- Today we'll play a game called fetch! Watch the video and have a go with someone in your family. You have to be very alert and ready for when the ball passes you to start running. |
Friday | ||||
1) Creative - Learn and sing The Shadow Song Share the book The Foggy Foggy Forest and talk about the pictures. What colours can you see?Can you name some of the characters lurking in the fog? Explain to your child that a silhouette can show an object's shape, but it can't show colours or details. Create a foggy foggy forest picture using different types of paper and materials. Maybe you could scrunch up tissue paper for the trees or use black paper to create a tree silhouette. Maybe cover your picture with tracing paper for the fog.Try and be as creative as you can... Have fun!
2)Phonics- Jump and hop as you match the sound to the letter. Write the letters covered so far on strips of paper.
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h
Can you sing the jolly phonic song for Hh
3)Physical-Back to balance. Grab a spoon and a hard boiled egg (or some rolled up socks). How far can you travel without dropping your egg? How fast can you travel without dropping your egg? Can you step over something? Can you climb under something? Can you hop without dropping it?
In the afternoon you could.... Make a nature collage with objects collected from the woods or at your local park. Make a forest picture using paints or felt tips. Put on a puppet show with your shadow puppets. |
Beginning: 8th June 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy- Listen to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. After the story think about these questions:
Can you choose one of the characters from the story and have a go at describing them? What do they look like? Can you describe their features? For example: "The wolf has sharp, pointy white teeth."
2) Phonics- We are going to play a game called Cross the River. Lay a piece of material or coloured paper across the floor to represent a river. Write some simple 3 letter words on pieces of paper, one letter on each piece of paper. Lay out one word at a time letter by letter across the river, these letters will be 'stepping stones' which you will use to cross the river. As the child jumps on each stone they must say the sound, once they have reached the last sound they should put the sounds together to say the word and successfully cross the river! Oh and beware of the crocodile!!
Words you can use: map, man, cot, pop, gap, men, sun, mud. |
3) Physical- Listen and join in to this animal action song. | |||||
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World Watch this video clip of woodland animals. What animals can you spot? Can you name them all? Choose one of the animals from the video. Can you find out three fun facts about that animal with your grown up?
2) Phonics Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by pointing to each letter, saying the sound and making the action in the air.
Sounds we have learnt so far: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u
Letter snap game! We are going to play snap but with letter cards instead of normal snap cards. To make your letter snap cards, write the sounds we have learnt so far on small pieces of paper or card, one letter on each piece. Make two sets of cards. Each player has a set of cards, they take turns to place one card down at a time, if the cards match the first person to shout SNAP wins! You can adapt this game to make it harder by making a set of cards using the three letter words we used yesterday. If the words match, the first person to shout SNAP wins.
3) Physical-
1 minute challenge! Can you see how many of each exercises you can do in one minute?
Wednesday | |||||
1) Maths- Measuring/Capacity
Teach-Sing the jolly phonic song for Rr Introduce new phoneme r. Write using chalk. Practice-Read word r-a-t. Phoneme frame – write rat, rack, rag, rot
Apply-Point your hand to the correct caption- Rip up the rag The cat got a rat.
3)Physical- Work out Wednesday. Time to get those cuddly woodland toys or figures out and place in different parts of your home. Can you collect them all in your basket or bag before the 3 minute timer? |
Thursday | |||||
1)PSED - Every child has a right to feel safe. Share the story Little Red Riding Hood. What is a stranger?Little Red Riding Hood does not know the wolf, and naively tells him information. Explain that strangers are people we do not know. Some strangers are nice, some are not, but because we do not know them we need to know how to keep ourselves safe.
Activity-Using any type of paper. Trace around your child’s hand and ask them who the people are that make them feel safe. List those people on the fingers of each hand. Follow up this activity with a discussion on “safety words.” Teach words that express their wants, feelings and emotions that promote protective behaviors such as: - Stop - No - I don’t like what you are doing - That makes me sad/ angry/ scared Encourage your child to share a time when they were sad, scared or someone wasn't kind to them, maybe at the park,school etc. |
3)Physical/ fine motor skills- Finger Gym Little Red Riding Hood can tie a ribbon around her cape. Can you tie a ribbon around your teddy's neck? Great opportunity for your child to learn how to button or zip up their cardigans or jackets. Enjoy! Boxes and construction toys to build model houses.Cardboard tubes to create model woods.
3)Physical-Just Dance The Fox | |||||
Friday | |||||
1) Creative - Tell an adult your favourite part of the Little Red Riding Hood story. The main character, Little Red riding hood, loves the colour red. Take time to chat to your family and find out everyone's favourite colour . Fruit and vegetables come in lots of different colours. Can you think of a fruit or vegetable for every colour in the rainbow? Make a colourful collage. You could use bits of old fabric, paper or card. Maybe some natural materials, like petals and leaves. Can't wait to see your colourful pictures! |
2)Phonics- Revisit-Geraldine the Giraffe Rr sound Teach reading tricky words and, the, to. Practice-Pairs game and, the, to. Apply-Read sentences together. The man is sick A cat and a dog. |
3)Physical-Little Red Riding Hood Yoga
In the afternoon you could....
Beginning: 1st June 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy- Listen to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. After the story think about these questions:
This is a great story to have a go at acting out, can you have a go? You could use real props e.g, bowls, chairs and beds to retell and act out the story with your grown up? |
2) Phonics- Today we are going to be practicing listening to and identifying rhyming words.
Listen and join in with this rhyming song, I love to rhyme!
Can you play the Buzzy Bee rhyming game? Click here to play. Can you click on the buzzy bees that rhyme? Younger children may need help reading the words, older children might like to have a go trying to sound out and read the words themselves. |
3) Physical- Listen and join in to this song about Goldilocks? | |
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World Goldilocks was walking through the woods to the three bears house. Today we are going to be thinking about what creatures live in the woods. Here is a list of animals, which ones might you find living in the woods? Discuss this with your grown up. Would you find a........
Can you make your own woodland picture? You could draw some trees and add one or some of the animals you might find living there to your picture. |
2) Phonics Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by playing I spy with your grown up. Say: Can you find something beginning with....? Sounds we have learnt so far:
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u
Today you are going to having a go at making your own letter and sounds book!
Can you staple or sellotape some pieces of paper together to make a mini book? On each page can you choose one of the sounds we have learnt so far and draw a picture of something beginning with that sound? Can you write the letter next to it? Your book can be as short or as long as you like. When it is finished can you read it together with your grown up?
3)Cosmic yoga- We are going on a Bear hunt! Can you join in here? |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- Using objects collected from your garden or the woods e.g. sticks, stones etc. Count how many are dropped into the bowl. Can you match the quantity with a number?
Main activity- Make some porridge with an adult and label some bowls or cups with numbers 0-5 or older children 0-10. Can you add that number of porridge spoons into the cup or bowl.
This fairy tale is a great way of comparing and learning about size. Maybe you could set the table for the three bears, making sure Daddy bear has the big cutlery and Baby bear has the small cutlery. Have fun! |
2)Phonics - Write the sounds so far taught on the ground with chalk. Maybe in your garden or on the pavement on your street. s a t p i n m d g o c k e u
Can you segment and blend these sounds to read the word? Blending CVC words |
3)Physical- Dance with Teddy Bear |
Thursday | |
1)PSED - Join in with the repetitive phrases with this Goldilocks and the Three Bears song. Discuss with your family if you think Goldilocks should have gone into the Three Bears house? Why? Do you think the Three Bears were right to scare Goldilocks? Why?What do you think was fair? Explain to an adult. Watch Judge Jenny |
3)Physical/ fine motor skills- Putting tops on bottles and jars. Make a Goldilocks mask. Cut string or wool for her hair and stick to a paper plate or paper.Can you use other materials to stick for her face?
3)Physical- Make up an obstacle course at home. How many times can you complete the course in 3 minutes? Use a timer. | |
Friday | |
1) Creative - Poor baby bears chair was broken and he was very sad. Can you make baby bear a new chair from recyclable materials? Ideas to build a chair for Baby Bear
2)Phonics- Recap on the Jolly phonic songs Sounding out words using letters from phase 2. If you would like your child to sound out independently, simply mute the video. |
3)Physical- Joe Wicks with Betsy
In the afternoon you could.... Have a go at making some of your own yummy porridge! Can you find out some facts about Bears? Maybe you could have play picnic with your toy bears or teddies? |
Beginning: 18th May 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy- Listen to the story of Avocado baby. After the story think about these questions:
Imagine you had super strong powers- what would you use them for? Can you draw a picture of something you would do using your super strong powers! Older children could label their pictures with simple words using their phonics to sound out.
2) Phonics- Practicing blending for reading. We are going to be using your Metal Mike robots you made a couple of weeks ago! Metal Mike is hungry for some words! Ask your grown up to write down these words on small pieces of paper or card. We will be practicing reading words with the u sound you learnt last week.
Words to use: up, Mum, run, mug, cup, sun, tuck, mud
Use your phonics to sound out each word, put the sounds together to say the word and then feed it to Metal Mike! Yum Yum! |
3) Physical- Listen and join in to this song about funny foods! |
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World We have been learning about different fruit and vegetables this term- can you have a go at setting up your own fruit and vegetable/other food shop to play shops with? You could use play food or real food from the kitchen. Can you display your food and maybe even write some labels for the things you have in your shop? Take turns in being the customer and buying items from the shop using play money or real money. Older children could also have a go at writing a shopping list of things they need from the shop. |
2) Phonics Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by naming one thing that begins with each of the sounds as quickly as you can! Sounds we have learnt so far:
s a t p i n m d g o c k e u
Log onto Phonics Play website: Username: march20 password: home
Choose one of the games of your choice from the Phase 2 selection to help practice your phonics skills. I wonder which one you will choose... |
3)Physical- Can you join in with this crocodile action song? |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths- The singing Walrus counting song Numbers are all around us, from calendars to the remote control, the telephone to car registration plates. Try pointing out numbers when you’re out and about – on front doors, signs, the front of buses and train platforms. Activity-In the kitchen cupboards, look and read numbers on containers, boxes or tins. Play the game Teddy Numbers reading the number and feeding the teddy with that number of objects. |
2)Phonics -Learning to be aware of words that rhyme. Starter- Play Simple Simon Says with rhyming words.Simple Simon says, put your hand on your welly(belly), bear (hair), rose (nose) beak cheek Read the book, Sam's Sandwich by David Pelham. As you watch the video encourage your child to guess the creature by listening for the rhyming word.Trail-Snail/Hole-Tadpole/Need-Centipede/Filler-Caterpillar/Squirm-Worm/Pants-Ants. |
3)Physical- Work out Wednesday
Obstacle course at home that involves rolling, crawling and kicking a ball. |
Thursday | |
1)PSED Share and discuss the power point, Looking After a baby. Can you draw yourself as a baby with the toys you liked to play with and draw yourself now? How have you changed? |
3)Physical/ fine motor skills Develop fine motor skills with Straw Rainbow Lacing DIY
3)Physical- Just Dance I'm a Gummy Bear | |
Friday | |
1) Creative Avocado baby was a fussy eater and only liked eating avocados. What's your favourite meal? Can you make your favourite meal using paper or junk materials. My favourite dinner is an egg, a carrot and some peas. |
2)Phonics- Learning to identify the initial sound in words. Watch Sam's Sandwich again. What was in the sandwich? There was some (say the initial sound) w-watercress,e-egg,t-tomato, s-salami The older children could write the letter or attempt to write the word. |
3)Physical- Yoga pose for relaxation
In the afternoon you could.... Maybe set up a baby clinic in your home. Don't forget to include weighing scales and pretend medical equipment and forms. Design a baby bib or draw some baby grows or sleep suits. Look at some photos from when you were a baby together with your grown up. |
Beginning: 11th May 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy Listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. After the story can you answer these questions: Can you remember any of the food the caterpillar ate? What happened to the caterpillar after he ate all that food? What was the name of the house the caterpillar built around himself? How long did he stay inside for? What had he turned into when he came out? Can you have a go at retelling the story in your own words? |
2) Phonics Recap the sounds we have learnt so far by playing I spy. Sounds we have learnt: s a t p i n m d g o c k e
Can you play Make A Match on the phonicsplay website (Phase 2, letter sets 1-3). Username: march20 password: home Click on two cards to turn them over. Can you find a pair with a matching picture and word? If you don't make a match, the cards will turn back over. How quickly can you find all the pairs? |
3) Physical Can you make up some actions for the Hungry Caterpillar song? | |
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World We are going to be looking at symmetry. A butterfly has symmetrical patterns on their wings. This means they are the same both sides. There are lots of symmetrical patterns in nature and in everyday objects. Can you look around your house or flat and find any objects that are symmetrical? You could draw pictures of the things you find. Here are a few things I thought of:
2) Phonics Recap the sounds we have learnt so far with these jolly phonics songs. Using chalks outside or large sheets of paper and pens inside can you make a letter hopscotch using the sounds we have learnt? If you wanted to make it harder you could write some simple words using the sounds you know. As you hop/jump on the sound or the word shout it out!
3) Physical Cosmic yoga- The Very Hungry Caterpillar | |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths-Focus Days of the week Learn the days of the week song What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow? Do you eat certain dinners or food on different days of the week? Together make a calendar using junk modelling. Keep a record of the weather.
2)Phonics - Letter sound Uu Revisit - Use flashcards to practice sets 1 -3 letters. Play sound tennis, take turns to say the sound. Teach Introduce new phoneme u. Write shape in air. Model sound in word s-u-n. Uu sound Geraldine the Giraffe What can you find in your house beginning with this sound?
Practise Play buried treasure. |
3)Physical- Work out Wednesday
Obstacle course at home that involves jumping, throwing and catching. |
Thursday | |
1)PSED- Trying new things just like the hungry caterpillar. Read the story, The Hungry Caterpillar, talk about the range of food the caterpillar eats and how important it is to try new things. The caterpillar quickly realised that if you eat a whole bunch of junk food, you’re not going to feel that great. Together make a rainbow fruit kebab. Maybe you could try a new fruit for the first time… |
3)Physical/ fine motor skills- Printing with leaves carefully spacing and leaving gaps between the prints.
3)Physical- Head shoulders knees and toes – not saying body part names letting your child say which part you are touching, starting off slowly and building up to fast song. | |
Friday | |
1) Creative - Make the Hungry caterpillar from egg cartons.
Revisit – Questions – Ask your child to read and answer if true. Thumbs up/down. Adults please write the sentences on strips of paper. Can the sun run? Is mud red?
Teach- Jolly phonic song with action for U. Practise Alphablocks u sound Reading the CVC words on plastic bottles or skittles. Knock that word down once you have read it. Dug but bud hug hum run |
3)Physical- Emotional Actions- Carer or parent calls out actions and your child imitate the different emotions. Can you stand in a space calmly? Can you walk around the room angrily? Can you sit peacefully? Can you lie sleepily? Can you jump happily? |
In the afternoon you could.... Go on a caterpillar hunt.Where do you find caterpillars? Why? Chat to your family to find out their favourite fruit? Can you paint a beautiful butterfly? Maybe the older children could draw the life cycle of a butterfly. Share some fact books about caterpillars.Tell an adult 2 facts about caterpillars. |
Beginning: 4th May 2020 |
Monday |
1) Literacy Listen to Miss Weston read the story of The Enormous Turnip (see the video above). After the story: Can you remember who tried to help pull the turnip out first? Who helped next? See if you can remember the order of the different characters who tried to help. Can you have a go at making your own story map by drawing pictures from the story in the correct order? Use this example here to give you an idea of how to do it. Older children could have a go at labeling some of the pictures e.g. boy, cat, dog by using their phonics skills to sound out the words. |
2) Phonics Metal Mike is a robot who only speaks in sounds and loves eating words! Here he is:
Can you have a go at making your own metal mike using an old cardboard box? You could decorate him using tinfoil or paints and any other junk modelling materials. You will need an adult to help you cut out a rectangular mouth for him so he can be ready to eat some words! We are going to be using Metal Mike tomorrow to practice sounding some words out and feeding them to him- I hope he is hungry! |
3) Listen to this song about The Enormous Turnip- can you make up your own actions and sing along? | |
Tuesday |
1) Understanding the World Fruit and vegetable sort! Can you draw two large circles on a large sheet of paper or make two circles outside using chalks. Can you collect all the fruit and vegetables you have in your kitchen? Can you sort the items into the two circles- the fruit in one and the vegetables in the other? You can use pictures instead of real fruit or vegetables if that is easier. Now can you sort the fruit and vegetables using one circle for the ones that grow under the ground and one circle for the ones that grow above the ground? Now think of your own way to sort the fruit and vegetables.
2) Phonics Today we are going to be practicing sounding out and blending to read simple words using Metal Mike. We are going to be using robot voices to sound out each word before we feed it to Mike. Ask your adult to write down these words on small pieces of card of paper, one word on each piece of card. Words to use: pip, tin, man, sad,dig, pop,cot, kit, sock, kick.
Lay the words out over the floor, take it in turns to choose a word, have a go at sounding it out using your best robot voice and then put the sounds together to say the word. Once you have read the word you can feed it to Mike!
How many words can you get Mike to eat? He is quite greedy!! |
3) Body Bop action song- learning station. |
Wednesday | |
1) Maths Together collect the vegetables you have at home.Look at their shapes. Do they have straight or curved sides? Can you make a triangle, square, rectangle and a pentagon using lolly sticks or sticks from the garden?
Now try making a circle. Tell your parent/carer about this.
2)Phonics- Letter sound Ee Revisit -Linking the sound to the letter. Show the letter and the child jumps and shouts the sound. Letters are: S a t p i n m d g o c k Teach Geraldine the Giraffe Ee What can you find in your house beginning with this sound?
Practise blending CVC words Alpha blocks Now read and then feed Metal Mike... Words to use: pet leg pen peg hen ten net den get ted |
3)Physical- Hokey Pokey fruit and vegetables | |
Thursday | |
1)PSED- Healthy Eating Discuss foods that can be found at home. Ask questions like, what is your favourite fruit? What is your favourite vegetable? What types of foods do you like to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Collect them and sort according to the headings, ‘Cakes and sweets, Fruit and vegetables, Meat, fish, beans or eggs, Dairy, Bread/cereal.
Activity-Children can make a healthy lunch remembering to make it balanced and colourful. Parent/Carer gives an example of an unhealthy lunch to help them understand the better food choices. |
2)Phonics- Letter sound Ee
Revisit – Sing the jolly phonic song with actions. Brainstorm objects beginning with this sound. Teach- Letter formation e Practise Making this letter shape e using playdoh or sticking ribbon, pasta or materials onto paper. Or maybe an adult could write a big e letter shape for you to decorate.
3)Physical-Sandwich pose Cosmic yoga | |
Friday | |
Happy Bank Holiday Everyone!
In the afternoon you could.... - Listen to the story of the adventures of a very special kind of vegetable- Supertato! - Draw or print with vegetables.Can you make a pattern? -Try and read or share a book everyday for 10 minutes (this can be done at any time in the day!) |