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Pelham Primary School


Year 3: Kestrels and Kingfishers


In Year 3, children make the important transition from the expectations of Key Stage 1 to those of Key Stage 2. 

We encourage independence and resilience, and support the children with developing their ability to be organised and their problem solving and team work skills.  Topic linked Skills Builders projects and Challenge Days help develop key skills. For example, in the Autumn Term, children organise a food fair, creating recipes and promotional materials with a Stone Age theme. 

Please refer to our Curriculum Overview for further information about our subject coverage and topics. 


Children are expected to complete Spelling, English and Maths homework every week. 

Spellings are given out (via Google Classroom) on Mondays and assessed on Fridays. 

English and Maths tasks are given out on Wednesdays and are due on Mondays. These may be given out as hard copies in homework folders or, as tasks via Google Classroom. We would encourage you to keep all evidence in their homework folders. 

Click here for Kestrels Google Classroom.

Click here for Kingfishers Google Classroom. 


In the Autumn Term, children are expected to complete a History project at home. Children are encouraged to pick a line of enquiry and research related facts. They may present their work, to the rest of the class, in a variety of ways. Children love presenting their finished projects and listening to peer feedback. 

Projects completed during the Summer Term have a Geography focus, linked to our North America topic.